Not enough people to swallow an elephant! Greed is endless.

Seeing Fang Qingshan and the others desperately dissatisfied, the others couldn’t help twitched their mouths.

I’m not satisfied with this, let them get nothing, so what is the feeling of the people who just look at?

At the same time, an invisible pressure swept toward all the disciples.

This kind of pressure is not the substantive pressure that the previous emperor manifested and Level 4 Supreme Treasure was born, but ideal.

Those Outer Sect Disciple and Inner Sect disciples will not talk about it. After all, they are already very different from Fang Qingshan and the others, so they still don’t feel much.

The true inheritance disciple is different.

As a true inheritance disciple, a natural high Inner Sect disciple is not only the status, but also the strength.

But now, this situation has been broken, Fang Qingshan and the others have also been promoted to true inheritance, and their strength is even less than they can compete.

The feeling of being overtaken by others is not at all uncomfortable.

I’m used to aloof and remote, who is willing to succumb to others.

Even Jiang Bawang and the others faced Pangbo and Fang Qingshan, and there was no source of pressure.

Because if they don’t break through again, being surpassed by Fang Qingshan and the others is just around the corner, and even many people have already been surpassed by them.

“It seems that after the Inner Sect grand competition, I should go to retreat right away.”

This is what Jiang Bawang thought.

“The emperor will never go out without breakthrough.”

Of course, it is not only Jiang Bawang who has this idea, but true inheritance ten Head Disciple is like this, even this time. The disciples of Extreme Martial Sect and Unfettered Sect also think so.

Everyone is of the same generation, who is willing to lag behind?

As for the eyebrow lawsuits and psychological activities of the disciples on the field, Zhuge Jin didn’t know, and didn’t care about it at all.

Because of pressure, there is motivation.

If everyone is encouraged to work hard and you chase me, he will wake up with a smile when he falls asleep.

“The Inner Sect grand competition is over. Inner Sect ten Head Disciple, Fang Qingshan, Pang Bo, Zheng Xuan…Di Yi, Nie Yun and the others all advanced to true inheritance disciple, respectively Reward Dao Yi value…you can enter all the Heavenly Paradise cultivation, Ranked 1st Fang Qingshan, Pang Bo can enter the Dao Yi door secret library and choose three treasures.”

hear By this, the other people in Daoyimen, true inheritance, ordinary Elder could not stop showing expressions of envy and jealousy.

First, the Akasaka Realm, and then the addition of fate, now it is the Taoist value reward, and it is also the promotion of true inheritance, especially Fang Qingshan and Pangbo can actually enter the secret library to choose Treasure, and there are still three pieces, it really doesn’t work if you want people not to be envied or jealous.

The Daoyimen seniors are determined to set up a slogan and stimulate everyone.

The secret storehouse of Daoyimen has been opened since Daoyimen was founded. The treasures are so many and precious that it is self-evident.

cultivation technique, Divine Ability, battle skill, heavenly materials and earthly treasures, spiritual pills and miraculous medicines, Sacred Jewel… only you can’t think of, there is nothing to find.

The worst of them are probably the treasures ranked in Level 2 high grade, Level 2 Peak, Level 3 Early-Stage, and mid-stage ones abound, even in the later stage of Level 3, there are not a few, even There may be no Level 3 Peak.

If you have good luck, you can find a Level 3 Peak Supreme Treasure, it’s really ascending to the skies with a single leap. Even for his breakthrough emperor, and even after the breakthrough, it will be of great help.

After all, Level 3 Supreme Treasure is like the Emperor Peak. Refining him is like a Emperor Peak completely undefended in front of you. Feeling something from scratch is of great benefit to the breakthrough Emperor.

And not every emperor has Level 4 Supreme Treasure. Except for those with inheritance or good luck, many emperors hold Level 3 Supreme Treasure when they just broke through. It will be in the future. It is through continuous sacrifices.

Not to mention these, Daoyimen’s Inner Sect grand competition is over. Naturally, people from all walks of life have gone back to their homes, but this matter is not at all over.

As the situation of this time Inner Sect grand competition came out, a new wave of vibration was once again on the scene.

Especially the last stop of Fang Qingshan and Pangbo, as well as the emergence of Eternal Heaven boat, Beast Emperor blood essence, humane torrent, time and space river, Level 4 Supreme Treasure, illusory shadow, etc. It’s a shame to let people who didn’t participate in the Inner Sect grand competition compete. They missed such a wonderful thing.

After all, Lang Qianli did not fight Fang Qingshan. After watching the Inner Sect grand competition, he knew that his invitation to Fang Qingshan was just an inviting humiliation to oneself that’s all.

Although his strength is good, he is at most compared with Emperor Yan and the others. Compared with Zheng Xuanjiangshan, it is only five to five, not to mention Fang Qingshan and Pang. Bo up.

“The scholars should treat each other with admiration for three days.”

At the beginning, he and Fang Qingshan were still listening to the Dao in Fuyuan Mountain together. How long has this passed? Fang Qingshan has already thrown off him a lot.

However, this not at all hits him. The cultivator never competes for a short time. This time Fang Qingshan is one step ahead, it will only inspire the fighting spirit of the thousands of miles, in order to make the future.

Fang Qingshan can’t care about how the outside world talks.

After the Inner Sect grand competition was over, Fang Qingshan did not immediately go to the secret library to select treasure after barely coping with the necessary entertainment. Instead, he huddled on the island of life and death, and the door did not go out. , The little half a month of cultivation.

One is to hide and quiet, and the other is to cultivate.

Hidden Qingjing understands well. He has become the Inner Sect Head Disciple, and now he is promoted to true inheritance. The means of exposure, the cultivation base, and the rewards of sect are enough for people to get close, take refuge, and place bets.

Unfortunately, Fang Qingshan has no interest at all.

He knows that the source of all this is his own strength. With strength, these people are flocking to them, without strength, abandoning them like dross.

It’s like being poor in the busy city and no one asks, and rich in the mountains have distant relatives.

So, instead of chatting with them, it is better to have a good rest.

Don’t look at Fang Qingshan in the grand competition, slamming Fang Qiu, and finally it is triumphant progress all the way, and achieved the first good result. It seems majestic and respected by everyone.

But during the period, I didn’t talk about trembling with fear, like walking on thin ice, but it also used up my mind.

Fighting against the common disciple is also that’s all, fighting against the emperor in the Akasaka world, qualifying, and fighting Pangbo, all of which drained the last bit of effort.

The island of life and death.

The vitality is clear, but they are entangled with each other, perfect and harmonious.

Among them, the heavenly materials and earthly treasures of various life and death attributes are scattered and luxuriant, and all kinds of Spirit Beast fierce birds come and go, making them happy.

Rainbow through the sky, Purple Qi 氤氲, Yingcai Liuxia, Dao Rhyme Tiancheng.

Under the withered tree, Fang Qingshan leaned lazily on a bed, staring into the distance without focusing his eyes, feeling relieved. There is no cultivation, and no comprehend.

In this period of time, while he is repairing the injuries caused by the battle with Pangbo, he is also conserving strength and store up energy to restore his mind.

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