Seeing the high morale in Daoyimen, watching the expressions of everyone in Daoyimen weeping with joy.

Piaoxue Palace, Unfettered Sect, Extreme Martial Sect people are silent.

Compared to those Heaven’s Chosen, this sense of belonging to sect is more attractive to them.

It’s like comparing a person’s talents, but some actually value will and mood more.

As a great sect, Great Influence, they know more about how rare this sect is.

The so-called distraction, the team is not easy to lead.

The same is true for a sect.

If there is no centripetal force, that is, the sect members and disciple’s sense of identification with the sect, even if the sect is not attacked, I am afraid that it will not be far from disintegration.

However, if this sense of identification is quite strong, even no matter how difficult it is, I am afraid there will be times when you can see the moonlight.

This is the case with Daoyimen.

After the fall of the general emperor Old Ancestor, the power of the sect will be greatly reduced, and even become depressed. Even if it can recover, I am afraid that it will have to wait for the birth of Heaven’s Chosen, the breakthrough emperor.

However, Daoyimen is not at all, and it has declined too much.

This is of course because they live in the world, they have many allies, and they also have Level 4 Supreme Treasure in the door. They have a deep heritage, etc., but the most important thing is people.

Because of Tan Lao’s effort to abandon his future, because of almost all sect seniors to support the younger generation, because of Direct Disciple, all people are united and united, because of…

There are not no other sects, but the power of Tao Yimen is more cohesive and powerful.

That’s why Daoyimen can get out of decline so quickly and move towards ZTE.

For the people of Piaoxue Palace, Unfettered Sect, Extreme Martial Sect, they don’t know and don’t care at all.

Don’t talk about them, it’s the feelings of this group of Old Guys in Daoyimen, no one noticed at this moment.

Now, most people are attracted by the sudden appearance of the fate sea.

After the sea of ​​merit fate manifested, the natural phenomenon between heaven and earth not only didn’t stop, but became more turbulent.

I can only hear it, looking up to the sky a dragon roar, and the sound trembles the sky, reaching all directions.

Suddenly, a purple-golden True Dragon swims in the sea of ​​merit fate, turning the rivers and seas, moving clouds and raining, this True Dragon is lifelike, exactly similar to the real creature, Dragon Race, with smart eyes , Dragon’s Might is like a prison, and it seems that it is no smaller than the brand of the previous fighter, Sees The Head Of The Divine Dragon But Not The Tail.

fate True Dragon!

If the sea of ​​fate merits is a gathering of fate merits, but it is like a federation and a dish of loose sand, then fate True Dragon is the essence of it.

roar roar roar! ! !

At the moment when this True Dragon appeared, I saw a fate True Dragon rushing out of everyone’s heads in the Daoyimen, rising into the sky, roar towards the sky, but there are big and small, there are Purple Gold, there is silver.

These True Dragons worshipped the True Dragon in the sky at the moment they appeared. For a while, they formed a picture of ten thousand dragons facing the sky.

This is not over yet. After True Dragon appeared, I opened my mouth and vomited. It was not dragon breath or dragon ball, but a list. A huge list flashing purple divine light, full of divine majesty.

Like the size of a sky, it is engraved with immeasurable Taoism. As long as the Taoyi gate has appeared on it, it is not so much a list, it is better to say that it is a Taoyi gate. The general outline of cultivation, the moment it appeared, everyone in Daoyimen felt their faintly discernable connection with it, only in strength and weakness.

This thing is not a side thing, but a real treasure of Daoyimen, like the Imperial Jade Seal of the Daqian Empire, and the All Heavens Chessboard of Fang Qingshan, which are the Supreme Treasures that suppress fate.

Level 4 Supreme Treasure!

Tao Yi Bang!

Still on the Sword of All Seas and Wildernesses and the Umbrella of All Nations in the heyday. At that time, the old Ancestor of Daoyimen fell, and the reason why the sea of ​​fate is still broken is indispensable.

Don’t talk about it, Daoyimen can have today, thanks to the suppression of fate.

Think about Great Desolate. The reason why Xuanmen Three Sects can develop like the sun at high noon is because sect has a treasure to suppress fate.

While Western Buddhism does not have Supreme Treasure to suppress fate, although one teaches two Saints, they are still held down by the Three Sects of the mysterious door, and can only be the sword moves with side stroke.

From this, we can know the benefits of suppressing fate treasures.

Of course, complement each other, this treasure can be promoted to the present, thanks to Tao Yimen.

This is the particularity of fate Supreme Treasure.

Combination will benefit both, and defeat will hurt both.

The stronger the power, the stronger the fate, the faster the fate Supreme Treasure will be promoted, and the stronger the formidable power will be.

Just like the two magical artifacts of the great empire in the hands of Jiangshan, the Sword of All Seas and Eight Desolations and the Umbrella of the People of the World, although these two magical artifacts were not comparable to the Taoist rankings, once It has blessed the people’s will of the Dagan Empire, fate merits, and formidable power can definitely increase more than three levels.

However, with the collapse of the big gun, it is now comparable to some Level 3 Supreme Treasure. And even if it hasn’t been hit hard, it’s probably the weakest existence among Level 4 Supreme Treasure.

The so-called success is also Xiaohe and Xiaohe. Relying on the external force too much, once there is a problem with the external force, he will also have problems with it.

Leave aside these, but said that with the emergence of Dao Yi Bang, a larger wave of natural phenomenon is splashing, blowing great law conch in the sky, knocking Dafa drum, Heavenly Sound Array. ten thousand zhang divine light bloom. The illusory shadows of Daoyimen giants one after another appeared in the sky, among which is included Old Ancestor who had fallen.

Everyone who can watch the ceremony is dazzled by the formation eye, especially those with small forces and low cultivation base, it is really worthwhile for loose cultivator.

This time the Daoyimen Inner Sect grand competition is really exciting, not to mention all kinds of geniuses, all kinds of Divine Ability, Sacred Jewel are emerging in endlessly, and now, there is a flourishing Level 4 Supreme Treasure , The brand of the two emperors.

For them, don’t talk about the emperor, Level 4 Supreme Treasure, they used to be ordinary emperors, and Level 3 Supreme Treasure is hard to see.

The exclamation of everyone, the discussion obviously does not affect what is happening.

But it seems to follow the emergence of Dao Yi Bang.


From the Dao Yi list, suddenly, one after another divine light dropped one after another divine light. These divine lights quickly got into the disciples participating in the Inner Sect grand competition. Of course, not every disciple of Inner Sect is I got it. Only those disciples who performed well in the top 100 will get it. However, they just drank a sip of the soup. The real meat-eaters were Fang Qingshan and the top ten.

Ten Head Disciple is the recognition of sect and the future of sect. Even the stronger they are, the stronger the fate that feeds back the sect will be stronger, so naturally there will be fate added, which is also a kind of authority promotion.

However, there are also superior and inferior among the ten Head Disciples. Fang Qingshan and Pangbo of Ranked 1st, not to mention that they are compared with Di Yi and the others, are Zheng Xuanxiang of Ranked 2nd. Compared with, the fate obtained has more than doubled.

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