Actually, Zheng Xuan’s summon’s humanitarian torrents were just part of the long river of time and space, a branch that’s all.

Everyone has seen the formidable power of the torrent of humanity, and Jiangshan held two pieces of Level 4 Supreme Treasure and was defeated. You can imagine how powerful the formidable power of the long river of time and space is.

In other words, even the Divine Emperor can only trembling with fear when involved in time and space, like walking on thin ice. If it’s just a small action, it’s all. If you want to stir the wind and rain in it, once If you are not careful, I am afraid you will not be able to eat.

The more powerhouse, the more you can experience the formidable power of time and space. Also become more cautious.

Because it is rumored that the long river of time and space originated in the Hongmeng world, the place of origin, and upstream, you can leave All Heavens and Myriad Worlds and enter the Hongmeng world.

From the formation of All Heavens and Myriad Worlds to the present, I don’t know how many years and many eras have passed.

But the highest can only be cultivation to Divine Emperor Peak, but it can no longer make progress.

If you want a breakthrough, all Divine Emperors have tried every means to travel through dangerous places, look for opportunities, have boundless merits, exterminate the world, prove the way, and fit the way, which naturally includes following the long river of time and space. Enter the land of the Magnificence

Especially for the emperor of the cultivation Dao of Space-Time, there is such a long river of time and space, is it a shortcut to the South?

But the idea is beautiful, the reality is cruel.

At first, they wanted to directly control the long river of time and space as if they were fitting in with their bodies.

Later, I found that this method was really difficult for some strong people, so I retreated to the next best thing, and wanted to follow the long river of time and space, trace the origin, and enter the place of origin.

However, all the people who have entered the long river of time and space will never return. No one has seen them again, but everyone knows that it is not that they have planned successfully and went to the Hongmeng world. But all fell.

Loose cultivator is also that’s all. Before the powerful Divine Emperor left, there were still life lights. Soon after they entered, the lights went out, and the lights went out would mean death.

In the beginning, there were people who did not believe in evil and felt that they were good luck, and they might succeed. And for those who have never progressed for millions of years, even from the beginning of the formation of All Heavens and Myriad Worlds As far as the Emperor is concerned, if there is a glimmer of hope, he will not give up.

However, after hundreds of emperors won but never returned, they finally poured cold water on the body, so that people can wake up completely, thus giving up this seemingly hopeful path .

Not to mention the rareness and danger of the time and space river, but the summon of Pangbo is obviously not the real time and space river. The real time and space river is not the imperial emperor simply impossible summon, not even summon. I just ran into it. I’m afraid I would have bad luck first. This is obviously an illusory shadow of time and space.

But even so, it is enough, just like Zheng Xuan summon’s previous humanitarian torrents are the same.

Leave aside these, but say that in the long river of time and space, among the shadows, you can see a silhouette while standing, time and space can’t control him, as if immortal, Eternal Immortal.

The body is very tall, mighty, and the muscles are entangled. At first glance, there is something like Pangu, a person of body refinement.

The specific face is not clearly visible, like looking at flowers in the mist, looking at the moon in the water.

But no one cared about this, because the moment he saw this body, he had completely forgotten his face.

When I saw this person, my first impression was Tao, the endless Great Way, and there seemed to be countless mysterious Taoism, Dao Rhyme, and countless mysterious laws of Divine Chain. indefinite.

The whole body gives a strong, desolate, simple, heavy remote antiquity atmosphere.

Endless majesty, Prestige Is Like A Prison, at the moment it appeared, everyone present, including Imparting Skill Elder, those who were in the Emperor Peak, felt that it was like being imposed on The invisible shackles bear huge pressure.

“Emperor Zun!”

Seeing this Dao Void shadow, Zhuge Jin and the others suddenly shocked, feeling a sense of solemnity, muttering to herself Spit out two words.

Yes, the emperor, only this kind of existence can rely on a Dao Void shadow to give them a feeling of oppression that makes everyone’s heart feel a little suffocated.

Actually, they are okay. The others, immortal, Hunyuan realm’s disciples, tried to peep at that silhouette, but they were hit hard by his domineering and fighting intents on the spot, vomiting blood. This is still unconscious, a Dao Void shadow. If you face yourself, what kind of situation should it be? If you dare to peek into the real face, I am afraid that the fall on the spot is just a matter of flicking.

In this regard, Fang Qingshan just wanted to say, if the emperor is really in person, you don’t have any thoughts, and your thinking seems to have completely stopped working. Because, he felt this way when he saw the Storm Sword Emperor.

Even if the emperor has reduced the pressure of his whole body, as long as you think about the is a emperor standing in front of you, it is like a feudal dynasty. Ordinary people see the Emperor exactly the same, trembling with fear.

“Is this?”

“Isn’t it a fighter!”

“It is very possible, after all, Pangbo got his inheritance .”

“Yes, with such a pure fist intent, it is the emperor. I can’t think of anyone other than the emperor.”


After everyone spit out the word “Emperor Zun”, the speculation of this silhouette became tumultuous.

In fact, this is a good guess. Judging from Pangbo’s previous methods, everyone knows that he is the Legacy left by the ancient Great Emperor.

In addition, the Dao Void shadow gives everyone the feeling, you know, every Great Emperor is unique and unmatched.

So, guessing his identity is not difficult.

It is true that, as everyone guessed, this Dao Void shadow is exactly a time-space imprint left by the boxing emperor.

I don’t know what means Pangbo used to summon out.

The whole body exudes endless domineering and fighting intent. It seems that no matter what stands in front of him, it can be opened with a punch. In him, I can feel the endless fighting intent, arrogance, self-confidence, that kind of power, which completely makes people unable to resist.

But it is said that after the illusory shadow of Boxing Emperor was released by Pangbo Summon, it was already amazing enough. But the shocking thing is yet to come.

next moment, but I saw that Dao Void blinked his eyes, as if he had come back to life, like an Avatar, frightened Zhuge Jin and the others to stand up, each on their guard, some If there is something wrong with the preparation, retreat immediately. Some are prepared to act first. It is not the real body of the emperor, and even the Level 4 Supreme Treasure is already in preparation.

However, fortunately, this illusory shadow completely ignored them. After taking a step from the long river of time and space, he came to Pangbo in an instant, not giving Pang Family and Daoyimen time to worry. It blended into his body, it seemed that this was originally a shadow of him.

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