“What a Pangbo, what a Fang Qingshan, with these two, there is no need to worry about Daoyimen for 100,000 years.”

“Yes, this is not what it is today. True inheritance Head Disciple and Jiang Bawang and the others, with these people, let Dao Yimen go further, but at least it can guarantee that it will not decline within three generations.”

“Dao I don’t know whether Yimen is going to decline or go further. I only care about which one of them is better.”

“It’s really hard to judge, just look at the current situation, but It’s only five or five points.”

“It’s true. Pang Bo wins in one fine and one pure, Fang Qingshan wins in one wide and one bo. As for the real deciding game, it depends on the two players’ back players. What is the hole card.”

“Yes, yes, Fang Qingshan has the Eternal Heaven boat on his body, so I don’t know what Pangbo’s back hand is.”

“I think it’s still Pang Bo is even better. After all, Fang Qingshan’s Eternal Heaven boat has been exposed, and his Eternal Heaven boat is only at the Supreme level. Even if it is mutated, where can it be stronger?”

” , Feiye……”


Fang Qingshan and Pangbo played hard to separate. The scene of the fight between the two is so big that it is not two people. It seems that two armies are fighting. If it were not for the restraint of the ring, I am afraid that all around disciples would suffer from the fish.

Except for a small number of people surrounding the audience, they can continue to observe, give pointers to the country, and stimulate the text. Now they can only watch the excitement. After all, the two fight against each other, time and space are chaotic, Taoism is horizontal, realm Not enough, many people left their eyes with blood and tears under forced viewing, and even Primordial Spirit was severely injured.

Since I can’t take a closer look, I can only talk about it to vent my excitement.

The so-called is that the servant sees the master, the disciples see the sect, and the small sees the big. Although Fang Qingshan and Pangbo cannot represent the standards of all Daoyimen disciples, they know everything from a glimpse. In view of their Taoism, at least this generation and even the next generation do not have to worry about it, and even the rise is not impossible.

Fang Qingshan has the Eternal Heaven boat. As long as he is there, as long as the Dao Yi Sect is really in danger, regardless of the loss of training, there is almost no problem with the breakthrough emperor.

After all, the Eternal Heaven Boat is really a shortcut to the South among All Heavens and Myriad Worlds.

Other people who cultivate the Taoism, even if they are talented and consume countless resources, they may not be able to determine where they can go.

But the Eternal Heaven boat is different. As long as you have enough resources and good enough, he will be able to push you to the emperor level.

As a veteran force, Daoyimen has declined, but there is no shortage of sect resources.

Furthermore, even if the resources are not enough, you cannot be promoted to the emperor level. As long as you reach the peak level of the god emperor, you may not be unable to fight the emperor level. You must know that Fang Qingshan’s Eternal Heaven boat is a mutation level, just breakthrough Paragon. , You can suppress immortality. When breakthrough reaches the peak of the emperor, it may not be impossible to fight against the emperor. Although the gap between the emperor level and the emperor level is even greater than the gap between the newly entered god emperor and the god emperor Peak.

And Pangbo? Now the hole cards have not been revealed yet, but he knows that he is not simple from the boxing scriptures he played. You know, back then, the boxing emperor relied on this Divine Art to push the Great Way of boxing to Peak, suppressing countless experts and countless big ones. Way Law, like Pangu, suppresses time and space, destiny, and cause and effect with the law of force.

Leaving aside these two people, there are Zheng Xuan who controlled the torrent of humanity, Jiangshan who got the legacy of the Dagan Emperor, Di Yi who was the legacy of the Great Emperor and so on.

Daoyimen’s fate seems to usher in a bottoming out, or the occasion of ZTE.

The disciples of this year have extraordinary talents, and everyone has the opportunity. They are not the Sacred Jewel of Level 3 Supreme Treasure, but various top Divine Ability and inheritance.

Once these people grow up, not to mention all of them, just half of them will be enough to support half of Daoyimen.

Leave aside these, but it’s on the court. Fang Qingshan and Pangbo have been fighting for a while. You come and go, attacking fiercely, ordinary and immortal Early-Stage, it is possible to touch it. Injuries, rubbing, and death, but the same, even if there is no skill, but an almost instinctive attack, but it looks extraordinarily antelope hanging horns, does not fall into the mortar, and there is no trace, so that you can’t guard against it, and there is no way to start .

If others continue to attack like this, I am afraid that spiritual power will be a little bit more than enough, and Primordial Spirit is exhausted.

However, for the two of them, not to mention the warm-up match, I am afraid that there is not much difference.

The speed of spiritual power consumption is not as good as recovery speed, but to achieve the feeling of lack of follow-up, it seems that there is no problem after three days and three nights.

As for Primordial Spirit, they all operate by instinct. Where can they still use Primordial Spirit, it seems to be awake but not awake, like sleep but not sleep, and can’t think of it.

“It seems that going on like this is not a solution. Even if it takes a long time to fight and attack a thousand moves, it is just birds of a feather.”

Pang Bo thought like this.

“In this way, I can only use the second hand to compete in a showdown.”

Unlikely, or the heroes see the same thing, Fang Qingshan thinks so in his mind at this moment.

“It seems that if you want to tell a win or lose, you still have to see who has the better card.”

The two thoughts in their hearts and looked in their eyes. He brought out a trace, and glanced at each other, all of which could be seen in the opponent’s pupils.

Almost without hesitation, the two took out their hole cards.


Fang Qingshan sighed deeply, and then both hands forming seals. At the same time, in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the Eternal Heaven boat and All Heavens Chessboard, which had not been used, rioted at the same time.

The low voice sounded from Fang Qingshan’s heart: “All Heaven is only me, and human treasure is one!”


As soon as its voice fell, the All Heavens Chessboard turned into a stream of light and burst out, falling into the eternal thunder pool of the Eternal Heaven boat.

Then the Eternal Heaven boat melted away like mercury, spreading from the top of Fang Qingshan’s head, wrapped in fullness, and finally blended directly into Fang Qingshan’s body.

Water and milk blend, regardless of each other, just like one.

When All Heavens Chessboard and Eternal Heaven boat merged into Fang Qingshan within the body, Fang Qingshan’s eyes, which were so deep as to return to the market, burst out ten thousand zhang divine light, dazzling, and it was the sun. Moon is completely overshadowed by it.

His body also experienced tremendous changes at this time, like an inflated balloon, involuntarily starting to inflate.

Although it has grown larger, it is not bloated. If the original fleshly body is as bright as a gemstone, comparable to Level 2 middle grade Supreme Treasure, but now it is gradually becoming like a diamond. In order to be refined and condensed, it has reached Level 2 high grade or even half-step Peak.

The spiritual power of grandiose flows within the body, like countless angry dragons roaring, and everyone outside the ring is clearly audible and deafening. Those who don’t know think it is the tide of time and space roaring.

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