
I held on for a while, but after all, I couldn’t hold on anymore, Jiangshan opened his mouth spit a mouthful of blood, his face was extremely gloomy.

His existence as the original Inner Sect Ten Head Disciple Ranked 2nd, although he has been suppressed by Pangbo all the year round, there is no sign of turning over.

But he was not at all discouraged because of this. Instead, he turned pressure into motivation, faced difficulties, and caught up.

Therefore, although Pangbo has been overwhelmed by Pangbo all the year round, other people don’t think he can’t do it. Instead, they think he is very inspirational. That’s because the family has given him some resources to give him Opportunity to repair the Sheji Manmin Umbrella and the Universal Sword.

As for why not tell sect, let them help repair. This is exactly the same as Qin Shiyue’s situation before.

Qin Shiyue’s Heavenly Retribution knife is only Level 3 Supreme Treasure, and the two Supreme Treasures in his hand are the foundation of Level 4 Supreme Treasure. Although the damage is more serious, it’s a skinny and dying camel. is still bigger than a horse, take it out, who knows if it can be taken back.

Furthermore, although his spiritual power is strong, if it is changed to Level 3 Supreme Treasure, it will not be easy to use, but it is not as good as it is now.

Leave aside these for the time being, but said that with his great perseverance, the great opportunity has been steadily improved.

However, the situation seems not at all because of my own improvement.

Pangbo will not say it, it almost became the shadow of his life. Even if he held the legacy of the Dagan Emperor, he did not dare to say how big the odds were, so he never challenged Pangbo.

It’s good now. After an Inner Sect 10 Head Disciple qualifying match, he knew that he really underestimated the world.

Other people are also that’s all, Li Mubai, who has always been behind him, Jiang Shan learned today that he is not simple at all. Really took out the hole card, compared with it, it is still unknown who wins and loses.

And Yan Sha can fight with birds of a feather, obviously not someone who is easy to deal with.

Fang Qingshan is not to mention, that is the person who is fighting Pang Bo, and now he is defeated by Zheng Xuan.

You must know that the Umbrella and the Sword of All Nations in your hands are the foundation of Level 4 Supreme Treasure, although they are not as good as before.

However, there are still three kilograms of nails in the broken ship, and now it is lost in Zheng Xuan’s hands, which really humiliates Sacred Jewel.

Thinking of this, Jiang Shan didn’t hold his breath at all, it just hurt more.

“It’s such a powerful torrent of humanity, and a very powerful aura. Zheng Senior Brother Xuan really did it, ashamed of being inferior.”

Although I can’t accept it, Jiangshan deserves to be. After being hit by Pangbo all the year round, antibodies have been formed, and he vomited out of blood, Jiang Shan can be regarded as venting his heart, slowly, received two Supreme Treasure, and cupped the hands to Zheng Xuan.

“Junior Brother you let me win.”

In this regard, Zheng Xuan was not arrogant, but gave a gift and put away the torrent of humanitarianism.

It is a fluke that he can defeat Jiangshan.

Don’t look at this method, the formidable power is boundless, but the consumption is not low.

If Jiangshan can continue to persist, I am afraid that it is himself who cannot persist.

Either Zheng Xuan has been calming down to polish the spiritual power over the years, or after eternal blessing with Fang Qingshan, the spiritual power of Thunder Tribulation tempering is also by no means inferior, I am afraid it will simply not be able to display it.

Of course, Jiangshan is the same. He can take out two Level 4 Sacred Jewels. The spiritual power is strong, pure and natural.

Although the Bihai Danxin Ruler is not as good as the Supreme Treasure of the Sheji Wanmin Umbrella, it is more in line with Zheng Xuan’s Life Source Great Way. It is precisely because of this treasure that he can be more relaxed and smooth. Collaborate with the illusory shadow of the humanitarian torrent, otherwise, this method cannot be used casually.

Not much to say, but after Jiang Shan and Zheng Xuan’s challenge are over, the challenge is still going on.

Except for Di Yi, who has no power to fight anymore because of the blood essence of the Beast Emperor, nine other players including Qin Shiyue take turns to play.

For example, Shangguan Jin, who won the challenge with Emperor Feng, continued to challenge Yan Sha. After losing, he challenged Li Mubai again. Feng Emperor who failed also continued to challenge Pangbo.

The tied Yan Sha and Li Mubai challenged Jiang Shan and Zheng Xuan respectively. In the end Li Mubai gave up challenging Jiangshan, but Yan Sha challenged Zheng Xuan again.

So, after more than ten battles, the results are basically clear.

Di Yi is at the bottom, but his background is still a bit worse.

The most important thing is that I took the blood essence of the Beast Emperor recklessly, which caused my body to suffer severe injuries and no longer have the power to fight.

Of course, even if he didn’t challenge Pangbo in the first place, he didn’t suffer a serious injury, and he still had the power to fight again, but if he didn’t swallow the blood essence of the Beast Emperor, facing other people, even Shangguan Jin, Emperor Feng didn’t necessarily have any chance of winning, he was still at the bottom.

Although the blood essence of the Beast King is good, it is at most the same as the talisman in Kang Chang’s hands. Almost all have a one-time effect, helping him win one game at most. Even worse than talisman, after all, talisman will only hurt people, and the blood essence of the Beast King will hurt itself.

The challenge of the arena is not only to look at the effect of a game, but also to see how much it has accumulated.

So, he is destined to be the bottom.

On it is Emperor Feng, and Qin Shiyue is Ranked 8th.

The reason for this is that although his hole cards are exposed, but even if it is exposed, using a full moon Heavenly Retribution knife with Heavenly Retribution blood moon is not something that who wants to target it, especially It is this Divine Ability and Sacred Jewel that also has a great restraint effect on the Divine Ability Sacred Jewel of Feng Di.

So, in the end, Emperor Feng stopped at the ninth place.

The seventh is Shangguan Jin, the sixth is Yan Sha, and the fifth is Li Mubai.

It stands to reason that Yan Sha and Li Mubai are tied, and their rankings should be tied.

But why did Li Mubai accumulate more victories later, and Yan Sha less?

Of course, what is unexpected is that Jiang Shan ranked fourth, while Zheng Xuan came from behind and ranked third. Even after watching the scene where the two played against each other, they still couldn’t get their heads back.

After all, Jiangshan has two Sacred Jewels based on Level 4 Supreme Treasure.

He never took it out. He thought it was specially prepared to deal with Pangbo. Unfortunately, before Pangbo was used, it was destroyed by Zheng Xuan.

Actually, although this is a bit unexpected, it makes sense after careful consideration.

Although Zheng Xuan is also a dark horse, he is different from Yan Sha and the others.

He is a two-time old disciple with a lot of background.

It just didn’t show up before, but now it’s just have accumulated knowledge and deliver it slowly. Accumulate the foundation of all ages, soar into the sky, with strength of Heaven, crush all enemies.

It is precisely because of this that he can comprehend the torrent of humanity and display it.

The only unknown now is Fang Qingshan and Pangbo, who can say with a smile last.

Whether it is Fang Qingshan Yihei or Pangbo defending the title of First Senior Brother is unknown, but it is possible.

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