“What is this?”

“The Umbrella of the People and the Sword of All Seas and Eight Desolations!”

“didn’t expect, two Level 4 town transports of the Emperor Dagan Dynasty Supreme Treasure actually fell into the hands of Jiangshan.”

“It’s a pity, the damage was too severe.”

“The most important thing is that there is no such thing as the fate and fate Strength.”


Others also that’s all. With the knowledge of Imparting Skill Elder, Zhuge Jin and the others, they immediately recognized Jiangshan’s hands. The origins of two Supreme Treasures.

At first, I was taken aback. In the end, this turned out to be Level 4 Supreme Treasure.

Daoyimen can maintain today’s scene. In addition to various reasons, the Level 4 Supreme Treasure in the door is one of the most important reasons.

Fortunately, they immediately sighed in relief.

Because these two treasures are not what they used to be, the most important thing is that they hurt the origin.

To repair, not only need all kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, but the most important thing is to establish the imperial dynasty and collect the fate of the imperial dynasty, so that the formidable power of this treasure can be restored.

But it is easy to establish a top sect, but it is not easy to establish a top imperial dynasty.

Looking at the current Paragon power list, the imperial dynasty is very small.

The reason for this is that the imperial dynasty is different from sect. They are more domineering, occupy more resources, and have a stronger desire to control. The collapse of the Dagan emperor’s dynasty in the past is probably inseparable from this. Involved.

Leave aside these, but they are two Level 4 Supreme Treasures, the Umbrella of the People of the World and the Sword of All Worlds and Eight Desolations. With the destruction of the great work, they hurt their origins and fell to the Level 2 Supreme Treasure, and because of repairing problems , It is very difficult.

Fate heavy treasures like this have no corresponding power and are not an imperial dynasty. It is simply impossible to restore to their original state. Even if the imperial court wanted to repair it, the cost would be too great, it would be better to re-refine one.

It is precisely for this reason, why these two treasures with the foundation of Level 4 Supreme Treasure fell into the hands of Jiangshan. It is precisely because of this that Jiangshan dare to use it with confidence and boldness.

Otherwise, would he not understand the principle of an innocent man treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime?

When the time comes, don’t talk about outsiders, I’m afraid they are the Old Ancestor of Jiang Family, and the senior officials of Daoyimen will not let him be so reckless waste of natural resources.

Then again, there are two treasures, one offensive and one defense. Naturally, the defense is the Umbrella of the Peoples, and the one that attacks is the Emperor Sword, the sword from all corners of the world.

But it can be seen that this sword is gorgeous in its ancient awkwardness. It looks like a True Dragon, with two horns, three eyes, nine claws and twelve fingers. Dao Wenruo dragon scales are intertwined one by one, and the dragon’s mouth spit out a sword blade eight feet one inch long, as if it could penetrate the sky and penetrate the universe.

The sword is engraved with mountains, rivers and shrines on one side, and the world is full of wildness, and on the other side, it is engraved with people worshiping and all beings gather.

This sword is the same as the Wanmin Umbrella, because it is a fate treasure of the Dagan Empire. With the demise of Dagan, it has suffered unprecedented damage. Even though Jiangshan has been repaired a lot, it is still only Level 2 Top Supreme Treasure.

Hearing the exclamation of Zhuge Jin and the others, other disciples, people from small forces, or most of them were silent.

Good guy, I’m not afraid of not knowing the goods, but afraid of comparing goods.

Others have at most one Level 2 Supreme Treasure, that’s all.

There are actually two of these two people.

That’s all. The most important thing is that these Level 2 Supreme Treasures actually have the foundation of Level 3 and even Level 4 Supreme Treasure. What else can they say?

As for the mixed feelings of other people, Zheng Xuan and the two do not know, even if they do, they will not care.

At this moment, they only have each other in their eyes.


With a clanging sound, an age-old sword-drawing sound rang out, and the sword was unsheathed, not as sharp as the ordinary sword Sacred Jewel, but for People have a deep and heavy history.


Ji’er, with the sound of sword chants, it seems to have come across a distant time and space,

a kind of trembling and even acknowledge allegiance The vibe is bursting.

Everyone present, cultivate the sword way, there are swords Sacred Jewel, almost each one, and their respective swords are involuntarily unsheathed, trembling, as if out of control, this is almost an instinct .

Fortunately, those who are above Level 3 Supreme Treasure are just competing with them. The Supreme Treasure below Level 3 have acknowledged allegiance. I have to say that the Universal Sword is worthy of the Level 4 Supreme Treasure, and it is also the emperor’s sword. Even if it is not as good as it was, a skinny and dying camel is still bigger than a horse. It is still unparalleled.

However, Zheng Xuan is not someone who is easy to deal with. The Wendao ruler in his hand is also not to be outdone.

The ruler traverses one after another mysterious trajectory in the air, affecting the heaven and earth source of righteousness. For a while, everyone seems to suddenly become just and awe-inspiring, feeling remorse for the mistakes they have made, even To choose honor over life, it is more powerful than Buddhism.

For a time, the power of the ruler and sword energy complement each other.

Sword energy is fierce, unable to avoid the target of the paddle ruler, and the pen is sharp and sharp, unable to break the protection of the umbrella of the people.

The two seem to have fallen into the previous dilemma between Li Mubai and Yan Sha, and it seems that they will tie again.

However, whether it is a tie or not, everyone is already not in mind.

They only care whether the challenge is exciting and whether they can gain something from it.

The answer is naturally obvious.

This level is not exciting yet. What is exciting?

This means that the two of them did not reach the Emperor’s cultivation base. Otherwise, they would be even more exciting. Once they can break through, I’m afraid they will immediately cross the new Emperor and enter the Early-Stage. Some early-Stage emperors came poorly.

As for harvest, this is even simpler.

Look at the court. Those who have a cultivation base below the late immortal stage have their eyes wide open and don’t want to miss the slightest. Primordial Spirit runs wildly.

For them, it is a rare learning opportunity to be able to see Jiangshan and the others with all their strength. Watching them display the Divine Ability Sacred Jewel, not to mention the increase in combat experience. If you can get a glimpse of it, the Divine Ability similar to their future cultivation will be of great help, and even the breakthrough realm will be very helpful.

You can even see Level 4 Supreme Treasure. Even the previous Level 4 Supreme Treasure is enough for them to brag about.

After all, many people will never see the real Level 4 Supreme Treasure from birth to death.

It’s not just them, it’s Fang Qingshan. Why not?

But it can be seen that his eyes are open and closed, he is half asleep, the Tianmen cave is open, the clouds are rising, the three flowers and five qi are shining, and the evolution is endless natural phenomenon.

Obviously it has also benefited a lot.

Leave aside the others, let alone on the court, seeing the situation at a deadlock, it seems that it will end in a tie.

However, what happened after that was once again unexpected.

Zheng Xuan broke out.

Yes, after he took out the Bihai Danxin Ruler, he actually took out a hole card again.

The scene is really twists and turns, and everyone has ups and downs in their hearts.

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