Shangguanjin’s cards are considered a kind of innate talent Divine Ability. As his cultivation base increases, the number and quality of cards will also increase.

These cards are sealed talisman one by one, and the whole is regarded as a treasure and can be recycled.

You only need to seal Divine Ability, battle skill, Sacred Jewel, and creatures in advance, then you can crush cards anytime and anywhere, and display them. When you don’t use them, they can be converted into cards again, which is simple and convenient. It is really a must-have Divine Item for home travel.

However, after this card was thrown out by Shangguan Jin, it collided with Divine Ability of Emperor Feng, and a strong chemical reaction occurred suddenly.

For a time, heaven and earth turned into two levels and two colors.

On one side is the boundless darkness, full of dead silence, as if it could bury All Heaven. It’s like eternal night, no time, no space, no light, no life.

On the other side, there are boundless fires, there is the samaya True Fire, the sun True Fire, the ghost flame, the lunar cold flame, the Red Lotus Karma Flame, and the tribulation thunder fire…. .. have everything, boundless.

chi chi!

The splendid fire sea collided with the boundless black air, and there was a heaven-shaking, earth-shattering sound.

Shangguanjin’s card seals a Fire Sea Purgatory Divine Ability, and Feng Emperor casts a Hell Abyss Divine Ability.

On one side is burning the heaven and boiling the sea, there are signs of burning everything.

The other half is demonized heaven and earth, wherever he goes, hell.

In a moment, I can see who is better.

It stands to reason that the extremely firm and fierce Divine Ability battle skills of fire, light, Buddha, and thunder, and the Divine Ability of dealing with hell, abyss, and Demon Domain, should be restrained.

It’s true too. When the boundless fire sea encounters black air, it is like holding a salary to fight a fire, and suddenly it makes a harsh zi zi sound, and there is a vague screaming sound. The monstrous fire sea that was originally imposing manner, more It’s a hundred zhang high down.

The evenly matched scene suddenly seemed to have gained the upper hand by flames.

However, this is just appearance.

It’s like righteousness suppresses evil, yang suppresses yin, water restrain fire, light suppresses darkness, and vice versa. Evil can also suppress righteousness, yin can also break yang, fire can evaporate water, and darkness can also Shade the light.

While the boundless fire sea is burning black gas, while he seems to be burning more vigorously.

Source Power is also consuming, even if the flame burns the black gas, the black gas is also wiping out the flame.

In just a few dozen breaths of time, the abyss of hell has become a desert and Gobi, and the boundless fire sea has also become strong in appearance but weak in reality.


Generally speaking, if you want to win as much as possible, everyone likes to be familiar with it.

The reason for this is naturally because you know yourself and know your enemy, emerge victorious in every battle. Only by knowing the opponent can you better prescribe the right medicine and adjust measures to local conditions. This is naturally handy to fight.

But if you want to harvest more, you need to fight raw or not.

Unfamiliar means unfamiliar. It means you need to put in more energy. It means you can’t be sloppy. After all, you should be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years. A general idea may be consigned to eternal damnation.

If you put your heart and soul into it, you will maximize your potential. In the end, whether you lose or win, as long as you survive and digest this battle, you will definitely benefit a lot.

Shangguan Jin, as the original Inner Sect Ten Head Disciple, is a rare opponent and is generally speaking. Only Inner Sect Ten Head Disciple can play against him. They are so familiar with each other’s methods that they start to fight. There is no energy.

Now that there are dark horses like Fengdi, the excitement is coming up.

“Come again!”

It’s not just him, why isn’t Emperor Feng like that?

The so-called resources are easy to obtain, but opponents are hard to find.

A good opponent, especially an evenly matched opponent, is particularly rare.

Therefore, the two simply did not stop. After the first wave of attacks not at all had an effect, the second wave and third wave were used almost simultaneously one after another.

There is no temptation, the start is full firepower, and at the same time, I know that one trick and one will definitely not fix the universe, so there is no meaning to stop at all.

But it was seen that the cards in Shangguan Jin’s hand shot out like a goddess. No one knows how many cards he has in his hand.

For a time, there is an endless fire sea, there is an endless ocean, there are tidal surges, there are sky collapses, there are black holes swallowed up, there is a treasure tower, there is a big clock, there is a sword, there is a treasure mirror, there is Dragon, Phoenix, Qilin……

Divine Ability, battle skill, creatures, Sacred Jewel, only you can’t think of it, you can’t evolve without a card.

On the other side, Emperor Feng is also a variety of Divine Ability battle skills have the words at hand.

What hell ghost sound, boundless blood moon, death wave, abyss swallowed, hand of hell, bone tower, undead flag…

Ability is extremely domineering and fierce, one is countless changes, with a variety of means, and the other is never-changing, all of which are profound and profound, far beyond their peers.

For a while, everyone was dazzled.

Especially for those small forces, it is even more dazzling.

Shangguanjin’s cards are just like talismans. Although it may be a little worse than the real Sacred Jewel, it is better in quantity, easy to use, and versatile, making you can’t guard against it.

And the treasure tower on the top of Emperor Feng’s head is called the ghost treasure treasure tower, which is exactly the same as the Qianqiu pen in Zheng Xuan’s hand and the Heavenly Retribution knife in Qin Shiyue’s hand. They are both Level 2 with the foundation of Level 3 Supreme Treasure. Top Supreme Treasure.

Good guy, the strongest hole cards in the hands of many small forces are nothing but this.

In Daoyimen, the worst cards of Inner Sect 10 Head Disciple are probably at this level.

It’s really the death of people than people, and they have to be thrown away.

One move, two moves, three moves…

One moment, two moments, three moments…

The sound is endless.

I don’t know how long it took, the situation on the court suddenly stopped. Everything returned to calm, and Emperor Feng looked a little embarrassed at each end.

However, the treasure tower above Fengdi’s head is crumbling, his/main body complexion pale, his legs are soft, as if his body is hollowed out.

In contrast, Shangguan Jin is much better. Although she is also embarrassed and has bloodshot eyes, she obviously has the power to fight again.

In fact, the reason for this is because his cards have an advantage.

I said a long time ago that Shangguanjin’s cards not only have many means, they are quick to use, and they don’t consume much spiritual power.

So, as time goes by, Shangguan Jin naturally occupies an absolute advantage.

Emperor Feng took a few breaths, and after slowing down, he stared at Shangguan Jin, the unwillingness in his eyes gradually faded, replaced by peace, Tao,

“Shengmingzhi Xia Wuxu Shi, I lost this time. However, next time, the one to emerge victorious will be unknown.”

Shangguan Jin hearing this, with a light smile, a full smile It’s self-confidence, Dao,

“Since I can beat you once, I can beat you a second time.”

Fengdi stopped talking, hummed, closed The treasure tower above the head, shining under the feet, left the ring instantly.

Shangguan Jin shrugged upon seeing this, and left immediately.

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