“I don’t believe it, the gap between me and you is so big.”

Although Di Yi’s injuries are not serious at this moment, his mood is terrible. My heart is also a bit cruel.

There is no harm without comparison.

Not afraid of not knowing the goods, but afraid of comparing goods.

With Qin Shiyue’s jade in front, looking at my own challenge, it is no different from a clown.

Although Qin Shiyue also failed, Fang Qingshan exposed the cycle of reincarnation one after another. The Five Elements reincarnation chart has two Life Source Divine Ability, and the red lotus in the industry is comparable to the top level of Level 2. Supreme Treasure’s defense Sacred Jewel. There is also karma. It can be said to be full of harvest.

Especially the last hand of the hole cards, although defeat is glorious, it is not a crime of war. If it weren’t for Fang Qingshan, even if it’s another person, Jiangshan, Yan Sha, or even Pang Bo would not be so easy.

Let’s take a look at himself again.

Wan Beast Boxing.

The famous inheritance battle skill of Wan Beast Era, Wan Beast Great Emperor relied on this hand to fight the world and rarely lost.

And in his hands? It is simply not human. Dust the Pearl.

Whether it is the Beasts without Borders or the addition of the Beasts, they are easily broken by Pangbo.

This is actually nothing. Didn’t Qin Shiyue’s previous attack be easily taken over by Fang Qingshan?

The key point is that he simply didn’t force Pangbo’s hole cards. He was still as normal. When fighting in the past, he fought back and forth, just like When you have a skill, you can eat your fill same.

How did Di Yi accept this?

Now, he is no longer comparing with Fang Qingshan and Pangbo, but with Qin Shiyue. The first two can’t be compared by himself, can’t even Qin Shiyue be compared?

In fact, what he didn’t know was that, regardless of Pangbo’s punches back and forth, it seemed that not at all used ordinary and conventional methods.

But what Di Yi doesn’t know is that this is actually Pangbo’s stunt.

It’s just that other people separate conventional methods and tricks, and his tricks and conventional methods are the same, it depends on how much he has done that’s all.

But obviously Di Yi doesn’t know this, let alone him. In Inner Sect, except for a few people like Jiang Shan, who really knows him?

Sit firmly in this session of the Inner Sect First Senior Brother. Before Pang Bo appeared in Fang Qingshan, other Inner Sect disciples could only look back.

Not to mention these, but Di Yi is still not discouraged at this moment after the failure to add the beasts, but is even more determined.

“I want to see, with this hole card, you are still not so casually.”

Di Yi said fiercely.

But I saw that Di Yi backhand took out a thing that looked like a pearl, like a sarira, like a drop of blood, the whole body was blood red, crystal clear like jade, shining brightly.

As soon as this thing came out, a vast breath burst forth, sweeping the audience.

This force is so powerful that everyone seems to face Sect Master again in a daze.

The natural phenomenon overflowing on it is exactly the same as the natural phenomenon that Di Yi used to display the wild animals without boundaries.

“Hey, this thing…”

“It seems that this is Di Yi’s trump card.”

“didn’t expect, among the ten thousand beast ruins he got, not only ten thousand beast punches, but also a drop of powerhouse blood essence.”

“Yes, and this powerhouse is probably the same as Sect Master. Half a step to the emperor.”


There are no lack of experienced and knowledgeable people present. As soon as Di Yi took out this object, everyone guessed it. What is it?

“Knowing that you can’t do it, you don’t know it.”

“Yes, using this thing in this way is a bit reckless waste of natural resources, not only does it completely fail Instead of hurting others, I hurt myself first.”

“You can’t say the same. The experience of fighting powerhouse may not be better to absorb slowly.”



After understanding Di Yi’s hole cards, seeing his actions, everyone’s opinions were divided.

A wave of people believes that he should admit defeat and shouldn’t be a hard bar. Anyway, even if he uses his hole cards, he will lose.

The most important thing is that the correct use of this substance should be slowly absorbed.

But another person thinks that although it is a bit unwise, the mulberry is lost to the East.

The experience of being able to give Pangbo a go is also commendable for Di Yi.

Just like Fang Qingshan went to the God Emperor Cave Mansion before.

Not to mention these, but Di Yi took out the blood essence of the Beast Emperor and swallowed it directly.

While Pangbo raised his eyebrows, he was not at all redundant.

In fact, if he wants to stop it, he still has time. It’s just that I have said three tricks before. Although not at all, I can’t deceive my heart.

Furthermore, to be honest, he is still very interested in Di Yi’s Wan Beast Fist.

Although I was a bit blind with both hands before this battle skill.

But if you add this blood essence and want to come, it shouldn’t be let yourself down.

Actually, as Pangbo thought, Di Yi who swallowed the blood essence of the Beast Emperor not at all disappointed him.

If the previous use of Ten Thousand Beasts Adding Body was only looks impressive but is worthless, and it was unintentional, then after swallowing blood essence, Di Yi seemed to be really incarnation as the Beast King Paragon Up.

The imposing manner soared again.

However, this time, even the secret treasure guarding Primordial Spirit seems to be completely useless.

For a while, but I saw that Di Yi’s whole body exuded a fierceness. If it weren’t for a trace of sobriety in his eyes, everyone would suspect that he was not possessed by the body. It is completely fallen.

The blood essence of the Beast Emperor not only contains the huge blood essence, but also the will of the Beast Emperor.

It is precisely because of this that the cast of Ten Thousand Beast Fist can reach the Great Accomplishment from the intial peep at the entrance.

It is also precisely because of this that it can only be absorbed slowly, so that it will waste a lot of results and put itself in danger.


With Di Yi’s loudly shouted and punched out, the beasts followed, and the beasts roared.

If the previous Ten Thousand Beast Fist was a guerrilla fist, then the Ten Thousand Beast fist at the moment is an elite soldier.

“Good come!”

Seeing this scene, a trace of bright light flashed in Pangbo’s eyes without evading, and the same punch blasted past.

There is still no natural phenomenon, no other miscellaneous attributes, but the fist style is stronger, the fist is more cohesive, the fist is more powerful, and the fist is more unmatched.

As for the other side, Di Yi’s Wan Beast Fist can only be said to be a hole card. This time, it has never been punched by Pangbo again, but it was beaten vigorously.

clang! clang! clang!

Two fists collided in the Void Fault like lightning. The punches were violent and penetrated through countless layers of the Void Fault, and the entire ring was trembling.

Be aware that this is the Level 3 Supreme Treasure arena. If you change the previous ring, I am afraid that you will be able to shred the ring directly after this fight.

Although the cultivation base of the two is only the immortal Peak, yes, Di Yi’s cultivation base, who swallowed the blood essence of the Beast King, also caught up with Pangbo.

But the combat power obviously surpassed the immortal level and reached the point of entering the emperor of God.

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