one minute, two minutes, 3 minutes…

Time in this brief moment goes by exceptionally slowly.

No one spoke, no one moved.

Fang Qingshan doesn’t know what the state of God Emperor is now. He didn’t dare to act rashly, so he could only carry it hard. In addition, he quietly recovered. One point is one point if he can recover. In case the god emperor has more power, he can’t resist at all, right?

However, Fang Qingshan obviously thinks too much.

If this god emperor was like when he was in full bloom, it’s all.

After the extermination battle of the year, he was severely injured and then sealed in the Cave Mansion great hall.

Over the years, I have been working hard for the breakthrough seal.

I just met Fang Qingshan and the others after the breakthrough seal. I originally wanted to count on a wave, but I didn’t want to finish the apprenticeship. I encountered a tough situation.

Then, he was sealed by the seal talisman, followed by a series of punches by Fang Qingshan, wishing one were dead.

Finally, he broke free from the shackles and turned on the madness mode, but didn’t want to. In the end, he did not survive Fang Qingshan.

For a while, even if it is supported by a skeleton, the body of the god emperor is extremely thin, even a little illusory, just like a shadow, it seems that when the wind blows, it will become blurred.

However, he is also strong enough, and he has reached this stage of the field, and he can actually scare Fang Qingshan not to act rashly, he is really deadly and powerful.

Fortunately, although it still manifests its true body, it is also the same as Fang Qingshan. It is only strong in appearance but weak in reality. It is not useful, and it is scary with the imposing manner.

Fighting for a quarter of an hour, just as Fang Qingshan was already a little uncontrollable and ready to probe a thing or two, the opposite god emperor finally had a new movement. Fang Qingshan’s heart came to his throat instantly.

The token in the palm of his hand was almost soaked in sweat and blood.

The wind is rumbling, and the vegetation is all soldiers.

Fang Qingshan is preparing to saw that the situation was far from good, and immediately crushes the token.

Fortunately, the situation does not seem to have reached that point.

The divine emperor on the opposite side was originally a yin and evil thing, but at this moment, it looks very different. Close your eyes and feel it, it seems to be no different from ordinary creatures.

It may be a glorious reflection, it may be that Qi of Evil Yin was burned by the fire of karma, it may be due to other reasons, anyway, the emperor seems to have come back to life again, spiritual wisdom recovered.

Looking up and down at Fang Qingshan, long sighed,

“didn’t expect, Daoyimen actually has Heaven’s Chosen like you, it’s amazing Zhiyou, back then, I, Scarlet Clouds Sect, if there were people like you, why would you risk the world?”

I don’t know if it is out of blows friendship grows, or if people are about to die. Shan, the god emperor seems to be a little calm and nagging with Fang Qingshan at this moment.

For his feelings, Fang Qingshan didn’t have any intentions to answer the conversation, so he was still careful.

Be careful to sail the Wannian Ship!

The Emperor didn’t mind this at all. It seemed that he had expected this situation a long time ago, and he didn’t care if Fang Qingshan answered him. After sighing to himself, he looked back at Cave Mansion. , Full of memories and relief,

“The dead will pass, and I can be considered liberated.”

As soon as the voice fell, I saw that the emperor completely turned into a summer night The fireflies scattered with the wind, this time, he is completely scattered ashes and dispersed smoke. Even reincarnation is impossible.

However, this is probably the best result for him. After all, he is so immortal, half-human and half-monster alive, it is also a torture for him, and now it is a kind of benevolence. Be kind.

However, although seeing the god emperor flying ash annihilation in front of him, Fang Qingshan has not relaxed his vigilance yet, and still maintains a high degree of vigilance. After all, this is the god emperor, who knows if he is completely dead , In case you come to a Golden Cicada to shell out, take a cold look for yourself, you are not wronged.

After a while, there was no movement, plus All Heavens Chessboard, Eternal Heaven Boat, etc. not at all warnings, Fang Qingshan was sighed in relief. Knowing that this hurdle is over, the essence, qi and spirit let out, but I didn’t fall to the ground all of a sudden.

This time, compared to the last time I crossed the Immortal Tribulation, it was even more difficult. It was really close to the point where the oil had run out. At this time, anyone who comes to an immortal realm may be able to make him consigned to eternal damnation.

At the same time, Fang Qingshan completely understood the gap between himself and the god emperor.

Nowadays, let alone victory over the Emperor, he might not be able to retreat all over his body.

After all, this half-crimped god emperor has already made him poor, let alone other intact god emperors.

Fang Qingshan has a clear understanding of his combat effectiveness.

However, Fang Qingshan believes that as long as his cultivation base has a breakthrough, the Eternal Heaven boat will make progress, not to mention defeating the Emperor, but like Jiang Bawang and the others, it will be in the hands of the Emperor. And retreat is by no means difficult.

If the Eternal Heaven boat can break through Paragon and enter the immortal level, it may not be impossible even to suppress the emperor.

However, if the Eternal Heaven Ark wants to be promoted to immortality, the first thing it needs to do is to increase the strength of the Heaven Ark body and fill it with seven eternal Divine Furnace units.

Fang Qingshan has achieved some success by increasing the strength of the Tianzhou body.

As for the eternal Divine Furnace unit, Fang Qingshan has now selected the dormant beads, and there are still six vacant.

Let’s take a look at the gains of Cave Mansion in the future, and finally the rewards of Daoyimen.

“Senior Brother Fang, are you all right!”

After a long time, Kang Chang and the others spirit slowly recovers, hurriedly ran to Fang Qingshan’s side and asked with concern.

“It’s okay.”

Fang Qingshan shook the head, the token held in his hand was still not relaxed at all.

There must be no harm or defensiveness.

Although he may be a gentleman’s heart, Fang Qingshan is unwilling to build his safety on trusting others.

“Okay, now it’s the harvest season. Now you have to move out all the good things in Cave Mansion and divide the cake.”

Kang Smooth and the others hearing this, suddenly my eyes lit up, and I couldn’t care about the others, and suddenly disappeared.

Because of the fall of the God Emperor, there is basically no danger in Cave Mansion.

So, soon everyone cleaned up the entire Cave Mansion, and all the gains were piled up in front of Fang Qingshan.

The next step is to divide the spoils.

Although Fang Qingshan really wants to eat alone, a gentleman loves to make money.

This time, it is not a person’s credit.

Others also that’s all, this time can get out of the trap smoothly and gain something. In addition to their own strength, thanks to Kang Chang’s two life-saving talisman, Fang Qingshan can’t eat alone. Although he wanted to pack everything, he was still very decent.

So, for the sake of fairness, they collected all the gains first, and then distributed them according to their work.

This time, although the gains of the God Emperor Cave Mansion are dangerous, the gains are naturally proportional to the danger.

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