However, the movement in the Akasaka Realm made everyone at Daoyimen mixed.

Fortunately, the reason this time opened the Chixiao Realm is to deter other sects, and to give Direct Disciple a great opportunity. After all, in general, the Chixiao Realm is only open to the God Emperor. This time, they obviously seized the opportunity and did not live up to their expectations.

Moreover, in terms of the intensity of the fight, Direct Disciple is really good, and there are successors.

As for the worry, it is natural that there are so many people who have gone to the Cave Mansion. Although the heart is worthy of praise, it is not that simple to fall into the reality. After all, that is the emperor, not as good as a chicken landing Phoenix.

However, in the end, it is better than worry. After all, they still have the order card in their hands. As long as they are not killed by the Emperor, as long as the token is crushed in time, there is no problem with protecting their lives.

Fang Qingshan obviously didn’t know that because of his own sake, this Inner Sect grand competition was completely out of control.

Anyone who has several points of confidence in themselves is no longer satisfied with the step-by-step search for ordinary resources, heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

Instead, start to open the God Emperor Cave Mansion in a way.

And it’s not just one or two.

The top ten Inner Sect disciples, several dark horses, and even those like Kang Chang. Although they are not Inner Sect ten Head Disciple, they are also second only to their personnel.

Everyone started to hear the wind.

Fang Qingshan don’t say that he doesn’t know, even if he knows, he won’t care.

He only cares about his own harvest, what does the behavior of other people do to him?

Not to mention that even if they can gain something like him, so what?

The trials of the Akasaka Realm are only preliminary competitions. The real finals still depend on the grand competition. He didn’t believe that, after receiving the harvest of the God Emperor Cave Mansion, he could not even pass the primary trial.

Besides, is the Emperor Cave Mansion really that easy to break?

I didn’t see Kang Chang’s two hole cards first, Fang Qingshan spare no effort, and both ended up with a desperate result. He is not so optimistic about other people’s intrusion.

Although Fang Qingshan’s cave mansion seems to be outstanding in the early-stage of the gods, it does not mean that the other gods are bad, and it cannot be said, in case of time Without paying attention, he broke into the Cave Mansion of the mid-term god emperor, and it was really cold.

Leave aside these, but it is said that the battle between Shenhuang and Fang Qingshan has reached the final juncture.

“Heaven and earth will, bless my body, cut!”

The god emperor finally used the last trump card, which is the heaven and earth will belonging to Cave Mansion.

This Cave Mansion is his Cave Mansion, which he developed.

Fang Qingshan previously used Heavenly Cycle Star chen formation diagram and Nine Tunes Yellow River Formation diagram. In addition to suppressing the power of the Emperor, it is to isolate him from the connection with Cave Mansion and make him lose his geographical advantage. .

Unfortunately, the emperor is the emperor, how can it be so easy to deal with.

However, Fang Qingshan’s actions were not without effect, at least he won the upper hand, severely inflicted the divine emperor, and made the glimmer of victory shine brighter.

“hong long long!”

In the sky one after another thunderbolt sounded without warning, the thunderbolt is dense like rain. What appeared was extremely abrupt. At a glance, the void seemed to turn into a sea of ​​thunder.

Russia, dark clouds, Lei Hai split up in an instant.

I can see, in the sky, a golden eye appears out of thin air. In this golden eye, it seems to be able to see that countless mysterious laws of Divine Chain are constantly flashing. , It is uncertain. Exudes endless majesty. At the moment of appearance, countless beings felt as if they had been put on an invisible shackle, bearing huge pressure.

The Eye of Heavenly Way, belongs to the Heavenly Way, the origin of Cave Mansion world.

Golden’s eyes blinked, and with a brush, Source Power turned into a Heaven Connecting Divine Pillar, and fell straight towards the emperor within the body.

next moment, the god emperor’s whole person swelled up, as if infinitely vigorously blessed in his body. The karmic fire was suppressed, the injury was repaired, and it seemed to be restored to the peak state all at once, becoming even more fierce.

However, over time, it seems that something is wrong.

Because of the generally speaking, the blessing of the summon Heavenly Way is only part of the summon, and then the Heavenly Way will retreat.

But at this moment, Heavenly Way is not at all retreating, as if to pour all power back into the emperor within the body. Or maybe it’s the Great Star Absorption Law, Beiming profound art and other techniques, can’t stop it.

However, the emperor was not comfortable either. It seemed that his body was overwhelmed and his skin was cracked.

For a while, but as the imposing manner of the god emperor became more and more vigorous, the Heavenly Eye above the sky became weaker and weaker.

Obviously, his summon heaven and earth will add body is a little different from ordinary ones, this is not borrowing, but directly seizing.

This is probably the reason why Heavenly Way in Great Desolate will plot against the witches and Three Purities.

After all, Pangu created Great Desolate. If he exists, it will be like the eyes of the summon Heavenly Way of the god emperor at this moment, and Great Desolate heaven and earth will all desire him.

This is obviously unwilling to Supreme Supreme’s Heavenly Way, not to mention Heavenly Way, but anyone with an independent personality may not be willing.


Unfortunately, the Emperor is the true founder of Cave Mansion. Although he has fallen, he has not completely fallen, and Heavenly Way has no way to resist.

Furthermore, Heavenly Way was also hit hard in the war that year. Can’t resist.

Leave aside these, although the god emperor’s blessing from Heavenly Way seems to be a little inadequate, but he doesn’t care anymore. Anyway, with this attack, success or failure will result in benevolence.

After all, if Fang Qingshan cannot be killed, he will be killed by Fang Qingshan.

While killing Fang Qingshan, do you think the Daoyimen will let him go?

So, what he wants most now is to pull a person back.

For a while, his eyes are cold, overlooking the earth, all emotions seem to be disappeared, as if the creatures from Heaven Realm, aloof and remote, have to exercise Divine Punishment and walk the world.

As soon as the voice fell, even the whole person became dry.

An earth-shattering sword energy 倏er flew out of his hand, dozens of ten thousand zhangs, a sword like the entire Cave Mansion world, even the entire Akasaka world is suppressed, grandiose, boundless, Overwhelmingly polar.

The sword light seems to be slow and ill. It drags the silver light Shengxue, drags it on the tail, and makes a sharp sound.

The sound has twelve turns, and one turn will kill!

hong long long ,

Speaking of time delay, it is fast, the sword light arrives in an instant, and it will be cut on the Eternal Heaven boat at once, and wherever it passes, it bursts A dazzling silver light golden brilliance appeared, exploding like fireworks.

vortex, black holes, nothingness, explosions are getting louder, heaven-shaking, earth-shattering.

“hmph, you have a back hand, don’t I have one?”

Fang Qingshan saw it sneered.

With a move in my heart, All Heavens Chessboard flew out and fell into the eternal thunder pool.

The previous crazy attack, and even the crazy attack.

As a result, the Eternal Heaven boat can no longer survive.

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