As for the specific situation in the Akasaka Realm, except for the Imparting Skill Elder who is in charge of the Inner Sect grand competition, everyone else is ignorant of it.

Kang Family people can only judge based on the divine emperor’s fight and the breath of Old Ancestor revealed at this moment, it should be Kang Chang who used the life-saving talisman handed over to him by the family.

At all, I don’t know, they are only facing a formation at this moment, not facing a real God Sovereign Level expert.

However, I also don’t know, not only Kang Chang, but Fang Qingshan is also around them.

The news is not equal, so at the moment they are a little flustered and exasperated.

The life-saving talisman is called life-saving talisman, naturally, it is used to save life, and it cannot be used lightly until the last moment.

Of course, as far as the current situation is concerned, it is indeed a crisis, and it is understandable to use it.

However, what is the situation now?

Inner Sect grand competition has just begun, and they have just entered the Akasaka world.

Under normal circumstances, it is absolutely impossible to meet God Sovereign Level opponents. Unless they are adventurous.

In this regard, they can’t wait to drag Kang Chang out and hang about a year. Is the Emperor Cave Mansion so good to explore? Really not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth.

Unfortunately, they are now too much and not enough, but they secretly remembered him.

However, no matter what outsiders think or look at, they will not affect the Chixiao Realm.

At this moment, after a palm of the spirituality Buddha was broken, the fist of the Kang Family god emperor fell towards him unabated, the eyes of the Buddha light flashed. It seems to have sensed the crisis and directly mobilized the power of the entire great array.

“Myriad Buddhas Makes A Pilgrimage Toward Sect!”


next moment, Buddha’s radiance reappears, the lotus blooms again, all the Buddhas and Buddhas It was as if it had been beaten with blood, and it was instantly resurrected with blood. The blazing pupil light contained a dazzling golden light.

Qi Qi bowed to the Buddha.

This worship, it seems that the formidable power of the entire great array has been urged to the extreme.

This worship, all the power of the Buddha and the disciple has been found time.

This worship, the power of the entire great array is blessed on the formation eye.

For a time, the spirituality Buddha seems to have used Divine Ability such as Size as one wants, Heaven and Earth’s Law Manifestation, and the whole person has more than doubled.

The whole body exudes a golden light of the ultimate Buddha rhyme, standing there, solemn appearance, just looking at it, makes people involuntarily give birth to a sense of refuge, as if they can live eternally in bliss.

However, there are still some differences from before.

The previous Great Buddha was the Buddha of Compassion, the Buddha of Transformation, and the Buddha of Bliss.

The current Great Buddha is the Buddha of King Ming, the Buddha of killing, and the Buddha of conquering demons.


Buddha has compassion and anger.

At this moment, it is obviously that the Buddha is angry, pregnant with Bodhisattva Heart, throwing a thunderbolt, spitting out killing sound, pinching the Vajra seal, swinging his arm, as if a Vajrapani Pestle fell.

crack crack!

For a time, the entire great array sounded like an aging machine.

In the end, this is just the spirituality operation of the Level 3 spirit root, not the patriarch support of the formation.

So, although the power of the entire formation has been mobilized, it is inevitable that one loses the other. Somewhat jerky.

However, none of this affects the formidable power of the Great Buddha’s blow.


The remaining power of the Emperor Talisman collided with the big Buddha’s uprising.

The entire formation has exploded.

The formation node exploded like a continuous bead gun. Fang Qingshan had retreated to the edge of the formation, and his defense was added one layer after another.

Even so, it is like a lone boat in the huge waves of the sea, set off by the aftermath and drifting with the flow.

Kang Chang and the others are naturally no exception, and even worse.

As for the center of the fight, there are mountains bursting and ground splitting, vacuum smashing, and the silver white void barrier gives birth to one after another, a pitch-black crack like a spider web, which stretches for an unknown amount of time and space.

With this blow, the power of talisman was completely exhausted, and the illusory shadow of the god emperor turned into a mottled spot of light like a dreamlike bubble and drifted away with the wind.

Although the spirituality Buddha is also a miserable appearance, it survived anyway, and the entire great array slowly healed under Buddha’s radiance.


Seeing this scene, Kang Chang and the others were suddenly shocked. They didn’t expect that their trump cards could not be the spirituality Buddha, and they could not break the great array. , I am afraid that they have only the last way to go, that is to smash the token quickly, yes, hurry up, otherwise, as before, they will be attacked by the light of Duhua, I am afraid they will not even have a chance to escape.

It’s just that, they are very reconciled. After all, they have entered into it and they have not gained anything. Even the Supreme Treasure is hidden in front of them, but they have no ability to obtain it. Instead, they have a life-saving talisman. This is how they will be willing.

Just when Kang Chang and the others wondered if they would continue to take out a hole card.

Fang Qingshan, who had been preparing all the time, flashed a trace of bright light in his eyes.



For a time, but I saw a banner wrapped with lightning flying out of the eternal thunder pool.

The flagpole is like a long spear, the volley can be pierced in the sky, the flag surface is unfolded, and what is displayed above is the immortal Thunder Tribulation of Fang Qingshan.

At the beginning, when Fang Qingshan was in the last layer Thunder Tribulation, he raised the Eternal Heaven boat and broke it in one blow. Not only did he pass the tribulation thunder, but he also gained a lot.

Especially for the Thunder Tower, the eternal thunder pool and the thunder flag.

These three Supreme Treasures are all related to Thunderbolt, and among All Heaven, what is closer to Thunder Source Great Way than tribulation thunder?

The Jinglei flag itself/main body is not an ordinary thing either. The flagpole is made of the barrel of the thundering gun that is no weaker than the bottle gourd of life and death. The flag face is made of Pangu’s skin, with Pangu’s fleshly The strength of the body is probably not much better than Fang Qingshan today.

And these two things have been entangled by Heavenly God thunder and bred through heaven and earth. Finally merged into the Eternal Heaven boat.

So, the formidable power of Jinglei Banner can be imagined.

The most important thing is that this thing is soaked in the eternal thunder pool by Fang Qingshan day and night. Although there is no progress, the use of life and death island to repair life and death bottle gourd comes fast, but the formidable power is still increasing day by day.


Fang Qingshan thought together, thundering flag, banged, and rose in the wind, on which the Thunder Source Great Way seemed to be alive, with World Destroying Might.

hong long long!

But a thunderbolt was seen falling from the thunder flag. No less than the power of the previous stars.

In the meantime, there are fine and dense ancient Leiwens, all of them fist sized, each word is pearly, deep and simple, telling about Thunder Dao, rewarding good and punishing evil, good fortune and destruction.

Thunder Dao is the way of destruction, punishment, and good fortune, the way of reward.

If you can’t get through, everything will stop. If you pass it, it will naturally be a brighter future.

At this moment, the sky is full of thunderbolt, and lightning is raging.

one strike certain kill!

Fang Qingshan wanted to find the weak spot of the great array at the very beginning, and then broke it with one blow.

Unfortunately, this formation was too powerful, and Level 3 Supreme Treasure suppressed it, and it failed.

Now it’s alright, there is the god emperor origin talisman shot, and the spirituality Buddha is finally exposed, and Fang Qingshan seized the opportunity.

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