Seeing the performance of Extreme Martial Sect and Wan Ancient Heaven Gate, Daoyimen executives also sighed.

Isn’t the reason why they created such a big scene this time is to show the power of Daoyimen in front of them?

Unfortunately, looking at their appearance, although they may not fail to achieve their goals, the effect is definitely greatly reduced.

This is also the decline of Daoyimen, and there is no Divine Emperor to sit in. Otherwise, where would it be so troublesome. After all, the real powerhouse is full of confidence and doesn’t need to be redundant.

At the same time, they became more sure in their hearts and vigorously cultivated the ideas of Fang Qingshan and the others. Just like Scarlet Clouds Sect back then, I want to cultivate a Divine Emperor as soon as possible. Only in this way can Daoyimen sit back and relax.

As Old Ancestor fell longer and longer, the influence of Daoyimen became weaker and weaker.

If there is still no emperor, I am afraid that the scene of the hard-to-maintain will collapse.

It is really not an easy task to appear in the Divine Emperor. The most important thing to look at is fate and chance, as well as the press forward, imposing manner.

Daoyimen is not short of God Emperor Peak, such as Sect Master, and resources, such as Akasaka Realm.

However, there is no resource to assist the breakthrough emperor. Although Sect Master and the others came to the door, they lost their vitality.

So, we still need to cultivate youngster.

Jiang Bawang, Fang Qingshan and the others are at the right time.

No, if they can maintain the current breakthrough speed, it would be the first step for Sect Master and the others to break through the Divine Emperor.

After all, they are getting older and their potential is almost exhausted.

But Jiang Bawang, Fang Qingshan, especially Fang Qingshan is different, he is also the lord of the Eternal Heaven boat with unlimited potential.

Either the breakthrough of the Eternal Heaven boat consumes too much resources, or the Taoyimen has not really reached the end of the mountain, and the others and the others are determined to take out all the resources of the Taoyimen. The Eternal Heaven boat was directly stacked to the point of Divine Emperor.

Leave aside these, but after Imparting Skill Elder distributes the integrator and the guarantee order card.

The hands are like Avalokitesvara with a thousand hands, playing a series of decisive battles, and at the end, he whispers,


hong long long! !

next moment, you can see that there are layers of ripples on the surface of the Chixiao Realm, and they faint like ink. Suddenly, a crack opens, like a baby bird coming out of its shell. Being a daoist sect user is somewhere between virtual and real. It is similar to the Tianwei Gate of Chaos World.

“The gate opens, and the disciples quickly enter it!”

In fact, without the imparting Skill Elder greeting, everyone already impatients want to enter it.

Because through the door, everyone has seen all kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures of the world within the realm.

“Let’s go.”

“One step first, step by step!”

“Go on.”

“Start first Be strong, rush!”

The disciples who have long been unable to hold back, at this moment, the Eight Immortals crossed the sea to show their Divine Ability, or they have fled, or the flying sword, magical artifact, or display The battle skills are varied, but they all fly towards the gate at the fastest speed.

The most outstanding nature is the Inner Sect ten Head Disciple and a group of dark horses.

Inner Sect Ten Head Disciple, let’s not talk about him, that group of dark horses, except Fang Qingshan, the others also have accumulated knowledge and deliver it slowly, soaring to the sky.

They are just like the top ten Inner Sect disciples who have not been promoted to true inheritance, they all want to find such a special time to break out, so as to maximize their benefits.

Unfortunately, I didn’t read the almanac at the beginning, and I didn’t expect the variable Fang Qingshan.

If there is no Fang Qingshan, they will definitely shine one by one. Unfortunately, with Fang Qingshan pearls and jade in front, although they have become dark horses, they seem to be ridiculous.

Entire group, rampage, go forward courageously. Others don’t say transcendence, even close to them can’t.

Because they are in full aura and are competing with each other.

The reason for this is naturally to strive for a high and low.

But you can’t do it directly, and you can’t even make a trip secretly.

In the end, Daoyimen is different from other sects in that the people are more united. Even if it is to compete for opportunity, the means are relatively not so bloody.

Furthermore, it has only just begun, everything is still unknown, you can’t make it, before everything is unknown, you will get into a powerful enemy.

So, the best way is to use an imposing manner to bully people, with full firepower, so that you can test out one or two without making True Fire.

Therefore, because everyone is very restrained from their own/main body, it seems that some well water does not offend the river.

In the whistling, Fang Qingshan and the others took the lead and entered the red sky realm, while the other Inner Sect disciples naturally followed closely from behind.

After everyone entered, Imparting Skill Elder waved his hand and the Domain Portal closed, like a dreamlike bubble, turning into mottled spots of light scattered and empty, and at the same time a star Totem was empty. It unfolded slowly, hanging above Chi Xiao like a sky curtain.

This object is a complementary product with the token previously given to the disciple, just like the relationship between surveillance and camera.

But the difference is that although this catalog can monitor the disciples, the stars are dotted, like the light of the stars, representing each disciple, but it can only be judged by the light color. The stronger the light, the darker the color, and the higher the score. Once the light dims, it means death or elimination. As for what the disciple did in the Chixiao Realm, it was impossible to see.

In fact, this is also normal. After all, everyone has privacy, especially the cultivator. They value the cards. If they are exposed to the public’s eyes, once they are targeted, they may be dangerous.

However, although everyone cannot observe the people in the Chixiao Realm like the texture in their palms, they can also know their movements at any time through this star map.

Leave aside the outsiders, but said Fang Qingshan and the others were sent to different places after entering the red sky realm.

This is also to sharpen the disciples. After all, if they are together, if the gang acts, the effect will not be greatly reduced. Among them, there is no such thing as playing the yú to make up the numbers.

Furthermore, this separation is also based on fate. If fate is good, it is divided into good places, and it goes without saying that fate is bad.


As soon as Fang Qingshan entered it, he sensed a deep sense of malice and suppression.

From a distance, I can sense that there is a golden iron horse, a battle flag swept, iron-blooded, unforged, warrior, warrior, soldier, glory and iron-blooded, war and grandeur, just like the essence.

There is also Yin Qi, like a Ghost Domain, where ghosts wailing and crying, heaven and earth are shaken, the water of the river of blood is faint across the void, blood is stained, wraith is floating, I don’t know how many Demon God’s Shadows are faintly discernible, baring fangs and brandishing claws.

As far as the river reaches, the sky and the earth are completely silent, like a natural disaster.


Fang Qingshan was not surprised by this.

After all, he is a person who has read the Great Way Palace, and he knows a lot of secrets, especially the secrets of Daoyimen.

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