“It turns out that Elder Jin from Piaoxue Palace has arrived. These all are Your sect disciples, they are indeed a giant amongst men.”

“The arrival of the Lord of the Heaven Martial Palace of Extreme Martial Sect is actually an order I thought that the door was shining. Direct Disciple all qi and blood soared into the sky, no wonder it’s so powerful.”

“The god Xue of the Ancient Heaven Gate is it’s been a long time since we last met, remember that the last time we met was three thousand years ago, this time must be a good narrative.”


These VIPs were stunned. People are introduced into the Yingbin Pavilion and into different courtyards according to their respective levels.

But even the worst courtyard buildings are built with exceptionally grand atmosphere, brilliant lights and vibrant colors.

On top of it, the pictures are written with animals and immortal spirits. Ran Ran sandalwood, misty and ethereal.

Inside the door, there is a special prohibition formation, which is filled with an unspeakable power and exudes a dark fragrance. After encountering it, its spiritual power Primordial Spirit becomes lively , The fatigue of the journey was wiped out.

This is naturally something similar to the concentrating formation and calming fragrance.

Fortunately, although it is difficult to arrange, it is difficult to arrange successfully for everyone, and it needs special divine wood assistance.

The calming fragrance is even more difficult to refine. The most important thing is the consumables, the raw materials, and the worst grades are all ranked in Level 2 high grade.

I sense the changes in my own spiritual power Primordial Spirit, which is mysterious, indescribable.

Whether it is weaker than Daoyimen or stronger than Daoyimen, I can’t help being surprised.

Secretly sigh, it is worthy of the Taoist door, with profound background and great generosity.

Although it is silent for a while, it is not to be underestimated. Anzhi is not Hidden Dragon In Deep Abyss. The wind rises in a day and rises upward.

As the grand competition approaches, all those who should have come have already come, and those who can’t come will not come. All the disciples of Daoyimen are tired of returning home. At the same time, the gate of Tianwei is closed and the great array is started.

Be prepared for a rainy day. Although there have been screenings before, there are too many people coming, and people’s hearts are separated from the belly. It is better to be safe than sorry. Therefore, the Taoist sect is guarded by the Taoist soldiers. Before the grand competition ends, will not withdraw.

As night falls, Chaos World of Tao is more lively than usual. Firstly, because of the Inner Sect grand competition, some students who do tasks outside all the year round, earn Taoism, seek secrets, and find opportunities Returning, exiting the retreat, when there are more people, it naturally becomes lively.

Second Lai is also the doorman of other forces, and it is necessary to wander around the Daoyimen. Everyone visits relatives and friends and communicates with each other. Naturally, it is extremely lively.

But for Fang Qingshan and others who want to participate in the Inner Sect grand competition, the excitement belongs to others, and they all stay in their own dojos to meditate for better State to meet the battle that is about to begin tomorrow.

Sect Grand Competition!

This is a big chance. Don’t tolerate any negligence.

The Great Way is fighting, fate for chance with heaven and earth, for resources with creatures, for lifespan with time, and for eternity with Great Way.

Sect Grand Competition, there will be a lot of geniuses of the same level, against them, learn from others, the other mountain’s stone can polish jade.

Sect also has rewards. The better the ranking, the more rewards you get. And this reward is not only easier than traveling to All Heaven and exploring the loneliness, it is not too dangerous.

Although the cultivator is an immortal and a Buddha, he is also a layman and he values ​​fame and wealth.

Good performance, not only does sect have a resource tilt, which makes people take a high look, but it is also popular.

In addition, Daoyimen disciples are generally in a free range state. In addition to entry, or large realm breakthrough, there will be free cultivation techniques to receive. Normally every once in a while, there is Imparting Skill Elder instructing you.

The rest of the cultivator relies on itself, there is no Teacher, if you want to ask questions, you can go to the Great Way Palace to inquire, you can ask Elder, but they all need Taoism.

So, Daoyimen disciples spend half of their time performing tasks to earn Dao Yi points.

However, if you perform well in the grand competition, you may be valued by the Teacher for early acceptance.

In this way, with Teacher’s guidance and subsidies, the cultivator will naturally get more smoothly.

Therefore, those who are interested in this are very solemn. Be sure to show your best side, and try your best to be 200% wonderful.

One night passed quickly. At dawn, as the morning sun slowly rises into the sky, the rays of light and warmth are spread all over the earth. one after another The awakening bell was struck.

The whole Tao Yimen suddenly came alive.

All Daoyimen disciples who wanted to participate in the grand competition have gathered in Xingluo Overseas.

Good guy, it’s nothing if you don’t pay attention. At this moment, all the disciples gather together, thousands of immortals are gathered together, especially these people are immortal realm, the imposing manner is so high, it is really a bit stunned. tongue.

At a glance, there is a black silhouette of human heads. But each has its own splendor, one by one is as vast as Feng Xu’s imperial wind, without knowing its end; fluttering like a legacy of independence, evolving into immortality.

The breeze blows, and the chill of last night still remains, but it can’t blow away the heat of everyone’s hearts.

Seeing this scene, the disciples under the immortality look like a proud look. At the same time, they are a little envious and make up their minds. Next time, I must appear among those people.

And above the sky, the stars are shining rays of light, among which stand true inheritance, all Elders, guests, overlooking.

After all the disciples had arrived, a bell rang in the sky.

next moment, but a thousand-leaved lotus flower can be seen blooming.

This lotus, like a lotus, is not a lotus, but it is all composed of thousands of Taoism.

On the lotus platform, a white eyebrow-stained old man sat motionless, hand-swinged to the dust, his Tianmen Qingyun rose, shining immeasurably light, tens of thousands of golden lanterns hanging down , Jingle, echo with the Chaos World of Tao.

This person is not someone else, but the Sect Master of Daoyimen, the existence of Daoist, God Emperor Peak.

Although it is not comparable to the Storm Sword Emperor, from the perspective of the emperors Fang Qingshan has seen, even the most powerful Tan Lao can not compare to him.

When I opened my eyes, there seemed to be hundreds of millions of stars moving in my eyes, which contained the principles of heaven and earth, the eternal Great Way.

“Meet Sect Master!”

At this moment, whether it is Outer Sect, Inner Sect, true inheritance, or deacon, Elder all worships the old man.

“Get up.”

Sect Master looks old-fashioned, but his voice is calm and upright, just like the spring breeze in February, making people warm. With a wave of hands, everyone stood up involuntarily.

Speaking, but I saw Sect Master extend the hand arm, like a cloud dragon probing claws, grabbing it into the void.

next moment, When you withdraw your hand, you will see a sideworld in your palm.

Follow, shake gently, and make a loud bang. Like splitting heaven and earth apart, many of the realm’s disciples were shaking.

After the sound, there were lightning and thunder, storms, fires, hail and snowflakes, all kinds of natural phenomena, which looked very dangerous, these all are caused by void friction, and the formidable power was extraordinary.

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