hong long long!

Still not giving Fang Qingshan too much time, Sanjiu Dao Tribulation arrived as scheduled.

This time, the first thing that changed was the robbery cloud overhead.

Yijiu Dao Tribulation shows ordinary black, and twenty-nine Dao Tribulation is illuminated by golden light. Now, Sanjiu Dao Tribulation is colorful and colorful.

Sanjiu Dao Tribulation formidable power has a qualitative breakthrough on the basis of Erjiu Dao Tribulation.

However, fortunately, it is still attribute Thunder Tribulation. Although thunderbolt is a substance, it has not been transformed into a creature, let alone a human being.

Although there are many creatures, the extraordinary natural talent is extremely strong and profound at birth.

But Human Race, or the human body is still the trend of heaven and earth.

Because the human body is the most perfect Dao Body, only after transforming it can it fit the heaven and earth Great Way more.

Not to mention these, although Sanjiu Dao Tribulation has not turned into a wise creature, it is still an attribute Thunder Tribulation.

But it is not a single attribute Thunder Tribulation, but Five Elements full attribute Thunder Tribulation.

But it can be seen that vegetation, earth and rocks, gold and iron, flames, ice and water, at the same time blooming endless Dao Rhyme, intertwined, hiding the sky and covering the fall of the earth.

For a time, sometimes blazing flames, sometimes burning the heaven and boiling the sea, sometimes endless golden light, like the sharp Divine Weapon, slaughter the world, sometimes immeasurable mountains overwhelming, sometimes the blue sea swept across, sometimes endless vines Winding and binding, or, incompatible as fire and water, Five Elements Shengke…


Seeing this scene, Fang Qingshan did not this time Directly took out the law and Primordial Spirit, but first took out the Life Source Supreme Treasure Reincarnation Mirror.

In the end, this is Sanjiu Dao Tribulation, which is comparable to Mosquito Man’s 49 Dao Tribulation.

In the previous XXIX Dao Tribulation, Divine Ability was a bit overwhelmed, without transformation successful, and almost broken by Thunder Tribulation. Fang Qingshan naturally did not dare to directly let the law and Primordial Spirit meet force with force.

Otherwise, I’m afraid I will be defeated before tempering.

When the time comes, it’s trying to steal a chicken only to end up losing the rice used to lure it.


But it seems that the form is strange and ancient, with many Totem patterns carved around it. Its quality is not metal, not jade, and it is quite heavy. There are ancient tadpoles on the back. The journey of seal and cloud dragon and strange bird, Dragon Mark Phoenix seal, a treasure mirror that is not carved or painted, during which there is the alternation of the sun and the moon, the transformation of life and death, the entanglement of time and space, the flow of brilliance, and the sound of mystery is endless.

Following Fang Qingshan’s urging, a divine light connecting to heaven penetrating the earth soared into the sky, majestic and vast, and the sky full of thunderbolt could not help being stagnated.

As the saying goes, it is in a spurt of energy, and then it fades again, and it is exhausted after three.

Swept by the mirror light, the speed and imposing manner were suddenly lost. When it fell, the formidable power was already weakened by a layer.

“Come again!”

Fang Qingshan gave a faint babble, the reincarnation mirror in his hand turned continuously, and one after another sharp shining light went forward and shot out.

The speed of thunderbolt is delayed again and again, and the formidable power of thunderbolt is reduced.

When this wave of Thunder Tribulation finally landed on Fang Qingshan’s head, the formidable power was not enough for the 4-Layer at the beginning.

At this time, Fang Qingshan didn’t use the Samsara Mirror anymore and attacked and defended. But the law of took out and Primordial Spirit.

In the end, he hasn’t forgotten that he not only wants Transcending Tribulation, but also uses Thunder Tribulation to refine everything.

Fang Qingshan took a deep breath, thoughts move, with both hands pinching the immortality of eternity, the sky gate on the top of the head opened, the clouds floating and sinking, the Primordial Spirit flew out, visualizing the Great Way Azure Lotus picture.

next moment, a swaying Azure Lotus is slowly blooming, on which Azure Lotus Dao Rhyme, the emerald color is dripping, the flowers bloom 30 Grade 3, eternal and comfortable, eternal, unparalleled defense, ten thousand Does not stick.

This is not only the idea of ​​meditation, but also the method of cultivation Primordial Spirit, and it is also a strong Primordial Spirit Divine Ability.

More than that, at the same time, surprisingly, Fang Qingshan seems to have a Buzhou Mountain behind his head. The Heaven Supporting Pillar stands up. It is Fang Qingshan’s Big Way Law, the sky column, black and white, with Numerous mysterious air machines, Dao Rhyme, Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, white, blue, black, red and yellow, and Five Elements have all evolved in them.

The runes of each piece resembling a reincarnation mirror and Six Paths Samara Disk collide with each other and make a sound of ding dong, exuding the artistic conception of Ancient Samsara.

hong long long!

When the Thunder Tribulation fell, the Great Way Tianzhu was uncertain for a while, and the Primordial Spirit Azure Lotus shook in black.

There was a stalemate for a while, and the successor of Thunderbolt was weak and eventually dispersed.

In this way, Fang Qingshan uses the reincarnation mirror to weaken the formidable power of thunderbolt, while still borrowing the principle of thunderbolt tempering, Primordial Spirit, as always.

There was no accident, just like the previous tempering fleshly body and Divine Ability, I survived this disaster without any risk.

In this way, the law of Tianzhu’s black and white Shenhua becomes more and more dense and deep. Crystal clear as glass. Saved Fang Qingshan how much time.

As for the Azure Lotus of Primordial Spirit, it is not only restored to its original condition, but also more attractive and green. The 34th grade has also sprouted. I believe that as long as the Fang Qingshan Transcending Tribulation succeeds, 34 grades of flowers can be bloomed.

Once the Sanjiu Dao Tribulation is over, the Shijiu Dao Tribulation will follow.

This time, Fang Qingshan didn’t think about tempering anymore.

It’s not that I don’t want to, but it’s too late and there is no time.

Because the formidable power of the thunderbolt at the moment is too strong, if only the fleshly body, Divine Ability, Primordial Spirit, etc., the power of one side is simply not able to resist a wave of thunderbolt.

So this time Fang Qingshan is using various means in turn.

When the thunderbolt falls, Sacred Jewel still takes the lead. However, this time is not the reincarnation mirror acting alone, but with the blessing of the pillar of reincarnation law to weaken the thunderbolt first and delay his falling speed.

Then, Divine Ability battle skill, staggered shots.

Reincarnation bracelet, reincarnation cone, reincarnation diagram, reincarnation chess and other Life Source Divine Ability. Not to mention, Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, Only I Am Supreme punch, prison finger, stepping and so on. One after another came out.

Either weaken, or rebound, or transfer, or…

Anyway, it is to weaken Thunderbolt as much as possible.

If the thunderbolt is not completely eliminated at the end, then rely on the strength of the fleshly body to resist.

In this way, although it is less casual than the previous 3rd-layer Dao Tribulation, it is still methodical and proceeding step by step.

Emperor is not in a hurry. Court Eunuch is in a hurry, but even so, it makes the Daoyimen high-level officials on the side worried.

“fleshly body, Divine Ability, Sacred Jewel, the laws have been taken out, although not at all stretched, but there are still two Dao Tribulation.”

“That The kid still has the Eternal Heaven boat, don’t worry.”

“But if there are two Dao Tribulations, one is better than the other, there is an Eternal Heaven boat, I’m afraid…”

“Don’t be afraid, there is still the great array guardian of the robbery world, you can open it when necessary.”

“The guardian great array of the robbery world?”

Everyone is hearing This, his face is hard to explain.

After all, before, Yu Bo let him turn on automatically, can he really help Fang Qingshan?

“Don’t forget that this is the world of robbery, at worst, finally give up the world of robbery. I think it should be possible to pull strongly against a crazy tide.”

Everyone is hearing this, and they feel a little at ease. Although the robbery is good, it is worth it for Fang Qingshan.

Besides, it’s just their guess now, maybe it’s unfounded worry, not at all, where is it?

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