After the completion of the 19th Dao Tribulation, the next wave of Thunder Tribulation will not at all fall immediately.

First, it will take a little time to accumulate and transform power. After all, the formidable power of Erjiu Dao Tribulation is far higher than that of Erjiu Dao Tribulation.

There are again, naturally I was shocked by Fang Qingshan, didn’t expect that the most powerful wave of thunderbolt in Dao Tribulation in 19th actually left Fang Qingshan unscathed.

Although the Great Way is not a creature, it has a will. The stronger the Transcending Tribulation person is, the stronger the Thunderbolt will be once it is sensed. To put it bluntly, even if it is often said that Heaven’s Jealousy.

Seeing in the sky, the thicker the robbery cloud and the wandering thunderbolt in the sky, have not yet fallen, and the hearts of many immortal Early-Stage Inner Sect disciples seem to be pinched. .

However, this time, no one is worried about Fang Qingshan.

It’s not that he doesn’t care, but he has a sense of his strength.

After all, fleshly body alone has survived the last wave of thunderbolt of 19 Dao Tribulation, not to mention the immortality Early-Stage, unless it is specialized in body refinement or people with physique innate talent, many immortal I am afraid there is no such fleshly body in the middle and late stages.

So, no matter what happens later, at least this Erjiu Dao Tribulation can’t help Fang Qingshan.

Regardless of what everyone thinks, he said that the heavenly tribulation thunder, not at all, let Fang Qingshan wait for too long, or that it didn’t give the people of Transcending Tribulation too much opportunity to breathe.

In less than a quarter, the tribulation thunder has been accumulated.

Good guys, even knowing that Erjiu Dao Tribulation is far above Yijiu Dao Tribulation, everyone couldn’t help taking a breath.

Although the number and volume of the thunderbolt have returned to the state of the first wave of Dao Tribulation in 19th.

But the quality is completely incomparable.

No one thought that the attribute thunderbolt appeared in the first wave of Dao Tribulation just now.

Yes, this time the thunderbolt is a golden light masterpiece, blooming with endless sharpness, like a volley trying to pierce the sky.

Metal Attribute tribulation thunder!

More than that, tribulation thunder is transformed into a sharp blade.

The formidable power of two people will naturally bring it up a level.


There was a sword chant, as thin as a mosquito at first, undetectable, then gradually uplifted, rolling like river water, and finally, it seemed to be completely unsheathed, and the sound shook the sky. .

In an instant, in the gap of the spinning cloud, one after another sword energy suddenly vented, one after another sharp golden sword energy, when the sword energy came out, the long swords below Level 2 Supreme Treasure were all The trembling was extremely. It’s like acknowledge allegiance pilgrimage.

“hmph, you want to change to other attributes, I also let you three points, Five Elements Thunder Tribulation? Hehe!”

Fang Qingshan sees the Thunder Tribulation falling overhead , But it’s not surprised but happy.

Now, although he transformed the Life Source law into reincarnation, he started with Five Elements, and because it is Five Elements reincarnation, reincarnation can also be transformed into Five Elements. The understanding, within the same level, can be compared with him, but there are very few.

And to deal with, it is very easy.

After all, his Life Source Divine Ability Five Elements bracelet, today’s cycle of reincarnation is like falling treasure money, Qibao tree, Five Colored Divine Light, Vajra bracelet, and it can be changed, neither water nor fire can The approach is capable of hitting everything and taking out all kinds of magical artifacts. The magical effects are endless. Especially restrain the treasure Divine Ability of Five Elements attribute.


Fang Qingshan’s two-handed dharma seal changed, lightly like thunder, and a movement in his heart, the heavenly gate cloud light rises, within the body spiritual power springs, next moment, A colorful alternating ring was revealed.

This thing is not only a Five Elements bracelet, but also a cycle of reincarnation, with alternating colors or black and white from time to time.

It is inscribed with strange textures, like mountains, water, and swords, occasionally burnt in flames, heaven and earth are frozen in ice. Sometimes it seems that time and space alternate, life and death transformation, but whether it is Heaven and Earth Five Elements or Life and Death Samsara, they have organically formed a closed loop, which is completely connected together without gaps.

If you have amazing eyesight, you can see it on this bracelet. From time to time, 81 precious mirrors or 49 spirit flags will be revealed.

The treasure mirror is naturally the projection of the current reincarnation mirror, and the spirit flag is a portrayal of the Five Elements flag back then.

The center of the closed loop is like heaven and earth returning to the ruins, or black holes, wormholes, deep and deep without seeing the bottom.


I saw that Thunderbolt was about to smash on Fang Qingshan, but I saw that the circle of reincarnation suddenly expanded, and a swallowing heaven devouring earth power burst into full swing. At the next moment, I saw the center of the circle. Time and space were distorted. Thunderbolt just When it falls, it is sucked into it.

For a time, the roaring sound is loud, the treasure mirror on the circle of reincarnation, the masterpiece of the brilliance of the spirit flag, the circle of reincarnation is also large and small, one shrinking, it seems that it may burst at any time.


In this regard, Fang Qingshan’s complexion didn’t deserve it. Instead, he became stronger. The spiritual power was urged, the law blessed, and the cycle of reincarnation was urged for greater formidable power. , Swallowed all the Thunderbolt in one breath.

“Swallow, swallow, swallow.”

The cycle of reincarnation is rising, the devouring strength is getting stronger and stronger, the thunderbolt enters it, and the two forces collide with each other and burst out unprecedented Strength. As a result, Fang Qingshan’s whole body was like thunder, trembling violently, and his face suddenly became pale as paper.

It’s not that the formidable power of Thunderbolt is so large that Fang Qingshan is overwhelmed.

Rather, it is exactly similar to the previous Yijiu Dao Tribulation, Fang Qingshan again borrowed Thunder Strength tempering, but the previous time was tempering body, this time was tempering Divine Ability.

Seeing this scene, everyone in Daoyimen couldn’t help being speechless.

First quench the body, and then quench the Divine Ability, this is to treat Thunder Tribulation as their own home.

For a while, those who did not dare to Transcending Tribulation, and those who had worked hard in Transcending Tribulation, expressed their envy, jealousy, and hatred. They really didn’t die.

The tribulation thunder in the sky seems to feel Fang Qingshan’s provocation again.

Other people are jealous of him, fear, at best, worry-free, Fang Qingshan has repeatedly used himself to improve his strength, this is a face slap.

hong long long!

So, next moment, the sky regenerates and changes, among the black clouds that have been illuminated by the golden light, suddenly more and more powerful powers are dropped, blade, spear, sword, halberd, axe Hook and fork, eighteen weapons, are everything you need.

Good fellow, it seems that all the weapons of the world have gathered, and they have not been activated. The sound of the weapon contention alone makes people feel depressed, and it seems that disasters are imminent at any time.


Fang Qingshan saw it, but was coldly snorted, without showing the slightest expression of fear, and still displayed a circle of reincarnation to welcome him.

As mentioned earlier, if it is the tribulation thunder of other attributes, he is still cautious about three points, the Five Elements attribute, which is completely fearless. If you can’t break Divine Ability all at once, not only will it not hurt Fang Qingshan, it will help him improve.


Fang Qingshan reached out and beckoned, and the circle of reincarnation on the top of the head fell into the palm of his hand in an instant, turning it gently, and tossing it.

The circle of reincarnation burst out one after another seven colors light, and it smashed into the falling thunderbolt head-on with lightning speed.

The cycle of reincarnation is not only capable of receiving Divine Ability, Sacred Jewel, but also attacking.

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