Generally speaking, whether it is to test sentient beings, to show that it is not easy to cultivate, the Great Way is difficult, or for limiting the number of cultivators. After all, Saint is immortal and there are more thieves. The cultivator is stealing secrets, walking the On heavens-defying road, once there are too many cultivators and the burden of heaven and earth is too heavy, there will be catastrophes, or other reasons.

When the cultivator reaches a certain realm, Thunder Tribulation will come.

However, Transcending Tribulation is not a bad thing.

After all, disaster is also a chance.

Hongjun survived the Tribulation of the Dao Demon, so he made a steady progress and became Saint.

Monkey Sun survived the Journey to the West, so it jumped from Golden Immortal to the top Quasi-Saint.

Fang Qingshan previously not at all Transcending Tribulation, although the cultivation base, fleshly body, Primordial Spirit, True Spirit, etc. have all degenerated into immortal matter, but in the face of the five decays of heaven and man, there is still no The least resistance.

So, in this catastrophe, you have to save yourself, and you have to survive if you don’t.

Of course, you don’t have to do it, but the cultivation base is not moving forward. This is obviously not worth the loss for those who are committed to the Great Way.

Generally speaking, before Hunyuan, it was only during Immortal Ascension, breakthrough Golden Immortal, and breakthrough Da Luo. Thunder Tribulation will appear.

Of course, this does not mean that there is only at this specific time and not at other times. It can only be said that there may be at other times, but it must be at this specific time.

After the Hunyuan, the specific time is replaced by the breakthrough of each big realm, and there will be a Thunder Tribulation test, such as the breakthrough Hunyuan, breakthrough immortality, breakthrough God Emperor, and even the probability in the breakthrough Divine Emperor.

The two are actually the same but different, just the same.

They all have to experience Thunder Tribulation.

However, due to the level of the cultivation base, the organizers are different.

The former experienced Heavenly Tribulation, and the organizer was Heavenly Way.

After mixing the yuan, the organizer became the Great Way. I have experienced Dao Tribulation, the test of the Great Way. After all, after Hunyuan, most people have already escaped the shackles of Heavenly Way, and Wei Li belongs to themselves. Therefore, Great Way is needed to take charge.

The Divine Emperor’s robbery is too far away from Fang Qingshan, so I won’t mention it for now.

Simply speaking of immortality, one needs to go through Dao Tribulation.

Of course, this is normal, which means that most people are like this, but there are exceptions.

For example, when raising the eyebrows to cross the Immortal Tribulation, the three-nine Dao Tribulation is crossed, which is a high-level Thunder Tribulation, while when the mosquito man Transcending Tribulation is crossed, the top-level Thunder Tribulation is crossed, and the crossing is five. Nine Dao Tribulation.

The reason for this is that the genius of the mosquito person is still above the eyebrows.

After all, regardless of whether the mosquito person is really the legacy of the legendary Hongmeng, he simply does not participate in the Great Way. He only needs to continuously devour resources to continuously improve the innate talent, which is enough to shame others .

Of course, in addition to this innate talent that was suffered by Heaven’s Jealousy, there are two other existences, which may also cause Thunder Tribulation mutation.

One is that someone intervenes in the process of Transcending Tribulation, whether it is good or bad, Thunder Tribulation will mutate, even irreconcilable.

The other is that the killing is too heavy, the evil spirit on the body, the karma strength is too deep, so that the sky is angry and people complain, even the Great Way can’t tolerate it.

The reason why the Mosquito Dao people crossed the Dao Tribulation of May 9th is not without this reason.

After all, he swallowed and killed many creatures.

It’s just that, he generally speaking, kills people who should be killed, or people who have a causal relationship with him, and didn’t kill innocent people indiscriminately. Besides, he has tainted the creatures bred in blood, and Karma is red lotus, so karma strength is not obvious.

Otherwise, he would not be a Dao Tribulation, but a Dao Tribulation, and he would not even survive the present.

Of course, under normal circumstances, whether it’s aptitude suffered by Heaven’s Jealousy, or the situation of anger and grievance, it is very rare, hundreds of thousands of years, millions of years may not meet one.

However, another one appeared today.

Fang Qingshan is not only the purple title Hunyuan, but also the legendary emperor Heaven’s Chosen, and the lord of the mutant Eternal Heaven boat. There is no breakthrough Hunyuan yet, and everything is transformed into an immortal peerless genius.

So, the robbery of his crossing is also the top Thunder Tribulation, and it is still above the Mosquito Man, it is the Sixty-nine Dao Tribulation.

The reason why he is still above the mosquito man is because the mosquito man is his Avatar.

However, although it is the Sixty-nine Dao Tribulation, it is the highest immortal Dao Tribulation among All Heavens and Myriad Worlds. The immortal catastrophe of the Holy Son and the others is also simply this.

But for Fang Qingshan, that’s all.

There are so many in the back that he doesn’t know, but he in front has already experienced it once during the Mosquito Man Transcending Tribulation.

At least before Dao Tribulation, Fang Qingshan didn’t care much.

So, not to mention, it’s only 19 Dao Tribulation now.

So, he is very confident and bold to borrow Strength of Thunder Tribulation to temper his body.

If the fleshly body can be tempered in one step, the breakthrough limit, and transformed into a Level 2 Supreme Treasure, then his confidence in Transcending Tribulation can be added.

So, although Yijiu Dao Tribulation falls one after another, although one is turbulent, one is heavier than one, and one is sharper than one.

So much so that Fang Qingshan’s fleshly body is riddled with defects at the moment.

No less than the fleshly body of the Level 1 top defense Supreme Treasure, it directly becomes a skeleton frame at this moment.

Moreover, Thunder Tribulation continues to destroy the skeleton. Even some of the skeletons started to become scorched and seemed to be overwhelmed.

Fortunately, Fang Qingshan’s skeleton has a top beam, just like the backbone of the Pangu of Buzhou Mountain.

There are drops of crystal clear and near-transparent, engraved with eternal texture, and a marrow with the fragrance of Eternal Immortal.

The Eternal Spirit!

This is Fang Qingshan. After enjoying the eternal blessings time and time again, there is a great treasure hidden in the body. With every eternal blessing, a drop of eternal essence is constantly gestated and growing. , Every drop exudes the breath of Eternal Immortal.

It is precisely because of these existences that Fang Qingshan’s fleshly body can be changed among unnoticeable influence, so that he Storm Sword Emperor and the others feel from him more than many God Emperor Tianzhou Lords To be full of eternal Dao Rhyme.

Similarly, it is precisely because of this eternal essence that Fang Qingshan dared to give it a go, not caring about consumption and recovery.

You should know that he did the same when raising his eyebrows to cross the Immortal Tribulation, but in order to recover and consume the problem, he kept stuffing heavenly materials and earthly treasures into his mouth. However, in the end it was Replenishment couldn’t keep up with the consumption, and almost fell short.

And now, Fang Qingshan is just sitting in the void, pinching the immortal immortal seal, watching the Great Way Azure Lotus picture, and running the All Heaven Sermon on Never Immortal Chapter.

Anytime Thunder Tribulation is added, I don’t move.

This is the bottom line!

With the eternal essence of the subsequent power, a steady flow to make up for consumption, repair damage, Fang Qingshan’s fleshly body after the destruction of Thunder Tribulation and Power of Fortune tempering, but step by step towards Level 2 Supreme Treasure is changing.

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