It’s different from the previous battle of Mosquito Man in Wan Beast Mountain.

Where in order to maintain combat effectiveness, there are not many different blood gods.

But now the division of the Blood God Child is just for cultivation, and it may collapse at any time, so there is no longer a requirement for a cultivation base, but Han Xin’s order, the more the better.

The step by step of these Avatars is to cultivation All Heaven to the Hunyuan chapter.

Then I started to try the immortal chapter of the cultivation Fang Qingshan just completed.

Although I have had the experience of creating mortals, Golden Immortal, Da Luo, Hunyuan.

Although the framework has been set up, it is based on Myriad Realms.

Although there is still the Storm Sword Emperor preaching, it is constantly improving.

But obviously, the immortality at this moment is just an experiment. So it needs to be adjusted by clinical trials.

Since it is an experimental product, it is inevitable that there will be accidents of this kind.

Therefore, from time to time, you can see Avatars either burst directly, or frozen into a ball, or spontaneously ignited without wind, or… in the end there is only a little spirituality, It turned into a light, and instantly disappeared into Fang Qingshan’s mind.

This is obviously a setback and cultivation deviation in the process of cultivation.

However, although it is a cultivation deviation, it also has reference significance. The so-called failure is the mother of success, and success is based on the summary of the experience and lessons of countless failures.

The spirituality escapes with all the insights of Avatar about the immortal chapter of the previous cultivation.

Let Fang Qingshan himself, as if he had experienced a cultivation in person, the feeling is very strange and very clear.

Every trace of insights flowed naturally in his mind, and then turned into a resource for adjusting the immortal chapter, helping him to continuously improve his cultivation technique to become perfect.

It is precisely with the existence of Avatar that Fang Qingshan can complete the immortal chapter in the shortest time.

For a while, the milk-white brilliance of Fang Qingshan’s head appeared.

In a daze, I seem to have seen all the books that Fang Qingshan had read in the Great Way Palace, and even said that since Fang Qingshan was born, all the civilizations he has seen. In the meantime, there are many years old Confucian scholars and the first poor classics.

This is not the side, it is the aura of wisdom.

A little spark is lit, but it is a fire of wisdom.

Take oneself as a furnace, wisdom as charcoal, immortality as copper, and storm sword emperor as work.

With countless Great Way immortal cultivation techniques turned into nourishment, take the essence and melt into a furnace.

Although it was difficult, Fang Qingshan had already made the preliminary preparations, and the sermon of the Storm Sword Emperor coincided with the meeting, and everything became orderly.

Every moment, the immortal chapter of All Heaven’s Zhendao Jue will be perfected a bit, and Fang Qingshan will unswervingly take the most steady step forward.

As the Storm Sword Emperor’s preaching continued to deepen, Fang Qingshan and the others also gradually felt strenuous.

Others may still be trying their best to realize that, so as not to miss a single trace.

But Fang Qingshan gave up at this time.

Because he understands that how big a bowl is and how much rice is, if he eats too much, he will definitely support it.

Immortality is his limit, the Emperor, and even the Divine Emperor, even if he listens to it, he just listens to the Heavenly Book. Even if you comprehend forcibly, you can’t say that you will be backlashed by the Great Way.

What’s yours is yours, and what’s not yours is not yours. You can’t force it at all.

The most important thing is that Fang Qingshan’s biggest goal here is to create immortality.

Moreover, he also has Eternal Heaven Boat and All Heavens Chessboard to burn, even if he doesn’t listen now, he can review it after he goes back. Although the effect may not be so good, it is enough.

So, immediately, after the Storm Sword Emperor talked more and more profoundly, Fang Qingshan and the others completely sank into the perfection of the immortal chapter.

As for the preaching of the Storm Sword Emperor, he regarded it as Bodhi tree, Hunyuan spiritual liquid, Dao Comprehending Tea and other blessings of perception wisdom, which accelerated the completion of the immortal chapter.

For a while, but I saw other people, either sleepy, blank, ecstatic, or browse tightly knit, all living beings are diverse.

Only Fang Qingshan is still unperturbed and has always maintained the joy of joy. After all, the immortal chapters are being perfected every moment. It’s as if the cultivation base has made little progress, but it has made progress all the time.

Avatars are differentiated one by one, then cultivation, then burst, then return, then re-differentiate, and the cycle continues. However, Fang Qingshan can get more and more insights, more and more detailed, and more refined. Naturally, All Heaven’s Demonstration of Dao is Immortal Chapter is more and more perfect.

Although the previous immortal chapters have a rough frame, they are like children’s graffiti. Many places are not only blank, but also very vague, improperly used, and reversed.

But at this moment, it looks like a high school student’s model essay, completely incomparable.

Three to five thousand words, rising into the sky, the words are as big as a bucket, Purple Qi is rich, octagonal, hanging high above it, like the sun, the moon and the sky, the rivers and the earth, there is a kind of unchanging , The deepening of merits.

With the improvement of the immortal chapter, Fang Qingshan has also unconsciously transformed the cultivation technique circulation path within the body, a more powerful force that flows slowly within the body, which belongs to immortality Power, more and more pure and more mighty, formidable power is also more and more amazing.

Fang Qingshan Although the realm has no breakthrough yet, the spiritual power Primordial Spirit fleshly body has taken the lead in moving towards immortality.

Fang Qingshan knows nothing about this.

He is now completely immersed in the perfection of the immortal chapter.

After all, the opportunity is rare, don’t let slip an opportunity.

Naturally, we must pay close attention to every minute, every second, waste is shameful.

Moreover, all the minds are immersed in the understanding of Tao, and the aftertaste is endless, which makes people understand the taste and cannot extricate themselves.

Storm Sword Emperor’s talk about dao fruit is worth the price. No wonder there are so many people who want to come to hear the Tao.

Fang Qingshan is a big profit this time, not only the immortal chapter has been improved, but more importantly, the Great Way recorded in All Heavens Chessboard and Eternal Heaven Boat, and the discussion about the Divine Emperor. , But it can make oneself see further.

Of course, Fang Qingshan has gained a lot, and others have also gained a lot.

Everyone was immersed in the theory of the Storm Sword Emperor, falling into various situations.

Perhaps recalling the past or looking to the future.

Or a perfected cultivation technique like Fang Qingshan, or the cultivation base got a breakthrough, or comprehend a peerless Divine Ability secret law, or…

The aura of different but mysterious, surrounded by everyone.

Especially the three divine emperors previously predicted by the Storm Sword Emperor, at this moment, the cultivation base actually has a trace of the coercion of the emperor.

Obviously, as long as you go back and stay closed for a period of time, breakthrough is just a matter of where water flows, a canal is formed.

Although Hunyuan has the least benefits because of the cultivation base and distance.

But progress is the most obvious.

After going out, most of the Hunyuan here will smoothly break through the immortal realm, and will lay a solid foundation for the future God Emperor.

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