All Heavens and Myriad Worlds, although the immeasurable void is big, there are not a few creatures, especially after countless epochs, the resources are basically divided up.

This is also the reason why Poison God Hou and the others discovered Pangu Chaos World, but kept secret and wanted to swallow it by themselves.

Land of Extreme Yin, the battlefield of the corpse, is actually the same for other or general forces.

But for the two sects, the Yinshimen and Cloudy Ghost Sect, it is a place for sect to bring it up a level.

The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit.

This is true for individuals, families, and sect.

For profit, anything can happen.

However, under normal circumstances, it is relatively restrained.

After all, everyone is quite strong and fights, evenly matched, birds of a feather, you can’t get me, I can’t get you, and in the end, it’s not about getting to the negotiation table.

The most important thing is that once True Fire is played, I am afraid that even if you want to stop at the end, you will not be able to do it.

In order to prevent sandpiper and clam war together, others are for nothing, so the forces that look the same generally only tentatively attack one or two.

However, this time I don’t know if someone was behind the scenes, or if I lost my head and hit True Fire, or other reasons.

From the very beginning of the battle for the treasure, in the end, it was irreconcilable.

And the final result is indeed to die.

The elites of the two big sects were finally wiped out in this treasure.

This is originally Land of Extreme Yin, and there are two sects. Millions of people are expert fighting here, falling, blood flowing into a river, corpses everywhere across the field.

After tens of thousands of years of changes, countless zombies, skeletons, Demons and other monsters were born. Here completely evolved into a dangerous place.

At the beginning, many people came here.

After all, most of the Cloudy Ghost Sect and the doormen of the corpse gate fell here, not to mention Hunyuan, or immortality abounds.

Not to mention the dangerous itself/main body, but after the fall of these experts, the treasures on the body are enough for people to covet and salivate.

Unfortunately, after a while, this place became a place for gods and ghosts.

The reason for this is the degree of danger.

Yin Shimen and Cloudy Ghost Sect can know their nature by looking at their names, and when paired with Land of Extreme Yin, they are almost the bastard with mung beans. Therefore, most of the fallen disciples here are turned into Zombie and ghost.

Fortunately, too much Source Power was consumed in the process of nurturing the dangerous land, so it was not promoted to the immortal dangerous land. Zombie, the level of the ghost is not comparable to before death.

In the end, the dangers that Innate has formed are the original evolution of natural disasters, and the dangers of acquired formation. Without the support of strong Source Power, it is simply impossible to evolve into dangers.

Generally acquired dangerously, it is only in places like the battlefield that can evolve.

But it is precisely because of the need to nurture the origin of the dangerous place, so Cloudy Ghost Sect, the resources of the doormen of the corpse gate and the origin of their own/main body are consumed.

Neither do they have a lot of resources, and the degree of danger is high.

So, gradually, fewer people come, and now, like Wan Beast Mountain, almost no who come.

Of course, although it is necessary to evolve the origin of the dangerous place, the most fundamental reason is that the battlefield of the god emperor is not at all here. If there is a god emperor also fallen here, the result will be completely different.

Although everyone does not come here because of resource problems and the degree of danger.

But it does not mean that the resources of the corpse battlefield are few, but that there are not that many people expected. However, it is enough for Mosquito Man and World Tree Avatar.

There is another reason why World Tree Avatar chose this place, that is, another mission from this time, Storm Sword.

Speaking of Storm Sword Order, I have to mention that, as I said earlier, because after the destruction of the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain dangerous place, merits from the sky, the World Tree Avatar seems to be more expensive than the resources of the entire Ten Thousand Beast Mountain. Excited and excited.

The reason for this is that at the moment when the merits were added to the body, there was a sudden whim. I sensed the location of the storm sword order by chance.

So, World Tree Avatar hurriedly took advantage of the arrival of this Power of Achievements and Virtue. Nowadays, heaven and earth have the same force and let the Thunder Emperor run the Luoshu River map deduction.

Then I got a place, that is, the battlefield of the corpse. The hexagram shows that if you go here, you may make your wish come true.

In the dark, World Tree Avatar knows that as long as he can destroy the corpse battlefield, he can start the storm sword order.

In this way, he can not only scrape a large amount of resources once again, but also get the storm sword order, how can he not go?

Not to mention the World Tree Avatar and the mosquito man who are running around in the boundless void.

Fang Qingshan, who was quietly at Daoyimen, said that if we meet again, I am afraid that both of them will be in a daze, feeling strange.

Because at this moment, looking at Fang Qingshan, it is like looking at a great Confucian scholar, Hao Shou Qiong Jing, full of wisdom.

Fang Qingshan’s gain is really great.

He has read most of the books on the first floor of the Great Way Palace, except for the cultivation method.

“Knowledge is power.”

This statement is true!

Among the Great Desolate, the witches are descendants of Pangu, born with great merit, great fate, and the cultivation base is not weak. Together, twelve siblings, the world is so big that you can go anywhere, but what is the final result?

If it weren’t for Fang Qingshan, I’m afraid that the final result would be exactly the same as before. There will be no one in the world. Reed Continent will shrink the northern part of the country. In the end, even the underground palace will be taken away by Buddhism.

The reason for this is that they don’t have Primordial Spirit, they only know how to kill, but don’t pay attention to knowledge and cultivation.

The so-called talents do not go out, they know everything about the world.

Fang Qingshan feels this way now.

All Heavens and Myriad Worlds, Immense Void, although it is far and wide, since its formation, countless eras have accumulated and I don’t know how many secrets have been accumulated. Fang Qingshan dare not say all-knowledge, but in general he understands it. .

Fear comes from the unknown, and unreliability comes from strangeness.

Understanding these, Fang Qingshan not only strengthened his own background, but also can be fearless, fearless, happy, and worry-free. This is an increase in mood.

Although it does not seem to be able to increase combat effectiveness, enhance the cultivation base.

But it can make you stand taller, go further, and walk smoother.

Stand high and see far, the more you can choose the path under your feet and take the right path with ease.

It’s more smooth, not just because you are rich in knowledge, by analogy, knowing the reason, but also knowing the reason, but also because you can seek luck and avoid calamity, just like Jiang Mingyue’s physique. .

Not only that, Fang Qingshan even watched a lot of the cultivation technique Divine Ability on the second floor at this moment, and took the essence to remove the dross, and merged into All Heaven’s Dao Jue. The rank of All Heaven Zen Dao Jue brings it up a level, but the background has deepened a lot, it is more suitable for the rules in All Heavens and Myriad Worlds, and it is easier to transform into an immortal chapter.

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