The mosquito man is busy raising the cultivation base, but the World Tree Avatar does not.

It’s not that I don’t want to, but that his breakthrough is not as simple as that of a mosquito person. As long as the Source Power comes, it can be turned into its own heritage, and the cultivation base is also shua~ shua~ shua~ is going up.

There are only a handful of innate talents of this kind of abnormal level. Although World Tree Avatar is extraordinary talent, it is obviously still in the ordinary person stage, which is no better than a mosquito person.

Even if he has the resources, he still needs a digestion process. This is still not encountered bottleneck. When he encounters bottleneck, even if he has resources, I am afraid that it may not be effective, unless it is a kind of special failure. Otherwise, even if you use resources to force a breakthrough, not only will the effect be poor, it may even be counterproductive.

So, at this time, he doesn’t care about improving the cultivation base. He gets the resources first and becomes his own. After he goes back, he has time to improve.

Moreover, if the resources are placed there and not in their own pockets, World Tree Avatar also feels unreliable.

Seeing this wave of operations, the already empty treasure world gradually has a background, although it will not be full immediately, but at least it will not be empty, with weeds. It’s all gone.

The motivation of World Tree Avatar is even stronger.

Not only that, the most important thing is actually the cultivation base of the mosquito man.

Sometimes, the innate talent of Mosquito Man really makes Fang Qingshan a little envious.

It can be said that even many people who are born sacred may not be comparable to him.

Don’t do anything, don’t meditate, don’t sharpen the Taoist mind, don’t sharpen the cultivation, don’t need the comprehend Great Way.

As long as there are resources, as long as they can eat, the cultivation base will increase. shua~ shua~ shua~

Although the drawbacks are not without, for example, when the breakthrough mixed yuan originally needed to swallow an Innate Supreme Treasure.

As the cultivation base gets higher and higher, more and more resources need to be swallowed, especially when encountering a large realm breakthrough, higher quality Supreme Treasure needs to be swallowed.

For example, if the mosquito person needs breakthrough immortality, he must consume at least one Level 2 Supreme Treasure, the breakthrough God Emperor must at least consume one Level 3 Supreme Treasure, and the breakthrough Divine Emperor must consume at least one quadrupole. Supreme Treasure.

This is just a barrier for breakthrough, just like Barrier Breaking Pill. Normally cultivation and breakthrough resources are not included.

But to be honest, compared to being stuck in a realm and not having a breakthrough for a long time, I think as long as ten people will be willing, especially for those rich and powerful whose resources are piled up and can only be shelved.

Actually, Fang Qingshan had some guesses about the origins of the mosquitoes.

For such a powerful innate talent, let alone Great Desolate, Pangu Chaos, but looking at the entire immeasurable void, I am afraid that it can be counted on one’s fingers, as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.

Reminiscent of the name of the mosquito person, Hongmeng ominous beast.

Fang Qingshan had a bold idea in his mind, saying that the mosquito person may be the legacy of Hongmeng.

There are wild relics, ancient, remote, and remote antiquity relics. Naturally, there should also be Hongmeng relics.

And only this kind of identity is in line with his own/main body innate talent.

And the name is not random, especially the word Hongmeng, if virtue is not matched, but disaster is imminent.

In addition, it is the Eternal Heaven Boat that is similar to the Mosquito Man.

He can continue to advance as long as he has resources.

And the eternal lotus seed, the core of Eternal Heaven boat, speaking of which is not All Heaven comprehend, but should be regarded as a different species of Hongmeng.

Of course, these all are Fang Qingshan’s guesses in his spare time are incorrect, and he doesn’t know, unless one day, he can break through All Heaven and enter the origin of Hongmeng.

But don’t care about these, as long as the mosquito person keeps this innate talent.

Let’s talk about Ten Thousand Beast Mountain, as a top-level Hunyuan-level dangerous place, especially without who development, the resources in it, I am afraid that even if it is compared with the low-end Immortal-level dangerous place, at least in terms of quantity The overwhelming advantage is that the quality is not necessarily inferior.

It took a little effort to wipe out the periphery of this Wan Beast Mountain.

The cultivation base of the mosquito man is rising faster than that of his retreat for thousands of years.

However, Hunyuan realm is no better than Hunyuan. Although it has swallowed a lot of the ominous beast of Hunyuan realm, the cultivation base of Mosquito Man is only a breakthrough to Hunyuan 8-Layer.

If you want to break through Hunyuan 9-Layer, or even Hunyuan Peak, I am afraid that you have to swallow the entire middle of Wan Beast Mountain.

In the end, as his cultivation base increases, the resources needed will also increase.

For example, his Early-Stage Hunyuan, devouring Hunyuan Early-Stage-level resources is not useless, but it is also faster than ordinary meditation cultivation, like taking pill medicine in Heavenly Paradise. Medium cultivation is average.

If you really want to be faster, you need to devour the Yuan middle-stage and Nascent Soul Late Stage resources.

This is the periphery of Wan Beast Mountain. Although there are a lot of ominous beasts at the Hunyuan level, most of them are under the Yuan middle-stage, although many are in groups.

These things are not useless, but if the quantitative change causes the qualitative change, the amount required is a bit large.

So, swallowing the entire periphery, he also not at all like the sun at high noon breakthrough.

But compared to normal cultivation, it’s too fast.

If the entire mountain of beasts can be swallowed, I believe that the mosquito man’s breakthrough Hunyuan Peak 12 layers should not be difficult.

It’s not just him, it’s the World Tree Avatar that scrapes the resources of the entire Ten Thousand Beast Mountain. Although the breakthrough of the cultivation base can’t catch up with the mosquito man, it’s settled for a period of time, and it can also break through the Nascent Soul Late Stage. Maybe even the tenth floor of Hunyuan.

Just when the Mosquito Man and World Tree Avatar took the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain.

Fang Qingshan sits comfortably in his Cave Mansion, leaning on the couch, holding a volume of books, and stacks of snacks, a pot of wine, and a cup of tea. , Bathing Life and Death Dao means, as leisurely as you are.

It’s been a while since I joined Daoyimen. Fang Qingshan also read the books on the 1st floor of the Great Way Palace for a little while.

I was planning to wait for most of the reading before going to see the things on the second and third floors.

However, it feels a bit boring after all.

So occasionally, I also selected some Divine Ability cultivation techniques on the second and third floors.

At the moment, the volume of cultivation technique in my hand is called “Tianhe Zhenfa”. It is a Hunyuan-level cultivation technique, this cultivation technique. It is said that an immortal powerhouse is watching it. The immortal level Hong Tao was created after the natural disaster.

After cultivation, within the body spiritual power surging, flowing like a river of heaven, there is a lot of accommodation.

This cultivation technique is powerful in succession, it is very suitable for protracted battles, the output is magnificent, and it has a strong explosive power. At the same time, because it is created by watching natural disasters, the lethality is naturally extraordinary. The only problem is that it is not enough. It neutralizes grace, and cultivation is easily affected by Calamity Tribulation. It is not as good as the general cultivation technique. As long as you go all the way to the cultivator, there is a feeling of where water flows, a canal is formed. However, compared with combat effectiveness, the loss is understandable. Therefore, this cultivation technique is also regarded as Peak among all cultivation techniques.

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