“Is this? Has it reached the Taoist Chaos World? Still something happened?”

Fang Qingshan has not come back to his senses from the mysterious, more and more summon , And sensed that the void spaceship stopped again, and my heart was even more shocked.

That’s it, but it shouldn’t. According to Jiang Bawang and Jiang Mingyue, it will take at least a while to sail.

It’s not right to say something happened. They simply didn’t feel any discomfort, and Primordial Spirit did not warn.

If I didn’t understand, I walked out involuntarily.

“Why did the big brother stop, what’s the matter?”

I just heard Jiang Mingyue’s question, obviously not because he has reached his destination. It was also disturbed by the sudden stop of spaceship.

“There is a title tower here!”

Jiang Bawang explained.

“so that’s how it is.”

Jiang Mingyue was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly.

“Do you want Yangmei Junior Brother and Junior Brother Fang to run into the title tower?”


Jiang Bawang nodded,

“Although they don’t want to break through, they can join sect along the way, but since they met in the vicinity, naturally there is no reason not to go, and if they can break through the title tower, join them. Yimen has extra points, and there is a title in the body, there will be fate in the dark, the cultivation is faster, the breakthrough is easier, and the chances are more and better…”

“It seems that we have been named tower summon.”

Fang Qingshan and Yang Mei moved in their hearts, thinking of the summon in the dark.

The title tower, as the name suggests, is the place to get the title. The reason why All Heavens and Myriad Worlds is divided into titles and ordinary cultivators is because of this tower.

After cultivation base breakthrough, basically everyone will get a chance.

That is to enter the title tower to accept the challenge, the challenge is successful, you can get the corresponding title. If the challenge fails, there is no loss.

Of course, you can choose not to go. If you choose not to go, you will lose this opportunity forever. Unless your cultivation base breaks through a big realm, you can get the next chance.

Of course, under normal circumstances, no one will refuse.

After all, accepting the challenge of the title tower to get the title is not just a simple title, a pure name, it also represents the recognition of the title tower.

Speaking of this, I have to talk about the origin of the title tower.

Heaven and earth have treasures, divided into two types. One is raised by Innate Earth, the most famous is Innate Sacred Jewel, and the other is refined by the day after tomorrow. As long as it is not from Innate, treasures can be considered as treasures. Acquired treasure.

The title tower obviously belongs to the former, it was born by Innate, and it is also the Supreme Treasure descended by the Great Way. It is similar to the Great Way arena that Fang Qingshan has seen. It is closely related to heaven and earth will.

As long as you succeed in the challenge in the title tower and get the corresponding title, equivalent to is recognized by the will of the Great Way, and recognized by the will of the Great Way. Naturally, heaven and earth are equally powerful. Although it is not as good as dao fruit and dao fruit, the effect is very obvious.

Well, the advantage, Jiang Bawang has already said before.

After getting the title, fate is added, which can make it easier to comprehend heaven and earth Great Way. Of course, not all Great Ways are easy, just for the Great Way corresponding to the title.

For example, the extinction of Demon Palace of Wusheng Demon Venerable is the way of extinction for his Great Way.

With the title of Demon Venerable, he feels like God’s help when he perceives the way of extinction.

In addition, you can reduce the number of calamities. When it is smaller, the bottleneck in the normally cultivator becomes weaker, and the breakthrough is easier. When it is bigger, it will be weaker when you pass the immortal calamity and the emperor’s calamity. On three points.

In spite of this, not everyone will go to the title tower. At least for Hunyuan.

As for the reason, it is very simple. Although failure will not hurt, there are not many title towers. After all, such a Supreme Treasure does not have a sect such as Tao Yimen, so Naturally impossible overflows. Only appear in certain places.

And All Heavens and Myriad Worlds, the immeasurable void is too big, and it is really difficult to reach the title tower in some remote places, especially for the realm people, they have just It is still too dangerous to meet the conditions of walking in the void.

So, under normal circumstances, unless it is a summon who has received the title tower, and qualified people will go, otherwise, most people will not go to the title tower.

After all, if you have a little good luck, you will end up in vain at best, and you will waste a little time. If you have bad luck, you may die halfway.

Fang Qingshan and Yang Mei had already felt it, but the two knew too little about the immeasurable void, that they simply didn’t expect this piece to come up, they thought it was another opportunity.

However, they don’t know, but it doesn’t mean Jiang Bawang and Jiang Mingyue don’t know.

On the way back, they would pass a title tower. Although they didn’t just catch up, they just took a detour. Simply, King Jiang brought them over.

Although with the performance and talents of Yang Mei and Fang Qingshan, even if they don’t have the title, joining Daoyimen Inner Sect is almost always a certainty.

But since there are benefits, who wants to give up? And the title is also a face, everyone still has a big difference between a title and no title.

“en? This is the title tower?”

Fang Qingshan and Yang Mei walked out of the void spaceship, looking at the scene not far away, they couldn’t help but exclaim.

But in the distance, there is an island in the void.

Yes, the title tower is not in Chaos World, but in the boundless void, a bit similar to the supply station of the void spaceship.

On the island, you can see a tall tower.

The whole body of the tall tower is black, so black that it seems to be nothingness, capable of absorbing everything and all. If you don’t look carefully, it seems that they all merge with the boundless void.




The vastness!

Towering into the clouds, boundless.

“Yes, this is the title tower!”

Jiang Bawang nodded.

Although he had seen this tower a long time ago, and once won the title inside, he was still shocked when he saw it again.

As mentioned earlier, the title tower is very precious because of its grade. So, very little.

No, after all, the rating of the title tower itself/main body has surpassed Level 3 Supreme Treasure, reaching the four poles, equivalent to God Emperor Level, and this title tower is not just an ordinary Level 4 Early -Stage, at least reached Level 4 late stage.

The reason for this judgment is that the Level 4 Supreme Treasure of Daoyimen simply can’t compare to him, and the Level 4 Supreme Treasure of Daoyimen has reached the middle level of Level 4.

“Okay, you go!”

With a sigh of emotion, King Jiang let Fang Qingshan and Yang Mei fly over by himself.

Fang Qingshan and Yang eyebrow nodded, and the two moved their feet to display the so close, yet worlds apart space Divine Ability, and they instantly appeared on the island.

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