Fang Qingshan does not expect two formation diagrams to be able to as the autumn gale sweeps away the fallen leaves and wipe out the enemy.

But at any rate, there can be a few fewer, after all, these are not mixed elements, they are all immortal, no matter how weak they are, they have several points of.

Anyway, he just wants to weaken the enemy’s strength.

But it can be seen that the Heavenly Cycle Star formation diagram and the Nine Tunes Yellow River Formation diagram expand instantly.

For a time, the starlight was dazzling, and the yellow sand filled the sky.

Heavenly Cycle Star Immeasurable Light in the great array, the Big Dipper has turned and the stars have moved, Changing the Heaven and Switching the Earth.

The great array of Nine Music Yellow Rivers is long and swaying. Misery rushed into the sky, and the haze was overwhelming. The God of Lost Immortals, the Soul of Eliminating Immortals, the Form of Sinking Immortals, the Qi of Losing Immortals, Losing the Original Divine Immortal, Losing the Limbs of Divine Immortal

As soon as one scroll was unfolded, eight immortal powerhouses disappeared in an instant.

Heavenly Cycle Star chen formation diagram suppressed five immortal Early-Stages, and Jiuqu Yellow River great array suppressed three immortal Early-Stages.

After the two formation diagram caught offguard suppressed eight immortal powerhouses, they returned to the boat of Eternal Heaven with lightning speed.

In the end, the immortal powerhouse is not someone who is easy to deal with. Although it was suppressed, it does not mean that there is no room for resistance.

Just like Journey to the West Great World, like the monsters who swallow Monkey Sun into their stomachs, if they don’t have the power to suppress them, they will be driven to death.

Fang Qingshan didn’t want to, when the time comes, people didn’t suppress it, but dragged their feet.

So, Fang Qingshan quickly retracted the formation diagram and used the power of Eternal Heaven to suppress it.

So, in a short time, they don’t want to turn the sky upside down.

Although this will distract Eternal Heaven from suppressing it, and indirectly weaken its own strength, it is much better to weigh the pros and cons than to let these immortal powerhouses attack outside.

Fang Qingshan quickly punched it down, but it made everyone dazzled by the formation of the immortal powerhouse, came back to his senses, and couldn’t help taking a breath.

I had already looked at Fang Qingshan high, set up again, and shot together, but I didn’t expect to look down on him, like a sleeping ominous beast, completely revealing his fangs, showing himself The edge. It makes people shudder.

Once the promotion is successful, it is only if they don’t make a move, and they lose eight immortal combat power in an instant, which is really horrible.

“It’s such a great time-space Supreme Treasure, such a great formation diagram, it’s really good. But don’t worry, it’s just the Eternal Heaven boat of the Supreme level, even if it’s mutated, it won’t turn the sky. All Heaven is so big, there are many Eternal Heaven boats. I have never heard of an Eternal Heaven boat that can suppress the immortality of dozens just as soon as it is promoted to Paragon.”

The expert of the late immortal period witnessed it. , Was the first to return to the country, although the expression on his face became quite ugly, it was so gloomy that it was dripping. But he didn’t panic and said calmly.

“Furthermore, suppressing the eight immortal powerhouses is not an easy task. It definitely needs to disperse our forces. It just so happens that we can fit in and out.”

“However, now it is not hidden At that time, everyone took out real means and attacked together. I don’t believe that an Eternal Heaven boat that has no breakthrough in immortality and just broke through Paragon can block our attack.”

” Okay!”

The thoughts of other people hearing this that had just been shocked reacted instantly. Naturally, there is no second word, and now is not the time to hide private.

They don’t want to follow in the footsteps of the eight people in front. Although they are only suppressed, they fall into the trap of others, and it is not easy to get out of trouble.

Besides, they have so many immortal powerhouses, if they hit the end, fall in the sewer, and didn’t even take down Fang Qingshan and the others, it would be really good. To laugh generously, to laugh at the world.

For a time, but it seems that all of them have used housekeeping methods.

But you can see that someone took out a long spear, and there is no attribute. Some are just a little on the tip of the gun, with endless sharpness, which is a bit similar to the mosquito sting of a mosquito person, with an incomparable breaking defense. force.

Some people, took out Divine Ability, condensed a lance, demon flame surging, seeming to be virtual and real, like the source of evil, more than the original demon’s primordial Heavenly Demon talisman. evil. It seems that a glance can make people fall into the demonic path.

Someone unsheathed with a sword, the amazing edge and rays of light are extremely dazzling, pointing straight to the sky, as if to penetrate the void. A sword fell, and the endless thunderbolt gathered and compressed into the sword, and the ultimate destruction broke out.


Divine Ability are all Great Divine Ability, at least they are immortal grade, Sacred Jewel are also powerful Sacred Jewel, the weakest have Level 1 Excellent, even reaching Level 2 high grade.

“Come well.”

Fang Qingshan bears the brunt of these attacks, and can naturally feel the terrifying power delivered by them.

If you change your eyebrows, even if you have Chaos Orb in your hand, if you directly resist it, not to mention that they will explodes into waste directly, I am afraid the result will not be much better.

But he is not at all panic, because panic is useless at this time. On the contrary, it will make myself confused.

The most important thing is that he is very self-confident. It is not that he who is sitting on the Eternal Heaven boat is not without resistance.

“Loot the treasure money, go!”

Fang Qingshan responded calmly, and the first to take out was the loot money that had not been used for a long time.

The reason why he didn’t use him is that the money is useless. After all, before the Eternal Heaven boat was promoted, Luobao Qianjin had already taken the lead in death sickle, and even Jingleiqi was promoted to Innate Supreme Treasure.

So, no, it’s not that it’s useless, but it’s not used, and I don’t want to use it lightly.

As for why it is not used, it is actually very simple. For one thing, he has just arrived in the Boundless Void. During the Great Desolate, he almost stood at the apex of the pyramid, and other methods were enough to deal with , It is natural not to use Luobao money.

In addition, the function of dropping treasure money is actually just a word drop, and Fang Qingshan’s Life Source Divine Ability Five Elements bracelet also has the same effect.

Although Life Source Great Way has now been transformed into a reincarnation Great Way, and the Five Elements bracelet has also changed into a reincarnation circle, the effect has not changed.

As for the reason why I don’t want to use it lightly, the treasure money is different from other Sacred Jewels, water lanterns, Primal Chaos Demon corners, etc.

He is not only simply attacking and defending Sacred Jewel, but also as the mother money of the Eternal Heaven Boat Market.

If something goes wrong with him, there will be problems with the currency system of the entire market, and then there will be problems with the market.

Although the Tianzhou is not destroyed and can be repaired soon, it will affect the whole body in a short time.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan basically doesn’t use Lobo Money if it can’t be used.

But it doesn’t work anymore. It’s time to use it. It’s a matter of life and death. Besides, the Eternal Heaven boat is promoted, and the formidable power of loot money has greatly increased, reaching the level of Heaven and Earth Cauldron. , Ranked high grade Innate Supreme Treasure, comparable in non-reincarnation circles, even if it is not easy to damage.

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