“Come again!”

Seeing this scene, not only did not show the slightest decadence on the face of raised eyebrows, but on the contrary, he looked excited.

He didn’t think that he could completely defeat Thunder Tribulation in a single blow, which is unrealistic.

After all, this is the Third Layer Dao Tribulation, which has surpassed the general attack of the immortal powerhouse that has just progressed. But he was able to weaken the three-layer formidable power with a single blow, and he was unharmed.

What does this mean? It means that his strength has truly reached immortality.

Because only the power of immortality can counter the power of immortality.

This also shows that Pan Gu has truly become a thing of the past for him.

After all, although Pangu has a strong combat power, there is no breakthrough in the end.

And once he breakthrough, it is the beginning of a comprehensive transcendence.

Waving a stick!

Waving a stick!

Waving a stick!

So, the exhilarating eyebrows are constantly swinging out, each stick is casually, each stick has antelope horns, but each stick is spare no effort, and the latter stick Its formidable power is not smaller than the previous one, and it even seems to have a stacking effect, and there is more to it, the more fights the more brave is.

Third Layer Dao Tribulation The first Thunder Tribulation is constantly hit and weakened. The formidable power is getting weaker and weaker. When it hits the raised eyebrows, its formidable power is compared to First Layer Thunder Tribulation. It’s not much better anymore.

Before the raising eyebrow metamorphosis, such formidable power will not cause serious injury to him, let alone now, it is naturally more impossible to hurt the raising eyebrow. Of course, the corresponding tempering effect of the body is also somewhat unsatisfactory.

I raised my eyebrows but didn’t care at all. Now it’s the last juncture. Whether you can temper your body is second. As long as you ensure that the last few thunderbolts are passed smoothly, everything is fine.

What we need to ensure now is not to get hurt, or to get minor injuries as much as possible.

Because it is obviously more troublesome to restore spiritual power compared to tempering the body.

Of course, although raising the eyebrows is not hurt, it is not easy. After all, it is to use Sacred Jewel and Divine Ability, and continue to use it. The spiritual power within the body is like a flood of gate opening. Rolling away, the 4-Layer was consumed instantly.

Fortunately, raise the eyebrows within the body. The various treasures previously swallowed have not been completely digested, and the mouth also contains restored treasures.

In addition, thunderbolt is actually helping raise eyebrows to speed up the digestion process, so it will automatically recover every moment, but the speed is a problem.

Just when almost everyone focused on the Transcending Tribulation of raising eyebrows, more and more people all around unconsciously gathered. All seem to be attracted by the Transcending Tribulation with raised eyebrows.

For this, people who are thinking of closing the Transcending Tribulation of Chaos World of light don’t care much.

On the contrary, the people at Demon Palace found something wrong, and looked at each other, there were strange sparks in their eyes.

At the same time, Fang Qingshan and Jiang Mingyue also mentioned their throats with heart.

Because these latecomers are not the people of Chaos World of Light, or most of them are outlaws that have chased them for a year.

You said Fang Qingshan, why did they distinguish it?

First of all, it is natural that they came in the wrong direction. Most of them came from Fang Qingshan. Although some came from Chaos World of Light, the later ones were not transfers. From Chaos World Transmission Array.

On the other hand, it is naturally because these people are different from ordinary people. They hide their heads and show their tails, all over their bodies, or are shrouded in cloaks, or are shrouded in a black mist, which makes people watch He is not halal, and he can’t even sense the corresponding breath.

At the same time, these people are also full of malice towards Fang Qingshan and Jiang Mingyue, and they have not concealed it at all.

The most important thing is that Fang Qingshan’s Luoshuhe map shows that disaster is about to come, and Jiang Mingyue’s physique reminds her that she is in danger.

“It seems that they are ready to do it.”

Jiang Mingyue’s complexion was a little ugly, her mouth moved slightly, and she sounded transmission to Fang Qingshan.

“What should I do now?”

She thought that even if these people were to do something, they would wait for the Transcending Tribulation, but she didn’t expect them to do it in advance.

In this case, it is a little troublesome. After all, they are separated from the raised eyebrows. Not only can they not concentrate, but they also have to care about the other.

In fact, what Jiang Mingyue didn’t know was that the people who arrived in the Unborn Demon Palace early had actually been ignorant of Transcending Tribulation, they would have hidden their identity like the latecomers, so they started doing it so early. Up.

I didn’t do anything before, just because there was no concealment of their identity, and even some powerhouses were there. They were afraid of being exposed, and they were not sure of success.

Now, it is naturally different. They have come to many allies, and their strength has greatly increased. The most important thing is that these people have concealed their identity. Once they start their hands, the scene will be chaotic. They take advantage of the chaos. Hide your identity, then do it, fish in troubled waters.

“It’s still the same sentence, confront soldiers with generals and stem water with earth,”

Fang Qingshan didn’t care about it, but lightly saying,

“If they do, I will first use the Heavenly Cycle Star chen great array to trap them. If they can’t be trapped, I will directly advance to the Eternal Heaven boat.”

“What about the raised eyebrow Fellow Daoist?”

Jiang Mingyue asked.

“His Transcending Tribulation is still a while, and there should be no problem during Transcending Tribulation. Besides, I have given him a link token in advance. As long as his Transcending Tribulation succeeds, he immediately crushes it. Enter the Tianzhou before other people can react.”

“Such the best.”

Jiang Mingyue saw Fang Qingshan’s arrangements long ago, and immediately sighed in relief.


Sure enough, as soon as their discussion fell, they saw that those people had already impatiently started.

I raised my eyebrows because I couldn’t move during Transcending Tribulation, and if I moved now, I was afraid that it would cause a commotion, but Jiang Mingyue and the others could win first.

And Jiang Mingyue is a Jiang Family, a member of the Daoyi Men, it is very likely that the Storm Sword Order and most of the resources are on her, as long as she wins her, raising her eyebrows and so on can be ignored .

Countless terrifying roars came, and immediately, Chaos World of Light, who was watching Dao Tribulation quietly, suddenly went into chaos in the wind, because they all around suddenly appeared a lot of black clothed The person immediately frightened them. Without saying anything, he directly took out Divine Ability Sacred Jewel to protect himself.

Fortunately, the goal of these people is not them, but Jiang Mingyue and the others.

Even so, it shocked them.

After all, these people are full of blood-reeking qi, and they are obviously people who lick blood all year round.

Although their cultivation base is not strong, they are all at the Hunyuan level, and they are all at Nascent Soul Late Stage or above.

The most important thing is that there are too many people, hundreds of thousands.

The ants often kill elephants.

If these people rush forward regardless of life and death, the immortal Early-Stage will probably also be a strategic withdrawal.

However, Fang Qingshan is only sneaked. Because he found that although there are a lot of people who make these shots, they are not at all immortal powerhouse. In that case, what is his fear?

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