Of course, above the low, middle, and high levels, there is actually a kind of existence that is against the sky, that is, people born and sacred. They gather the fate of an era. Their Transcending Tribulation is not the Dao Tribulation, but the 49. Dao Tribulation, maybe even Dao Tribulation.

But this kind of person who was born with the great fate of heaven and earth, I am afraid that there will be no one in an era.

For them, it is true that heaven and earth have the same strength, everything goes smoothly, every bad thing turns into good fortune, and disaster becomes auspicious. People sit at home and treasure comes from heaven.

The breakthrough Divine Emperor is not much more difficult than drinking water. The probability of breakthrough Divine Emperor also has two levels.

Without comparison, there is no harm.

Don’t look at it with only two floors, but this is already a very high probability.

Be aware of the entire immeasurable void. In All Heavens and Myriad Worlds, the cultivation base has reached the peak of the god emperor. There are no millions but hundreds of thousands, but few people have heard of Transcending Tribulation.

It’s not because the news was blocked, Divine Emperor Jie was so dynamic, even if you want to block it, it is not that easy.

There is really almost no one Transcending Tribulation.

It’s not that I don’t want to, but I can’t.

Because more than 80% of them, there is not even a slight chance.

The other 15% of the breakthrough Divine Emperor’s confidence is probably not even half a level.

In this way, you can imagine how high the probability is for two floors.

Leave aside these, the one who raised the eyebrows is obviously the superior Thunder Tribulation, with a profound background.

For this, everyone is naturally shocked, but they feel that as it should be by rights.

After all, raising eyebrows in their eyes is a disciple of Daoyimen.

Having such an innate talent and foundation is as it should be by rights.

“Senior Brother Jiang, what shall we do now?”

Fang Qingshan and the others immediately sighed in relief after seeing Yangmei safely through this Thunder Tribulation.

Next, the raised eyebrows who have suffered will definitely be treated with caution, but they don’t need to worry too much.

But again, they should also consider what comes after Transcending Tribulation.

Although Jiang Mingyue took out the Daoyimen brand to shock the expert of Chaos World of Light, those who tracked themselves and the others would not care about this, otherwise, they would not be thousands of miles away. Chaos World, a business man, chased over.

These people are all outlaws who want money but don’t kill them.

“What good do you have?”

Jiang Mingyue thought for a while, but there was no way to break the game.

She secretly estimated that it will take some time for King Jiang or Elder to get here, and during this time, they need to hold on.

Originally, she planned to keep running away, but because of the raised eyebrow Transcending Tribulation, her plan was obviously ruined.

Of course, Jiang Mingyue also understands that even if there is no such thing as Transcending Tribulation, they can’t run away.

But raising eyebrows can breakthrough immortality, but it will greatly increase their strength and better cope with the following unexpected accidents.

In addition, what makes Jiang Mingyue hesitate is that she can’t speculate on the level of the people who traced herself and the others.

If they are all Hunyuan, even if they are all Hunyuan Peak, she will not put in the heart.

I am afraid that there will be immortal experts among these people.

As mentioned earlier, one or two immortal experts, they can sit back and relax with their hole cards, but what if there are too many? What if these immortal experts are not ordinary immortal experts, not through low-level immortal calamities, but intermediate and even high-level immortal powerhouses that succeeded?

Besides, she has a hole card, but the others don’t?

As for the God Emperor expert? Jiang Mingyue didn’t even think about it. If there is such a powerhouse, they will not be able to escape before the expert of Daoyimen arrives. There is no room for resistance at all.

Because even if you have a hole card, you have to give you a chance to use it.

For a while, Jiang Mingyue couldn’t help being confused.

Although she was born into a great sect Great Family, although she has a physique, seek luck and avoid calamity, she is still too young and has too little experience. Normally, she has a sect. The teacher’s blessing is not right now. Talking panicked, but also a mess.

“There is no good way, I can only say confront soldiers with generals and stem water with earth.”

It is Fang Qingshan, who has experienced various sideworlds, experienced various catastrophes, and experienced Many experts have come to today step by step, and the temperament is much stronger than Jiang Mingyue, although it is not disturbed.

“If someone is just a realm under immortality, you don’t need Senior Brother to use the hole card, I will swallow it for you.”

“If someone has an immortal powerhouse, Even the Emperor of God is expert, I can buy us some time, if so, it still doesn’t work, then…”

Fang Qingshan’s words are not finished, but the meaning in the words is already there. Metaphor.

If when the time comes, King Jiang, or Elder, the Taoist gate, hasn’t arrived yet, then he is powerless and they can only wait and die. After all, at a glance, despite the huge potential and many cards, they still haven’t grown up. The means available are limited.

However, Jiang Mingyue and Uncle Wang are already very happy about this.

Although she can cope with the mixed element, but because of the number of people, she also needs to use her hole cards.

As for the immortal powerhouse, I am afraid that even the use of the hole cards will not help.

As for Fang Qingshan, he can swallow and drag. The two are happy and curious.

“I don’t know how to swallow the Junior Brother, how to delay it?”

“I have a array, called Heavenly Cycle Star chen great array, as long as there is no immortal powerhouse, it is counted as hundreds Thousands of Hunyuan Experts can also be swallowed.”

Fang Qingshan did not evade, and said confidently and directly.

Don’t look at the time in Great Desolate, the formidable power of Heavenly Cycle Star’s great array seems to be the same, which is comparable to a hybrid element. Even being destroyed again and again.

However, the reality is that it is not the limit of Heavenly Cycle Star chen great array.

Because, the Heavenly Cycle Star Chen great array arranged by Monster Race is based on the great array of Dijun’s Luoshuhe map, with Dijun, Supreme Unity, Fuxi, Kunpeng Quasi-Saint And Primal Chaos Bell, the top Innate Supreme Treasure, is the formation eye, with a three hundred and sixty-five Sacred Jewel Heavenly Cycle Star Tachibana and three hundred and sixty-five. Most of them are Big Luo Golden Immortal Early-Stage Monster Race expert , And even 14800 small circulation star flags, and 14800 Monster Race Golden Immortal.

And now if Fang Qingshan arranges it, it is naturally impossible.

After all, the cards in his hand are not comparable to Dijun and the others.

First of all, he has a Heavenly Cycle Star formation diagram. With the formation diagram, the formation will be more condensed. The formidable power naturally as the tide rises, the boat floats, it depends on the star flags instead of retreating. Obviously, I don’t know what to do if I am advanced.

Secondly, Monster Race’s suppression of the great array relies on formation within formation, the Luoshuhe pattern, and Primal Chaos Bell, the Innate Supreme Treasure.

And Fang Qingshan? He also has the Luoshuhe map, and he also has the great array of Luoshuhe map. Not only this formation, but also a Nine Tunes Yellow River Formation which is not weak at all. Although Fang Qingshan has rarely used it now, it is not. He can’t, but there are not many opportunities to use it.

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