The Great Tribulation of the Open Heaven can be said to be the eternal pain and bumps in the heart of every chaotic Demon God.

The same is the birth of Chaos Demon God, the same is the cultivation Supreme Law, and the same cultivation base is 12 layers of mixed elements.

But in Pangu’s hands, they were hanged and beaten like adults and children.

Although Pangu has three Supreme Treasures of Chaos in his hands, there are hundreds of them.

However, the final result is nothing but a fight for both sides suffer.

Fortunately, raising eyebrows escaped the catastrophe, and later stepped out of the shadow of the catastrophe.

However, at this moment, when facing the immortal catastrophe, facing the thunderbolt, the scenes that have been unwilling to mention, touch, and the already faint and imperceptible shadows are once again magnified as never before.

Although there is no so-called heart demon, thunderbolt still strikes at the deepest fear of the people of Transcending Tribulation.

“weng! ”

At this moment, the green willow stick in Niwan Palace suddenly trembled, a trace of supreme supreme, the eternal and free Dao Rhyme spread out, The negative factors in his heart magnified by Thunder Tribulation were instantly suppressed.

Sacred Jewel body protector, eternal Dao Rhyme.

“It’s an immortal calamity. I don’t think the previous five fadings of heaven and man, at this moment, once Thunder Tribulation comes out, I know the formidable power.”

Seeing the dragon and the world, the eagle hits the sky The general imposing manner, like the sharpest Divine Weapon between heaven and earth, the Space Principle with raised eyebrows, although the Tianzhu is good, it has gone through the baptism of heaven and man, but under the thunderbolt, there is still a series of firecrackers and bursts. A fire star like a volcanic eruption. one after another Hair-like cracks spread like cracked porcelain.

Fang Qingshan compares it, in the Heaven Opening Seal in my mind, Pangu’s capital, Heavenly God, is only this.

Although Pangu didn’t have breakthrough immortality back then, its combat effectiveness had breakthrough immortality.

Especially the Splitting Heaven Ax method in his hand and the Heavenly God Thunder make him like a tiger that has grown wings.

And the current immortal calamity is just the beginning, or the first thunderbolt actually has this formidable power, why not let Fang Qingshan feel emotional?

Thinking about where you are, if you change yourself, I am afraid that Fang Qingshan feels awkward even if you have an Eternal Heaven boat.

Sacred Jewel can increase the host’s formidable power, but when the host’s cultivation base is not enough, it’s like a child dancing a sledgehammer. Not only does it fail to exert the power of the sledgehammer, it may also be hurt. To yourself.

Eternal Heaven boat has weakened this drawback to a minimum, but it still exists.

So, in the final analysis, Tao is the root, and the side is the last. Only when the deity is strong, the formidable power of other Divine Ability and Sacred Jewel can be maximized, even super.

Not to mention Fang Qingshan’s emotion, but said that although Thunder Tribulation is extraordinary, but raising eyebrows is also not what it used to be.

After repairing the damage of the Great Tribulation, the cultivation base of raising eyebrows did not take advantage of the breakthrough, but it still allowed him to break through the original limit and made his foundation more solid.

Later, I got the eternal blessing from Fang Qingshan, and felt a trace of eternal Dao Rhyme, which improved the immortal matter within the body.

The victory on the Great Way ring, fate added. The Hollow Worm obtained in Baichuan Auction House made his law go further.

The most important thing is the baptism of heaven and man, so that his essence, qi and spirit, Divine Ability Way Law, law, all have qualitatively overstepped.

Because of this, in the collision with Thunder Tribulation, it was stalemate, but one after another hairline cracks appeared.

Otherwise, at his level at the time, I am afraid that under a thunderbolt, he will not be able to eat and walk.

Back then, the reason why Yang Mei could survive the Great Tribulation was not that he was better than other reincarnation, time, and cause and effect Demon God.

It’s just because he knows how to seek advantage, avoid disadvantage, and is lucky, not at all, and hit Pangu head-on.

After all, not everyone in Hunyuan realm can be as immortal as Pangu.

I didn’t see it. Although this thunderbolt was just for raising eyebrows, the leaked breath that permeated all around caused Jiang Mingyue to change color, faded and faded. Don’t you dare to touch it?

Because of being too close, there is a sense of panic and catastrophe.

This feeling is not an illusion, but a real existence. After all, even the aftermath of Thunderbolt has the formidable power that severely damages the ordinary Hunyuan Peak, and here, Jiang Mingyue and Fang Qingshan Lian Hunyuan Peak has not been reached, so no one dares to ignore it.

In addition, it is the same as before Uncle Wang faced the five decays of heaven and man.

If you get too close, once you are circled by Thunder Tribulation and think that you are also the person of Transcending Tribulation, then it is really harmful to others and self, and it is too late to regret.

After all, Thunder Tribulation is the Heavenly Way, the Great Way’s test of Transcending Tribulation.

Singularity, solipsism.

With one more person, the formidable power of Thunder Tribulation will not be scattered. If this is the case, when Transcending Tribulation, find a thousand or eight hundred people, wouldn’t it be passed with no difficulty?

Therefore, the more people there are, the formidable power of Thunder Tribulation will be as the tide rises, the boat floats, and one plus one is greater than two.

And the higher the cultivation base of the person who helps, the higher the Thunder Tribulation may cause mutation, and the greater the formidable power of Thunder Tribulation.

So, no one has ever dared to intervene in other people’s Thunder Tribulation. Even the Divine Emperor is the same.

Therefore, Transcending Tribulation people have always been cautious.

Of course, the kind of people who hold the idea of ​​perish together and want to bolster their backs are outside.

There was a stalemate for a moment, and the first Dao Tribulation Lei passed quickly.

Space Principle Tianzhu did not collapse, but some burnt black and some damage appeared. Raising eyebrows should hurry to repair, adjust the state, and prepare for the 2nd thunderbolt.



Jieyun continued to gain momentum. Just after raising his eyebrows and completing the repair of the Tianzhu of Law, the thunderbolt that destroys everything came directly once again. This time the purple electric Fire Dragon is the first Dao was a big circle, and was suppressed on the Tianzhu of Law, causing the Tianzhu to sink.

Raising eyebrows still didn’t use Divine Ability, Sacred Jewel, but directly against the Tianzhu of Law.

Firstly, the first Dao Tribulation thunder did not cause him much damage, which made him know and feel more confident. The 2nd tribulation thunder must be within his own tolerance.

At the same time, it is also the most important thing. After experiencing the first Dao Tribulation thunder strikes, after repairing, raising the eyebrows has been greatly benefited.

Although it is not as obvious as baptism, the raised eyebrow still clearly perceives that the law of the sky pillar is more solid, and the immortal matter in it is even more solid.

You should know that in normal cultivation, every little improvement, there is no chance, and the time spent can be tens of thousands of years accumulated over a long period of time.

And if you encounter bottleneck, even if you have resources, you can’t advance.

Now, there is such a good opportunity to feel progress every moment. Although a little risky and a little bit painful, as long as you are a sensible person, you will definitely choose this way. After all, after hearing the Tao, you can die at night.

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