If the wind is just letting the void spaceship fly against the wind, then the dark clouds are completely imprisoned.

In a short while, Mingyue had to stop.

Firstly, no matter how they fly, they can’t fly out of the range of wind and dark clouds. I don’t know if the scope of natural disasters is too wide, or they are also moving with the spaceship.

On the other hand, there is too much resistance and imprisonment, resulting in spaceship unable to move a single step.

“Damn it, how could this be?”

“It’s awful.”

“How can we encounter the void disaster.”

“It’s really blessings never come in pairs misfortunes never come alone!”

“But why does my physique have no signs at all?”

…. ..

Faced with this sudden Celestial Phenomenon change, Jiang Mingyue and Wang Bo suddenly changed their colors. They immediately thought that they had suffered a void natural disaster.

Although the Void Natural Disasters are large and small, even small disasters are the immortal powerhouses that can’t be eaten and walked around, let alone them.

There are four plagues in the void, one thief, two natural disasters, three ominous beasts, and four loneliness.

The most difficult one is the thieves, because they caught offguard to attack them because they have mental arithmetic and unintentional, and their strength is not weak.

The most troublesome thing, the most feared is natural disasters. As for ominous beasts and loneliness, you can put them aside. Ominous beasts, as long as it’s not your special bad luck, you are basically What can be dealt with is nothing more than the price paid. As for loneliness, as long as it does not deviate from the track, it will not cause much problem.

The only problem is natural disasters.

He is weird. He is even more caught offguard than the Void Thief. You don’t know what to do. You simply can’t predict his appearance.

And extremely cruel, the weakest can make immortality peel off, and the strongest is that the god Imperial Capital does not dare to lightly scratch its edge.

For a while, Jiang Mingyue and Uncle Wang were speechless.

The robbers have not been solved yet, and they fell into the Calamity Tribulation first. There is no luck.

Even Jiang Mingyue has some doubts about her dangerous physique, which is probably a disaster physique.

Otherwise, along the way, why did you encounter the robbery of the inanimate Demon Palace first, followed by being chased and killed, and fleeing in a hurry, and now you have encountered a void disaster again, really bad luck, drink cold water It’s all stuffy.

“Quickly wake up Fang Qingshan and Yangmei.”

It is Jiang Mingyue who came back to his senses first. After all, she still believes in her own physique, since They didn’t give themselves a warning, and even if they felt it, they still didn’t feel too dangerous for themselves, then it means that they won’t worry about their lives.

People are dead and birds are in the sky, immortal for years, as long as there is no life worry, everything is easy to say.

To calm down, Jiang Mingyue immediately ordered Uncle Wang to wake up Fang Qingshan and Yang Mei and discuss countermeasures together. They are the main fighting power.

However, what surprised Jiang Mingyue and Uncle Wang was that before they could wake up the two of them, raising eyebrows first walked out of the retreat.

“Do you feel it too?”

Seeing raising eyebrows, Jiang Mingyue asked the facial expression grave.

“Not bad!”

Raised eyebrows and nodded, although she was a little confused as to why Jiang Mingyue used a word.

“That’s OK, let’s call out Junior Brother Fang to discuss what to do!”

Jiang Mingyue said.

“No, this is my own business. You can’t help me, and I have already prepared well. I think there should be no problem.”

shook the head.

“How can this be your own business?”

Jiang Mingyue said displeasedly.

“Yes, raise your eyebrows. Although we are not willing to encounter natural disasters, we are all on the same boat. How can we let you face the risks alone? You think of us as who “

Uncle Wang also shook the head.

Although he is not willing to let Jiang Mingyue take the risk, it is only because it is unnecessary and the relationship between the other party is not very good. Now the key is that natural disasters can not be avoided by hiding, and raising eyebrows and Fang Qingshan is a disciple of the Dao Yi Sect who has been appointed by himself. How can this be done to make them retreat?

“No, this is my business!”

Raised eyebrows hearing this, dumbfounded,

“What natural disaster, this is my immortality Tribulation, if you don’t face it alone, can you still be with me?”

“Ah? This is your immortal catastrophe?”

Jiang Mingyue and Wang Bo said in unison Screamed, a little dumbfounded. Suddenly looked at each other in blank dismay, and then sighed in relief, similar to a wry smile.

Because of their previous wild thinking and worrying for a long time, it turned out to be a false alarm.

In order to avoid the Mingyue issue being affected, raised his eyebrows and flew directly out of the spaceship, and then flew towards the distance.

As the eyebrows raised, the violent black clouds floating around the Mingyue also moved.

“Didn’t expect the Calamity Tribulation of Fellow Daoist who raised his eyebrows to come at this time. I don’t know if he can get through it.”

Uncle Wang said with some worry. .

He and Yang Mei are at the 12 layers Peak of Hunyuan. Naturally, he is very afraid of this immortal catastrophe, the five decay of heaven and man, and he has never dared to Transcending Tribulation. On the one hand, his potential has been exhausted, and on the other hand, he is not ready. Seeing Calamity Tribulation raised his eyebrows, he is envied and worried.

It is natural to be envious of raising eyebrows, but he does not dare, and he does not know whether he will be able to break through in this life, and when he will dare to break through.

The worry is that, as he said earlier, they are already on the same boat, and raising eyebrows is the main force to deal with the pursuit of soldiers. If he falls, it will be more troublesome for them to delay time. Up.

“No problem!”

Fang Qingshan walked out slowly, chop nails and sever Iron replied, the movement is so big, the retreat is the World Tree Avatar, so Fang Qingshan also Sensed.

“If there is no accident, raising the eyebrows Fellow Daoist breakthrough immortality is already a sure thing.”

“In this case, our safety factor can be greatly enhanced.”

Jiang Mingyue said with a smile.

After all, Hunyuan and Immortality are the difference between Heaven and Earth.

On the other side, after raising his eyebrows away from Mingyue and completely letting go of the imposing manner, Jie Yun seemed to be irritated, and the scene was even greater.

hong long long!

The dull sound like beating a drum vibrates in all directions, resounding through the void, rolling endlessly.

The wind is rising, clouds are gathering, thunder is moving.

one after another thunderbolt is as big as Dragon Snake, red and purple, shuttles back and forth among the black clouds, exuding a terrifying breath.

The terrifying coercion, covering the eyebrows on the spot, all around, the void twists strangely, the vast coercion, like thousands of remote antiquity giant mountains pressed on the shoulders, let alone escape , It’s not easy to move.

At this moment, the robes of brilliant lights and vibrant colors on the raised eyebrows suddenly became extremely dim, a layer of disgusting dirt appeared, and the body exuded bursts of unpleasant stench. The hair on his head appeared strangely wilted. In an instant, it seemed as if Western Mountain was dying, and his breath was dying, like an old man whose life had come to an end.

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