“Twelve thousand!”

“Five thousand!”

“Eighteen thousand!”

….. .

“Twenty thousand!”

“Twenty-one thousand!”

“Twenty-two thousand!”

“Two thousand Thousands and four thousand!”


“Thirty thousand!”


“Thirty-five thousand!”


“Forty-one thousand and five hundred!”


Good guys, the next moment was broken as soon as a price was quoted. Almost the price was just quoted here, and the price was increased on the other side.

Furthermore, at the beginning, the price was increased by one thousand or even several thousand. It was not until the 40,000 yuan that this subsided.

For a time, the entire auction site ushered in the biggest commotion since the beginning. Many private room guests couldn’t bear it, and they bid.

In just a short time, the price is already as high as 40,000. At this price, many people’s eyes are red. After all, this price is already considered the standard price of Level 2 Supreme Treasure. Although the Ten Thousand Buddha Lamp was once a Level 2 Supreme Treasure, it is now broken. Although it is not as tragic as the life and death bottle gourd that Fang Qingshan once got, it is only five points at most.

Many people, I’m afraid that all their net worth add up to that little.

After all, Level 1 Supreme Treasure is the standard configuration of the realm, five hundred to five thousand chaotic coins. Ten thousand Buddha lamps have reached forty thousand. Many of the people present are just the cultivation base of Hunyuan realm.

Of course, today is different. Those who can come here have a lot more money than ordinary people.

But if the Ten Thousand Buddha Lantern is photographed, I am afraid that the family will be ruined.

However, when the price has reached such a point, the number of people who can still bid in the auction is rapidly reduced. However, everyone knows that this is not the end. After all, the VIPs in the bakery are still not much. Open up.

“Forty-five thousand!”

Sure enough, the madness that had just subsided was once again a clamor for a price.

Sure enough, there is no price increase. Whenever you increase the price, you want to stand out and beat the crowd.

When I reached 40,000, I actually increased the price by 5,000 directly. Even when the Ten Thousand Buddha Lamps are in full bloom, I’m afraid it’s just this!

Everyone followed the voice and couldn’t see it. They saw a woman in a red dress standing in front of a private room. She was hot and exuding a kind of nobility. Of course, What’s more important is a mark on her body, a mark belonging to the Nangong Family.

“It is Nangong Family Third Young Lady Nangong Swift.”

“Didn’t expect, people from Nangong Family actually came to participate in the auction of Dong Fang Family.”

Some people who didn’t know, now only realized with hindsight, it seems that today’s situation is a bit wrong.

Combined with Dongfang Shuo’s immortal Peak powerhouse, it far exceeds the level of previous auction items.

Everyone moved in their hearts. It seems that today’s auction has important treasures, and at least those above Level 3.

Otherwise, Dongfang Shuo will not be auctioned, and people from the Great Family will not come.

Although they would not say that the king does not see the king, there are very few other families from another family at the auction.

Others were thinking about the unusualness of auction, so the auction floor was quiet for a while.

This is because after Nangong Swift’s quotation, due to the high price, coupled with the face of Nangong Family, many people can’t help but think about it, even many powerhouses that originally had the intention are also indulging. There is no further increase. Obviously, it’s not worth the gain if you keep calling it. One is the value ratio, and the other is that you don’t want to offend this Third Young Lady from the Nangong Family.

However, other people feel that it is worthless, plus they want to sell Nangong Family for a face, but Fang Qingshan doesn’t care.

Not to mention that this treasure is very useful to him, he is determined to get it, even if it is an offense to Nangong Family? Firstly, he is not from Chaos World in Shang Dynasty, or even from Chaos World nearby. Secondly, he is a prospective disciple of Tao Yimen. Even if he sells face, he should be sold by Nangong Family.

Therefore, after calming down at the auction house, Fang Qingshan directly said: “Five thousand.”

The sound and the price immediately caused an uproar in the auction house. Numerous horrified eyes projected, and finally stopped in Fang Qingshan’s private room. The eyes are full of surprises, and they are obviously speculating about their origins. After all, 50,000 Chaos Coins are not a small amount. This is almost the highest price of Level 2 Supreme Treasure. Many immortal powerhouses will have to feel heartache when they come out.

Of course, the most important thing is that they still want to see that in the Chaos World of Shang Dynasty, in the vicinity, there are still people who do not give Five Great Families the face, which is really rare.

I don’t know if it’s the newborn calves do not fear tigers or the Raptors but the river.

Soon, the information about the private room was exposed under the attention of all interested people.

“Jin Family?”

“A trifling Jin Family, who is not even a large family, dare not give the Nangong Family the face?”

“Not right Well, isn’t Jin Family’s private room in another place?”

“Interesting, interesting!”


“Damn it , Who is using my Jin Family’s famous post?”

“Also, who are those people?”

“Isn’t this giving me Jin Family trouble ?”


However, facing the countless surprise eyes, facing the changes of rising winds, scudding clouds, Fang Qingshan and the others Sit firmly on the Diaoyutai, don’t mind at all. Just quietly watching the Ten Thousand Buddha Lamps on the auction stage.

In another private room, Nangong Swift’s pupil light went around for a while, not at all, continue to offer.

Because fifty thousand is already the highest price of Level 2 Supreme Treasure.

If the Ten Thousand Buddha Lantern was in its heyday, it was ok, but now it is not worth the price.

As for being slapped by Jin Family? Nangong Swift didn’t care.

auction Well, it is naturally the higher bidder. If it is due to the forces behind it, it is better to reveal your identity first.

Furthermore, today, if she does this on the auction of the Dong Fang Family clan, you will do the fifteenth in the first year of junior high school. When the time comes, the rules of the auction are messed up. In the end, It is their own bad luck.

“This Fellow Daoist bid 50,000? Is there a Fellow Daoist offering a higher price?”

Dongfang Shuo was shocked by the scene and couldn’t help but ask, paused, Seeing it was still quiet, I couldn’t help but continue to say,

“The first time of fifty thousand, the second time of fifty thousand, the third time of fifty thousand, the transaction!”

The hammer dropped cleanly. , This Heavenly Way Divine Item Ten Thousand Buddha Lamp finally fell into Fang Qingshan’s hands.

“Congratulations, congratulations!”

Raise your eyebrows, Jiang Mingyue and the others joyfully said with a smile.

“Luck, luck!”

Fang Qingshan said with a smile.

The only reluctance in the room is probably gold and silver.

After all, this treasure photographed by Fang Qingshan is more than seven times more valuable than the hollow worm photographed by raising eyebrows. The most important thing is to seizing food from the tiger’s mouth from the Nangong Family. .

Although, he knows that Fang Qingshan and the others have extraordinary origins, but they are going to leave, and Jin Family still has to eat here, and the gold and silver can’t help but grow up.

However, everyone present didn’t care about his inner drama.

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