After Transmission Gate, there is another heaven and earth.

If the previous lobby was a noisy and lively farmer’s market, then this is a star-rated hotel. Although there are a lot of people, it is not so noisy.

This is somewhat similar to the Great Way ring that Fang Qingshan encountered when he was in Great Desolate.

Its huge scale, the auditorium is fan-shaped, stepped, accommodating tens of thousands, and millions of people are more than enough.

The bottom is like a meeting place, but seats. The top chairs are placed one after another. It is made of spiritual wood and exudes a light fragrance, which makes people refreshed. The top seats are also covered with soft cushions. , Sitting in it, you can even faintly feel the faint Spiritual Qi pouring into your body. Obviously, neither the spiritual tree nor the cushion are ordinary things.

As for the upper part, there are small private rooms, which are Independent Space. The privacy is better, and it can isolate others from probing. The internal environment is also better, there is space for stretching, and a variety of Spirit Fruit and Spirit tea are also provided.

Of course, the corresponding price is naturally not simple. The price of a private room is at least ten times that of an ordinary seat. And it also needs a certain status.

However, this point obviously can’t be considered for people with status and wealth.

Up ahead has a high platform with a table on it. There is a hammer on the table. The auction place is where you want to come.

At this moment, I don’t know if it’s because the auction is about to start. There are already a carrot and a hole in the private room on the seat, which is overcrowded.

Fang Qingshan entire group was led by the little elder sister to a private room.

Although luxury suites can’t be considered, they are quite good compared to the ordinary seats below.

Jin Family is good, but it’s only good. Besides, gold and silver can only represent wealth and wealth, not Jin Family.

So, they can only enter ordinary private rooms. But it was enough for Fang Qingshan.

Sitting in the private room, Fang Qingshan looked around and exclaimed again. This time, not because of Auction House, but because of the people participating in the auction.

Good guy, how long does it take for people, why is this quality so high? Fang Qingshan was panicked for a while.

As far as he observed, most of the people sitting in ordinary seats were above Hunyuan, and a small group of them gave him a feeling of invincibility. Obviously, These cultivation bases have all reached immortality.

As for whether there is Divinity Sovereign Level, Fang Qingshan does not know.

Because in the private room, he can’t detect it, nor can he detect it. Otherwise, it is provocation here and it is easy to cause accidents.

Furthermore, even if it did, Fang Qingshan might not be aware of it even if he was standing in front of him unless he exposed himself.

Just as the auction was about to start, a group of people walked out of the Transmission Gate, either male or female, old or young.

“Huh? Interesting!”

At this moment, Jin Yin suddenly let out a surprise.

“What’s wrong?”

Jiang Mingyue curiously asked.

“These people are people from Nangong, Ximen, Beitang, merchants, and the entire Chaos World, most of the large ones, Super Influence actually sent representatives.”

Jin Yin was a little dumbfounded.

Although he doesn’t know these people, he is no stranger to the signs on these people.

At the same time, he also discovered that someone from their Jin Family had come, and it was the Jin Family who was the Substitute Patriarch.

“It seems that today’s auction is worth seeing, so it’s a worthwhile trip.”

Jiang Mingyue said with interest.

“However, I am afraid it will be more difficult to take pictures of what you like.”

Fang Qingshan shook the head, some like it, but a little uncomfortable.

What I like naturally is that looking at this situation, there are a lot of good things, but the uncomfortable thing is that in this case, even if it is auctioned, the cost will be higher than usual. It may even be turned over. Times, not even auctioned.

With the passage of time, the atmosphere of the auction house gradually reached its peak.

dong dong dong!! !

At this moment, but I heard refreshing bells ringing, and a bright beam of light burst out on the high platform in front.

In a short time, all the sounds stopped abruptly, and countless lights projected forward, because they knew that the horse shooting would begin.

Sure enough, when the brilliance converges, there is a spirited white robed old man turning true from illusory.

Seeing this person, Fang Qingshan and Yang Mei suddenly eyes shrank, because don’t look at this person as harmless to humans and animals, but they all feel an unprecedented threat from each other’s body , Compared to those who can feel threatened at a glance, this person makes them feel terrified even more.

“At least the immortal Peak!”

Fang Qingshan glanced at each other, and both saw the shock from each other’s pupils.

“A big handwriting.”

Trifling an auction. The person who presided over the auction was actually at least Immortal Peak. This shows the heritage of the Dong Fang Family from the side. , And also confirmed that this auction is not simple.

“It’s him!”

Following, they heard waves of exclamation in their ears one after another, wrapping gold and silver.

“Why, do you know this person?”

Jiang Mingyue also curiously asked.

“Not bad!”

Golden and Silver nodded and said with emotion,

“I once had the honor to meet this adult, I heard It’s the East Fang Family Foreign Affairs Hall Elder, Dongfang Shuo, and the cultivation base has reached the immortal Peak. It’s almost possible to compete for the hall master, and even advance to the Supreme Elder.”

“This auction has East, The South, West, North and Centre Five Great Families dojo, and even the Great Influence of the nearby Primal Chaos Great World has arrived. Now it is hosted by Dongfang Shuo Elder. It seems that it is not simple.”

Jane is not simple, as long as it doesn’t hinder us, the right is to watch a lively.”

In this regard, Uncle Wang said indifferently.

After all, they come from Taoism and are naturally expert. Although they don’t have nostrils, look down on others, and rely on the strong to bully the weak, but with this level of identity, other people would never want to unwritten rules on them.

As long as the formal means, even the top 100 in the Paragon power list must give them a face.

So, although today’s auction seems to be not simple, Uncle Wang simply doesn’t worry at all. At most, it means spending a little more money. As a disciple of Daoyimen, Jiang Family member, money, Jiang Mingyue has never lacked.

Other people, discuss spiritedly.

“Didn’t expect this time auction to be hosted by Dongfang Shuo Elder, hehe, it seems that I have to watch it next.”

“Yes, the host of the normal auction does not Speaking of immortal Peak powerhouse, it means that there are few experts who are new to immortality. And all around, it has laid a net of heaven and earth. It seems that today’s auction must have a treasure!”

“It seems that it is here this time. That’s right.”

“Unfortunately, we can only look at those good things that we can’t covet.”

“It is good to be able to have a long experience.”


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