In the Chaos World of Shang, there is no sect power, but all exist as a family, Auction House, and Trading Company.

The strongest among them is the five Great Auction Houses, occupying five positions among East, South, West, and North.

They are Baichuan Auction House under Dongfang Family, Treasure Gathering Pot Auction House under Nangong Family, Money Tree Auction House under Ximen Family, Zhaocai Jinbao Auction House under Beitang Family, and Paragon Auction House under the Shang family.

Among them, the Shang family is the most powerful.

This can be seen from the fact that they are named after the business, Auction House is even more called Paragon Auction House, and it also occupies the most central, most prosperous and resource-rich area of ​​Chaos World.

The so-called only devices and names cannot be fakes.

Businesses can use the world’s name as their family name, which shows that.

The reason for this is actually going back to 300,000 years ago, at that major event that shook All Heaven.

Back then, it was the merchant who got the divine object that could assist the Divine Emperor breakthrough Divine Emperor.

Originally, merchants should keep such good things for themselves. Let Old Ancestor in the family take it for a breakthrough Divine Emperor.

And once there is a Divine Emperor in a family, then the family will be able to rise to the top immediately.

The so-called when a man attains the Dao, even his pets ascend to heaven is nothing more than this.

Unfortunately, although the business is good, it is only good. Although there is Old Ancestor of God Emperor Peak in the family.

However, even if you take divine medicine, you cannot achieve breakthrough in a short time.

If you are not secret, you will lose your minister, if you are not secret, you will lose your life, and if you are not secret, you will be harmed.

In the end, they did not keep secrets completely, so that the news leaked.

If the Old Ancestor can break through the Divine Emperor in the shortest time, I am afraid they can still take the risk.

Unfortunately, this is whimsical. Divine Emperor’s breakthrough is so simple, even with divine medicine.

As a result, even with divine medicine, it takes time to digest, not enlightenment, where water flows, a canal is formed instantly. That’s not divine medicine, it’s just getting what you want and getting your wish.

Furthermore, divine medicine is only an auxiliary function. Whether it can be achieved depends on oneself and God’s will. It only increases the probability.

If the news is not leaked, they can naturally digest it slowly. Even if it fails, there is nothing to do. Unfortunately, now that the news leaks, they still dare to eat alone and risk the world’s ill-gottenness. Before coming to the door, it’s good to say if you succeed, if you fail, I am afraid that there will be an overturn in an instant.

And everyone will not give them a chance to fail.

Because it is better to be safe than sorry, what if it succeeds?

Therefore, if they dare to take risks, let alone the people of the other world, the people of the sideworld will not let them go.

After all, once a Divine Emperor appears in a merchant, I am afraid that everyone in the entire Chaos World will look to them, and the entire world will really become the merchant’s private land.

Fortunately, at that time, the business leader was a courageous family. He reluctantly cut his love and made a decisive decision to unite the entire Chaos World superfamily, East, South, West, North and so on. The major event that shocked the world.

First, just in case, we joined hands to smash nearly half of our net worth and arranged a peerless great array based on our own Chaos World.

Then, facing All Heaven, auction divine medicine.

Being prepared for a rainy day, I have successively killed more than a dozen Great Influences that far surpassed the Inanimate Demon Palace.

With this prestige, merchants have risen soaring, and Chaos World of Shang Dynasty is also full of flowers and burning oil.

Many times, even if some priceless and unique rare treasures in Chaos World are not available, they can be found here.

The so-called Central Chaos World is exactly where the mountain gate that used to be Taoist Gate is located, All Heavens and Myriad Worlds ranked the top 100 Great World.

Because of this, Jiang Mingyue came here not far from ten thousand li. Apart from seeing the Chaos World of the alien quotient in a remote place, she increased her knowledge. Inferred, here are the heavenly materials and earthly treasures she needs.

She has top physique and feels dangerous.

However, whether it is bloodline, physique, or roots, it needs constant awakening and transformation, not just once, once and for all.

It’s just that if the top physique wants to awaken, in addition to transforming with the improvement of the cultivation base, there is also a shortcut to the south, which requires the assistance of priceless and unique rare treasure, but these things are not only precious, but also It’s hard to find.

There is no such thing as Daoyimen.

It’s not that the background of mind is poor, but because I feel that the risk body is a bit biased, naturally there is no special resource. Moreover, even if sect has it, it is not what you want to use. It’s not that you are talented, you can do whatever you want, you can’t be round without rules, at most it is tilted, absolutely impossible reap without sowing, you must use contribution to get it.

Compared with the contribution of sect, it is naturally easier for everyone to buy with money.

After all, sect’s contribution is not only to complete the sect task, but also to contribute to the sect. But no matter what, it is difficult to handle, and it takes a lot of time and experience.

Of course, if you want to buy such a good thing, especially in Auction House, it is a delusion not to have enough net worth.

So, money is not everything, but no money is absolutely impossible.

Therefore, with the four elements of cultivator, wealth, companion, techniques and land, Caicai ranks first.

Leave aside these, but said that, according to the truth, recommending Fang Qingshan, the master of the Eternal Heaven boat, is a top priority. After all, if it is discovered by other big sects, it may be out of the question.

However, Jiang Mingyue himself/main body needs to purchase heavenly materials and earthly treasures of the Awakening Risk physique.

Fang Qingshan and Yang Mei have never crossed this long road.

For a while, I was also a little tired.

Besides, I have already confirmed joining Daoyimen, so there is no need to worry.

It is natural to take a good look at such an interesting place as Chaos World.

Therefore, after discussion, everyone feels that there is no need to rush to return to sect.

Since I’m here, I just leave without a visit. It doesn’t make sense, and it doesn’t take much time.

From the void spaceship, the first thing that catches the eye is the prosperity.

On the dock, various empty spaceships can be said to be in an endless stream, loading, unloading, shouting, one after another.

At the same time, the to-and-fro patrol also surprised Fang Qingshan and Yangmei, because they all exist at the Hunyuan level, although they are only Hunyuan Early-Stage, but it is also enough to make They were shocked, you know, in Pangu Chaos World, Hunyuan is the highest existence.

Through a glimpse, I know the whole thing. It’s not as good as a dog under Hunyuan. It’s really worthwhile to walk all over Hunyuan.

And this is just Chaos World, All Heavens and Myriad Worlds, which ranks among the top thousand. What about the top five hundred, three hundred, and one hundred? What kind of scene? Fang Qingshan and Yang Mei couldn’t help but feel fascinated for a while.

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