“Devouring Gate, town!”

If you want to deal with Jiang Mingyue, you must first eradicate the uncle Wang who is guarding her.

Uncle Wang is not a good deal. It is absolutely impossible without spare no effort.

So, Qin Lei took out his housekeeping magical artifact, Devouring Gate, as soon as he took it.

This thing is not simple. Although it is also a Level 1 magical artifact, it is said to be Level 1 high grade, even half-step top grade, which is far above the treasure in the hands of Uncle Wang.

It is made with the stomach of a Kunpeng who has passed the five decays of heaven and man and stepped into the immortal realm and a natural disaster black hole in the immeasurable void, together with other heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

Because it fits with his own/main body cultivation Great Way, the formidable power is even more multiplied.

But it can be seen that this thing is pitch-black as ink, with one after another mysterious rune Dao Rhyme entwined on it. It flows like a living thing, inside the door like a black hole in the ruins, with an incomparable gigantic The Kunpeng swam in it, whales swallowed the sea, whether it was a creature, or Supreme Treasure, whether it was a law, or heaven and earth, it seemed that there was nothing he could not swallow.

“Young Lady, be careful.”

“hmph, I will slaughter the common people with my blood!”

I saw Qin Lei pounce on Jiang Mingyue, and One shot was a killer move. Uncle Wang immediately reddened his eyes, for fear that Jiang Mingyue would be hurt by the aftermath of the two of them. Without saying anything, he stretched out his hand and pushed Jiang Mingyue far away, and then directly used the taboo trick. .

Cut out with a single knife, conveying a kind of terrifying knife intent. This is not a law, but an ultimate killing knife intent. At the same time, the blood essence in Uncle Wang’s body began to boil. The vitality began to output crazily, and the Primordial Spirit was severely damaged. Even fate and lifespan were blessed on the Blade Technique through a kind of power transformation in the dark, which is a bit similar to the demonic path method of blood sacrifice.

However, the demonic path blood sacrifice and blood sacrifice are common people, all things, foreign objects, and others. Once displayed, it is the loss of life, which is too numerous to describe, and is the enemy of the world.

Wang Bo’s blood sacrifice, the blood sacrifice is his own. Fortunately, although it is a blood sacrifice, it consumes only essence, qi and spirit, a little more fat and lifespan.

Although this method is also a taboo method, it only consumes its own potential.

Other shortcomings, that is, for a long time afterwards, you cannot use force, and the cultivation base is greatly reduced. However, as long as you make a good supplement, you still can’t come back.

I won’t talk about it. As for potential, if Uncle Wang has potential, he won’t be Jiang Mingyue’s Dao Protector.

Therefore, although Jiang Mingyue has a hint of worry on her face, she is only worried. If Uncle Wang fights for her life, she will probably just take out the hole card.

Furthermore, Uncle Wang was cut out with a single knife, and the entire void seemed to be stained with blood red. The rich smell made people nauseous. Those who didn’t know thought they had come to the sea of ​​blood.

The blade light, extremely fast, extremely condensed, extremely terrifying, cut out with a single knife, as if torn the void into a trace, the trace is gray, and it stays for a long time like a trace in the void. The breath exuding is very terrifying. Although the Devouring Gate grade is above it, it also has a faint feeling of being split.


At this moment, Qin Lei suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a word.

The Devouring Gate, which was already crumbling, suddenly shined, leaning toward Uncle Wang with a thunderous force, and then swallowed it in.

At this moment, Uncle Wang just left the old force, but the new force was not born, but he was beaten completely unprepared.

However, although he was trapped in the Devouring Gate, he was in danger, with a treasure knife in his hand, and his heart was full of morality, violent destructive power, and ultimate slaughter power swept away.

ka-cha! !

The power of terror caused the Devouring Gate to vibrate on the spot, just like the Five Elements mountain that has not been posted with Six-syllable True Words talisman, it seems that it may be overturned by Monkey Sun at any time.

However, it is clear that Uncle Wang has been successfully held back, and there is enough time for him to get out of the trap, which is enough for Qin Lei to complete his task. After all, he is not far away from Jiang Mingyue. And Jiang Mingyue had no guards around him that could counter him.


As if to find that he was holding the winning ticket, Qin Lei couldn’t help showing a sullen smile on his face.

However, at this moment, Jiang Mingyue did not seem to see Qin Lei at all, and did not seem to feel that he was only half a step away from the cliff, and he was still peaceful.

In the end, she is not without the power to restrain the chicken. She is indispensable in terms of life-saving means. As long as she does not have time to take out the cards, she is an immortal powerhouse. Take her down.

Seeing that Qin Lei was about to attack Jiang Mingyue, Wang Bo, who had just left the Devouring Gate, suddenly felt distraught. It was regretful and angry. The natural regret was that he did not protect Jiang. Mingyue, the anger was naturally directed at Qin Lei.

However, far away cannot quench the near thirst, but she can only watch it, when Jiang Mingyue has already taken out a talisman in her hand. It seems ready to crush at any time.

However, it is not needed anymore.


next moment, I saw a lotus stand blooming on top of Jiang Mingyue’s head, with twenty grade 4 flowers blooming, generous and bright, like a burst of secret law by Wang Bo The red light like blood light burst out, making the inanimate Demon Palace, or the karma strength profound generation, suddenly feel like a disaster is imminent.

It’s just that these two reds are a little different. Uncle Wang’s red is blood red and scarlet, while the red of Lotus Terrace is fiery red.

Yes, there is blood on one side and fire on the other.

A vocal sound faintly rang out in the void, and there was a great burning of heaven and earth, and the glazed glaze that burned all karma to liberate.

Twenty Grade 4 Karma Red Lotus.

Level 1 top grade Defense Supreme Treasure.

Qin Lei originally grabbed Xiang Jiang Mingyue’s hand and fell on the Karma Fire Red Lotus. Instead of breaking the defense of this treasure, he fulfilled his wish. On the contrary, it seemed that the ordinary person’s hand caught sulfuric acid and issued The sound of chi chi was brought back unpredictably, and the impatient extinguished the flame spreading along the vine and screamed.

“Karma Fire!”

came back to his senses, Fang Qingshan’s voice rang in his ears when he wanted to make a move.

“Fellow Daoist please hold your steps!”

At the same time, Uncle Wang flew over at the fastest speed and blocked Jiang Mingyue with his body.


A crisp sound of the morning bell and the evening drum sounded, and Qin Lei’s plan to continue his shot suddenly stopped.

Following, I saw a huge thunder pillar descending into the sky, carrying a baleful qi soaring the heavens, and a Dao Rhyme of splitting heaven and earth apart.

All Heavenly God thunder.

At the same time, there is still a sharp blade light falling. Although it is better than the general trend of Heavenly God Thunder Emperor, it has changed the dominance of Blade Technique, just like the sword moves with side stroke, but even more Let people you can’t guard against it.

In the face of this one righteous one evil, with two kinds of attacks: one is strong and one soft, one is bright and the other is dark, Qin Lei is also helpless. He can only choose to retreat. He does not advance and retreat, and never wants to capture Jiang. Good thing about Mingyue.

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