And as he said, Demon Palace is not something he can afford.

Don’t talk about him, in this immeasurable void, on the edge of All Heavens and Myriad Worlds, what can provoke Demon Palace without life can be counted on one’s fingers.

Before he left Great Desolate, he had specifically sought out the Poison God and the others to understand some basic conditions of the Immeasurable Void. He was afraid of entering a strange land for the first time, like a headless fly, accidentally, entering The dangerous place to enter has offended people and forces who cannot be offended.

And among the forces that cannot be offended, naturally includes the inanimate Demon Palace.

Although the suspicion of exaggeration is inevitable from the mouths of Poison God and the others, it is pretty close.

This is a huge monster, which is placed in All Heavens and Myriad Worlds. Although it is not a Peak power, it is definitely not a small power.

Any person who comes to the hall master, protector, or Elder level can put him in danger of falling.

Although All Heavens Chessboard is good, it still needs time to activate.

Besides, people don’t even give you time to activate, if there is a blockade, or even the ability to penetrate time and space, he can’t escape.

The most important thing is that the inanimate Demon Palace is a thief of the void, the most difficult to deal with.

Unless you can kill it all at once, or if it hurts all at once, if you kill one, there will be another pair, and if you kill it, there will be an old one.

Even if the power is similar to the Wusheng Demon Palace, even the slightly better power, or the immortal powerhouse, can not provoke them, and try not to provoke them, let alone Fang Qingshan.

Only a small team led by Poison God Hou set off a stormy sea in Great Desolate. Now it is a large team, Fang Qingshan doesn’t think that his small body can withstand the toss.

Furthermore, Fang Qingshan entered the immeasurable void, All Heavens and Myriad Worlds is for the breakthrough cultivation base, to increase knowledge. If it comes, it will get into such a big trouble as the Wusheng Demon Palace, I am afraid in one day, Apart from spending on saving and escaping, they can’t do other things. So, fools don’t do anything, let alone the wise?

“en? Fellow Daoist, that’s a bad word!”

After seeing Fang Qingshan being called “Baoxingzang” by himself, not at all, like a bird with a frightened bow, turned around and fled, Jiang Mingyue changed Is to confirm the thoughts in my mind. At the same time, he took a higher look at Fang Qingshan.

After all, when other people mention the Inanimate Demon Palace, there are very few things that don’t change. And even though Fang Qingshan said that he couldn’t afford to offend the Demon Palace without life, he was just afraid and not afraid at all. This alone was already expert.

As for why she had previously firmly believed that Fang Qingshan could help herself solve the problems in front of her, it was because she was born with a powerful physique called Jue Xian Body.

This kind of physique is not at all very helpful in cultivation, attack, defense, etc.

But it is first-rate in terms of life-saving.

Sense of danger, sense of danger, sense of danger and avoid it.

On the whim of the person who is equivalent to the cultivator, the golden wind hasn’t moved the cicada beforehand, secretly sending impermanence to death. And it’s stronger and faster than that.

In addition, she also cultivation a calculus that fits well with the physique, and it has brought to the point of bringing to the point of perfection.

This is why she is just a Yuan middle-stage, so she dared to travel out of the cultivation base on the 4th floor.

Of course, there is no lack of it because of the expert protection of Uncle Wang, a mixed element of 12 layers.

Leave aside these for the time being, in fact, when the caravan wanted to use her guarantee and protect, she had already calculated that things were not calm this time. But I don’t care at all, because although there is danger, the method of calculation shows that there is no danger and there is someone to help.

Sure enough, not surprisingly, they encountered an ambush in Wusheng Demon Palace, her rare treasure that can detect the surrounding movement, within a radius of ten thousand li, except for Wusheng Demon Palace and themselves There is also Fang Qingshan entire group.

Who else is not shown by the hexagrams?

Now, after seeing Fang Qingshan’s actions, I am more sure of my thoughts.

“It’s nothing more than Demon Palace, what’s at the worst.”

Jiang Mingyue said boldly, without the slightest fear in her tone.

Obviously, if she is not a fool, she is confident, and there is no fool who can cultivation to Hunyuan realm.

As for the confidence, since she still needs to let herself help, it is obvious that she can only be a backer, but it is a pity that she can’t quench her near thirst.

“Besides, this is just a team of Wusheng Demon Palace, and it is not directly facing Wusheng Demon Palace.”

“This is indeed just a team, but once it provokes Wusheng Demon Palace, that is irreconcilable, Fellow Daoist is not afraid of them, I don’t want to go to the world.”

For Jiang Mingyue’s words, Fang Qingshan did not change his will at all.

She put her mouth up and down, it was easy to say.

After all, if Fang Qingshan had not misunderstood, given his background, Demon Palace would not dare to provoke him.

But he is not himself.

The Void Thief is like a dog-skin moss. Once they are spotted by them, they can’t get rid of it.

Not to mention that they have just entered the immeasurable void, even if it is some Great Influence, Da Meng does not want to provoke them, especially this is the lifeless Demon Palace among thieves.

“Fellow Daoist, I am an Inner Sect disciple of Dao Yimen. If you help me today, how about I owe you a favor?”

Jiang Mingyue sees Fang Qingshan refuses , Once again opened the mouth and said.

This time I made a huge profit.

“Second Young Lady, no!”

Not waiting for Fang Qingshan to reply, Uncle Wang on the side has greatly changed the complexion, which is unacceptable shook the head.

“We don’t have the means to deal with them, why do we need to ask them for help, and have a favor?”

Not to mention the multiple of this promise, it was simply originally There is no need to ask outsiders for help, but it is not worth paying such a high price. Moreover, the people who ask for help don’t know what they are. What if they are born evil or are at odds with Taoism?

“Uncle Wang, don’t be impatient, I know what I am doing!”

Second Young Lady waved her hand calmly.

The reason why she didn’t want to use her hole cards, but made a promise directly, was because she could feel that doing so was beneficial to her.

Although I don’t know how, but instinct tells her what to do.

Intuition, heart, Sixth Sense.

This is the most direct instinct of the cultivator, and the most powerful innate talent.

Many times, when encountering danger, bottleneck, everyone relies on this safety and leisurely time.

Not to mention that Second Young Lady has a dangerous physique and a suitable calculation method.


What else does Uncle Wang say.

Second Young Lady waved her hand again, lightly saying,

“Trust me, Uncle Wang, did you think I suffered a loss that time?”

Listening to what she said, Uncle Wang couldn’t help but choke, because, after thinking about it, it really is like this. Suddenly couldn’t help being speechless.

“I hope Second Young Lady is right this time!”

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