Sure enough, as expected.

Soon, Fang Qingshan found it bored.

At first I saw that everything is so fresh, everything is so fascinating, just like a treasure, people can’t help but want to explore one or two, but as time goes on, Although the scenery is still the same, but in the eyes, it becomes the same, loses the freshness, and suddenly makes people a little bored.

Actually, this matter is also easy to understand. No matter how beautiful the scenery is, it can’t stand to watch every day, and no matter how good the food is, it can’t stand a meal.

Just like when the Emperor visited the folks, why did he think home-cooked meals were better than the delicacies of mountains and seas? It’s not that I usually eat too much, and occasionally change a taste, and feel fresh. If you let him eat this all at once, do you think he will feel that the world is delicious than this.

The reason is all figured out.

So, after watching for ten days, Fang Qingshan finally became numb.

So Fang Qingshan, the mosquito man, World Tree Avatar quickly found a place just like raising eyebrows, and began to retreat for cultivation.

As for the control of the Eternal Heaven boat, it was naturally handed over to the Thunder Emperor.

There is a Thunder Emperor copying a knife, there is a correct road map, and I don’t know if it is extreme sorrow turns to joy, what changes are not at all encountered along the way.

Therefore, for the next six months, Fang Qingshan entire group seemed very stable, calm and tranquil.

Tianzhou continued to leap forward along the road map’s markings. At this speed, running at full strength, it is faster than the speed of light. Every breath will cross countless areas.

Accidents often happen most inadvertently.

Just when Fang Qingshan and Yang Mei and the others thought they could reach the next Chaos World smoothly, an accident finally happened.

However, before this, it was too boring to sail in the boundless void.

So after the initial excitement period, the Fang Qingshan entire group each found a place in the Eternal Heaven boat, and then retreat and cultivation.

For cultivator people, the most important thing is time. Maybe a nap, thousands of years have passed, but what they lack most is also time, because the more the cultivator goes to the back, every bit of improvement , If there is no chance, all need to rely on water milling work, over the years, generally in the unit of ten thousand years.

According to the calculation of the distance, it will take about a year for the Eternal Heaven boat to reach the next Chaos World even if it stays endlessly.

Although it doesn’t sound long, Fang Qingshan is not at all wasted.

It’s just that if this time is used for retreat and enlightenment, I am afraid that the time for a nap will pass.

If this is good luck, and it happens to fall into the realm of enlightenment, it is even worse. If you wake up, it would be a pity.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan changed his approach and used a Supreme Treasure for actual combat exercises.

The Eternal Heaven boat is not only constantly improving in quality, but also as the tide rises, the boat floats.

In the past, there were only a few rare treasure buildings large and small, but now they are almost the same without saying row upon row.

Among all the rare treasures, there is a Supreme Treasure called the Mirror Tower!

This is a rare treasure that can replicate any scene and creature encountered by the host. Even the immeasurable void, even the Hongmeng world, or the god emperor, the Divine Emperor may not be impossible.

Of course, the premise is that this rare treasure can grow to a corresponding level and strength.

The host can accumulate experience and adapt to the rhythm by fighting against these copied creatures.

Now Fang Qingshan certainly doesn’t need the mirror tower to replicate the immeasurable void, even Hongmeng world, or the Divine Emperor.

Because it is not necessary, even if it can be copied, he will not use such a scene.

Now he only needs to copy the Hunyuan from the mirror building, the powerhouse of the immortal realm, the Chaos World of all parties, and part of the immeasurable void.

The mirror building is now divided into three floors.

The bottom layer is the Great Desolate World.

The creatures in the inner cultivation base are all in Quasi-Saint Peak. They are basically the top gods in the Great Desolate. There are twelve ancestral witches, and the patriarch of the Dragon Phoenix tribe. Supreme Unity emperor, there are Zhen Yuanzi Netherworld River, even Three Purities before Sanctification, Zhunti, Nuwa, and even Yu Hongjun, Luo Hu and so on.

2nd floor, the copy is Pangu Chaos World.

The creatures within, this time is more than the Saint Hunyuan in Great Desolate.

Three Purities, Leading, Zhunti, Nuwa, Houtu, Luohu, Hongjun, Yangmei, Xuangui, and Sanctification’s Asura Sovereign, Zhen Yuanzi, Haotian…

There is also the Hunyuan expert of the poisonous god Hou Fang, the poisonous god Hou, Baitong, Long Jue, Madame Baihua…

Even, Fang Qingshan himself, the mosquito man, World Tree Avatar is also among them.

As for the 3rd floor, what is copied is infinite void.

The creatures in it are immortal powerhouses, or creatures with immortal combat effectiveness.

For example, Pangu, such as primordial Heavenly Demon, such as…

Compared with the previous two floors, the 3rd floor is still very imperfect.

One is because of the quality of the mirror building and the quality of the Eternal Heaven boat.

There is another thing that the mirror building wants to replicate the corresponding character environment. First of all, Fang Qingshan needs to experience it personally.

Let’s talk about the environment first, although a part of the immeasurable void is copied.

But this part of the immeasurable void evolved from what he learned from the mouths of the raised eyebrows, the poison god and the others, and what he saw and heard after entering the void, which was somewhat illusory.

As for the creatures, compared to the other two levels, there is too much less, but Pangu is the only one who really materializes.

The reason for this is naturally because Fang Qingshan, the expert of immortal realm, has too little knowledge and no careful observation. Although the mirror building is mysterious, it cannot create something from nothing.

The reason why Pangu can evolve more perfectly is that Fang Qingshan has a good understanding of the Twelve Ancestral Witch and Three Purities, plus he has climbed Buzhou Mountain and personally felt the pressure of Pangu. Also got the brand of Pangu Kaitian.

However, even so, the Pangu evolved from the Mirror Tower is not the Pangu of the peak period. At the most, it only has the strength of the 8-Layer of Pangu’s real body, barely achieving immortality combat effectiveness.

Fortunately, Fang Qingshan’s current cultivation base is only mixed with Nascent Soul Late Stage, and it does not use the 3rd floor.

Yes, Fang Qingshan cultivation base has broken through Hunyuan Seventh Layer and entered Hunyuan Soul Late Stage.

Of course, this is completely thanks to the credit of the arena. Of course, it is also because he has already reached the Yuan middle-stage Peak, so a little excitement is where water flows, a canal is formed.

Even so, even if the Eternal Heaven boat is included, even if it is Pangu and the others are not peak state, I am afraid that Fang Qingshan will be scumbed in seconds if he enters it and meets each other.

Therefore, in order to achieve the effect of experience, Fang Qingshan naturally only chooses the 2nd floor.

Mirror building!

In the 2nd floor, at this moment Fang Qingshan is battling with various Hunyuan experts and even his body, Avatar.

Fight to the end, forget the outside world and oneself.

everyday all has to fight hundreds of times in it, and point to the fall of one party.

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