Fang Qingshan rode the Eternal Heaven boat, traveled in the chaos for more than half a month, and finally reached the wormhole informed by the god of poison and the others.

“This is the wormhole space channel?”

On the deck, Fang Qingshan and Yang Mei looked forward carefully.

Fang Qingshan and the others know that there are only four ways to walk in the immeasurable void. One is to walk on their own and use Divine Ability, but this The method is not common.

Because ordinary people, even if they use Divine Ability, the effect is not very good. On the one hand, it is because the speed is not fast, and the void is too large, on the other hand, it is because of danger.

After all, the immeasurable void is not a good place.

Although the ordinary person here is already a Hunyuan expert, let alone an ordinary Hunyuan expert, it is the title Hunyuan expert. Below the Hunyuan Peak is very dangerous.

As for people with a high cultivation base, they must have already had various Supreme Treasures, so they don’t have to walk on their own. Unless it is the kind of ascetic existence. Otherwise, there is a simpler, more comfortable and faster way, as long as a normal person knows how to choose.

In addition to walking on your own, there is also a void spaceship like the Eternal Heaven boat. However, under normal circumstances, the void spaceship is not comparable to Fang Qingshan’s Eternal Heaven boat.

It’s not just grade and quality, it’s also a matter of heritage.

After all, the Eternal Heaven boat is looking at the entire immeasurable void and All Heavens and Myriad Worlds are not ordinary things.

If an ordinary person can get one of these things, he can immediately become the true inheritance disciple of the Great Influence of the Top 100 Great World in All Heavens and Myriad Worlds.

apart from this, as well as Transmission Array and Void Wormhole.

But these two points are not common.

The main reason is that the chaotic Transmission Array is too expensive to open once, and ordinary immortal powerhouses are a bit too much to bear.

And Void Wormhole completely depends on chance.

If the chance is good, Hunyuan Early-Stage will be able to meet it. If the chance is bad, the immortal powerhouse will not be able to meet it.

Poison God Hou and the others can be regarded as some chances, not only met Void Wormhole, but also found Chaos World like Pangu Chaos World through the wormhole.

“What a Void Wormhole,”

Looking at the vortex like a cave entrance. Raised eyebrows couldn’t help but sigh with emotion.

If it hadn’t been for the Poison God Hou and the others to inform the specific location, I am afraid they would subconsciously ignore the existence here even if they came nearby.

One is that Wormhole looks unattractive from the outside, and then it is his inherent concealment, which makes people unconsciously ignore his presence.

Of course, what makes the eyebrows more emotional is the Space Principle contained in the wormhole. If it weren’t for a bit of saneness, he would just pounce on it, the splendor that couldn’t be kept in his eyes.

If you can comprehend this Void Wormhole comprehend thoroughly, not to mention completeness, or even bits and pieces, just a few points is enough to make his cultivation base bigger. If you can comprehend several layers, raise your eyebrows even Without the breakthrough immortal secret law, the breakthrough immortality of where water flows, a canal is formed can be achieved.

Unfortunately, although the Void Wormhole is naturally formed, it is the origin of the void Space Principle vibration, and it happens to encounter a kind of ominous beast, the hollow worm, directly biting through the void that is weakened by the vibration of space , Thus opening up a channel connecting the two places.

Although there is an infinite space in the Great Way inside, otherwise it cannot travel so far easily.

But the reason why the discovery of wormholes depends on chance is not just because the formation of wormholes depends on chance.

Because once the wormhole is opened, it is extremely secretive, non-special Divine Ability, Supreme Treasure, physique, even if the Great Divine Ability is in the vicinity, it is difficult to catch its trace and explore To specific directions.

Just as I raised my eyebrows with emotion, if it weren’t for the exact information provided by their poisonous gods and the others, even if they walked by the wormhole, I’m afraid they would not have discovered his existence.

Because of this, although the wormhole contains a strong space Dao Rhyme, there is no special method, and it is impossible to comprehend from it. Otherwise, wormholes simply won’t be so difficult to discover.

“It’s a pity, it’s a pity!”

She raised her eyebrows and sighed uncontrollably.

There is a feeling of entering Baoshan empty-handed. It’s so sour and refreshing that I can’t get the feeling that I can’t get the treasure that is vital to me.

“It is indeed a pity.”

Fang Qingshan followed with a sigh.

But the content of their sighs is completely different.

I raised my eyebrows and sighed that I couldn’t perceive the Great Way of space from it. After all, he was a hollow willow. It was the three thousand Demon God space Demon God in Pangu Chaos World. The cultivation was the space Great Way. Once Let him comprehend the wormhole, and it’s no simpler things to go back and forth.

Fang Qingshan sighs not only because of the Great Way of Space. If you can perceive the Great Way of Space, it will not have a great effect on Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Man, but it will be different for World Tree Avatar. After all, the Great Way of Space is one of the strongest components of the world.

When he sighed, the benefits of Wormhole.

Because the advantages of wormholes are too great compared to Transmission Array and cruise ships.

First of all, he does not need to consume energy, it seems that he has borrowed the strength of Space Source.

Secondly, he is very safe and will not encounter natural and man-made disasters in the void.

In addition, the speed is also the fastest. Entering a wormhole, although not Time Freeze, can save at least half of the time compared to Transmission Array.

Therefore, wormholes are a strategic resource.

Once a wormhole is found, as long as you are willing to make a move, you will definitely get unimaginable wealth.

And this kind of wealth is not too difficult to create an immortal powerhouse.

The four elements of wealth, companion, techniques and land, cultivator, and wealth are in the first place.

For Fang Qingshan, wealth is more important.

After all, whether it is himself, the two Avatars, or the promotion of the Eternal Heaven boat, they are all big stomach kings. If there is no abundant property and a step-by-step cultivator, how could he be so fast? breakthrough Hunyuan.

Unfortunately, Fang Qingshan cannot take the initiative to expose the wormhole, because once the wormhole is exposed, Pangu Chaos World will also be exposed, which indirectly violates his promise.

Once Fang Qingshan broke his promise, even if Fang Qingshan could guarantee that he would not die, he would pay a heavy price.

Such a heavy price is far higher than the benefits of exposing the wormhole.

So Fang Qingshan sighed.

“Well, what the eye doesn’t see, the heart doesn’t grieve over, let’s go!”

Fang Qingshan said to Yang Mei, and then urged Moving the Eternal Heaven boat, turned into a stream of light and rushed into the Void Wormhole.

As soon as I approached the wormhole, I saw that the otherwise ordinary place suddenly seemed to be swept by the calm lake by the breeze, and the starting point was ripples.

Following, like a gluttonous mouth, it instantly swallowed the Tianzhou, and then everything returned to calm.

If Fang Qingshan and the Eternal Heaven boat had not disappeared, those who didn’t know would think that nothing happened here.

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