Although the speed of Asura Sovereign is not slow, the escape method of the sea of ​​blood, the escape method of blood is definitely not weaker than the method of transforming the rainbow, the method of lifting the body, vertical golden light, somersault cloud and so on.

And if you have a cultivation base breakthrough, or have a deeper understanding of the way of blood, surpassing other speed methods is also with no difficulty.

After all, this blood escape method itself/main body is a Peak escape method. After the mosquito person’s improvement, it not only eliminates some disadvantages and side effects, but also integrates into the law of blood. Essentially, it increased his speed and became a Hunyuan-level escape method.

Although the somersault cloud was created by Zhunti, the golden light was created by the Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning.

But the two certainly cannot be compared with the mosquito person.

More importantly, they did not integrate into the law of fit. So it is essentially lower.

Moreover, even if it is integrated, it depends on whether the person who casts it understands similar rules.

Leave aside these, but Asura Sovereign’s speed is not slow, but in the end his cultivation is not the law of speed, and the combat mode is not fast or slow.

Therefore, it is understandable that Soulchaser was beaten completely unprepared in the opening game.

Looking at the hideous spear head, Asura Sovereign stood upside down all over his body, his heart seemed to be pinched hard, and his pupils shrank into a pinhole.

Fortunately, he is also a battlefield man, although he is not disturbed.

Almost at the same time that the long spear that chased the soul fell, the halberd of sin in Asura Sovereign’s hand was also swung out.

In an instant, a sea of ​​blood stands out of thin air, lying between the two.

confront soldiers with generals and stem water with earth.

At this moment, Asura Sovereign is playing a strategy of adapting to changes in order to prevent substitution. Keep it not one drop of water can leak out.

dang dang!! !

The sound of agitation of gold and iron is endless. Because the speed is too fast, just like the thousands of shots converging into one, these golden and iron symphony also converged into one, as if the Primal Chaos Bell was struck by the Hunyuan expert.

Although there is a ring guard, but watching everyone, even All Heaven beings outside the ring, the ones with the low cultivation base rolled their eyes white and fainted, and those with the higher cultivation base also appeared dazed dizzy. sense.

“It is worthy of being a man of immeasurable emptiness. I really have two brushes.”

As I said before, Asura Sovereign is not a speed route, but it is not bad in speed. Although at first was completely unprepared by the chasing soul, he quickly adapted to it.

Now that he has adapted, it’s time for him to fight back. Asura Sovereign’s eyes condensed, and at the same time an amazing fighting intent flashed in his eyes.


Asura Sovereign’s eyes condensed, the sinful halberd in his hand is still wide open, sweeping through all the wastes, and he is urged to the extreme, like a god The sun bloomed above the earth. But the bloodthirsty Imperial Jade Seal in the other hand was urged at the same time and flew out.

The big seal is overwhelming, and the bloodthirsty Imperial Jade Seal flies out of Asura Sovereign’s hands. It instantly rises in the wind, and in a short time, it turns into a Buzhou Mountain, no weaker than the Heaven Turning Seal.

In a trance, I saw a sea of ​​blood taking shape on one side, and then turned around, the seas were overturned, the curtain of beads rolled, rolling in, unstoppable. Wherever you go, you can destroy everything and drown everything. In particular, it also contains a unique corrosive power of blood.

Above the sea of ​​blood, there is also a silhouette of an emperor wearing a black emperor robe, standing on the sea of ​​blood, driving the ocean of blood.

Faced with the fall of the bloodthirsty Imperial Jade Seal, Soulchaser could no longer attack Asura Sovereign.

After all, the offense was completely ineffective, and was resisted by the halberd of sin.

Although the bloodthirsty Imperial Jade Seal and the halberd of evil are both of the same grade, in terms of a single attack, the bloodthirsty Imperial Jade Seal is much better than the halberd of evil.

Therefore, the chasing soul dare not neglect, he has already felt a strong threat from it.

With a roar, the Soul Seeking Spear in his hand blatantly shot out, there was a fierce sky-splitting sound, accompanied by a gun gas that was as blazing as the day, grandiose.


As soon as the seal fell, Soul Seeking Spear in the hands of Soul Seeking Spear suddenly seemed to have been bends its spine. It was almost compressed to ninety degrees. Fortunately, the quality is good. Otherwise, I am afraid that it will be folded on the spot. Two breaks,

Even if there is no break, there are cracks on it, the color is obviously dim, the tiger’s mouth is broken, and the soul chasing is spitting out a blood in the mouth, and the breath of the whole body weakens sharply. , His face became incredibly pale.

The reason why the bloodthirsty Imperial Jade Seal has such a large formidable power, in addition to his grade, more importantly, from the very beginning Asura Sovereign is gathering momentum to prepare for this thunderbolt blow.

It’s just that, at the beginning, the chasing soul was too fast, so he didn’t fight immediately.

Although this is the case, because of more time to prepare, the bloodthirsty Imperial Jade Seal’s formidable power has also been brought into full play.

Therefore, it is possible to make achievements in one click.

this can be considered

If he doesn’t attack, Asura Sovereign hits the bloodthirsty Imperial Jade Seal immediately, and the formidable power is definitely not that big.

“What a great Halberd Art, what a domineering Imperial Jade Seal, I really can’t underestimate the people of the world,”

At the very beginning, I still looked down on the natives like Great Desolate. Think they are just sitting on the well, arrogant. When playing, I only paid a little attention to it. When the halberd of sin blocked the Soul Seeking Spear, it was a little dignified, but until this moment, Soul Chaser knew that he was still narrow. The cutting-edge combat power of Great Desolate may not be as good as the immeasurable void. But the Hunyuan under the immortality, and even the expert under the Hunyuan, may not be inferior to them.

“But, just like this, I can’t kill me!”

However, he didn’t at all. Therefore, he lose one’s head out of fear. After all, he is also from The characters who crawled out of the dead pile, experienced, reacted almost immediately after resisting the bloodthirsty Imperial Jade Seal’s attack.

Open your mouth to spurt a mouthful of blood and fall on the long spear. With a shake, the long spear in your hand instantly turns into a stream of light and blends into the body of the soul chaser. Next moment, the soul chaser’s whole person changes. Turned into a Poison Dragon, a long spear.

Human and Spear Unity.

Fast, faster, more than twice as fast as the previous attack.

Strong, too strong, a shot is dropped, wherever you go, even the void is annihilated, and there is no law.

“It’s useless!”

“Light of purification, scattered!”

“No stronghold one cannot overcome, broken!”

With Asura Sovereign’s cry, first the Ten Grade 3 Pure White Lotus at the foot, suddenly brilliant and generous, shooting out billions of pure Spirit Transformation light, Soul Seeking Spear fell on it, not only did not break the defense, but it was like winter snow. Pure Yang, the power melts instantly.

The secret law is broken!

In an instant, long spear and chasing soul separated again.

At the same time, the halberd of sin in Asura Sovereign’s hand has been swung out, with the artistic conception of no stronghold one cannot overcome and nothing that cannot be broken, instantly falling on the soul chaser.


The old force has just gone, but the new force has not been born.

At this moment, there is only time to chase the soul. With a thought, he mobilizes the Bloodred Cloak behind him in an attempt to defend against the attack of the evil halberd.

Unfortunately, to no avail.

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