The final selection of candidates to participate in the war was somewhat unexpected.

Everyone knows that with the addition of the eyebrows and the blood lineage, the candidates will change.

But this change should only be the introduction, Zhunti and Nuwa, and even they have expected it, with the mystery of the introduction, there is no ray of hope, replacing one of Three Purities.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Yaojin came out halfway, actually replacing Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning. And it’s so easy that the lead directly abstained.

Everyone was surprised at this mysterious Taoist in the universe. Before that, no one knew of his existence in the entire Great Desolate. It seemed that he appeared suddenly, compared to the chance of the sky. In the nine days out, Xuanhuang and the others are still more mysterious. The most important thing is that he actually has a cultivation base for Hunyuan.

It seems that since Fang Qingshan gained the Tao, it seems to have broken some taboos. The Hunyuan in Great Desolate began to flow in an endless stream, first the mosquitoes, and then the brace turtles, and now there are more A Taoist in the world.

Although everyone knew from his mouth that he was built into a wooden form, it was specious under the deduction.

The other surprise is that his cultivation base is not surprised because of the Hunyuan cultivation base, but his Hunyuan cultivation base is too deceptive.

It seems that Hunyuan just broke through, and it seems to be more inferior to Zhunti. But looking at the way he played against Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning, like an antelope hanging horns, without even using the Supreme Treasure, he defeated the Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning with no difficulty.

As for whether Taoist Huanyu has a Supreme Treasure, everyone has no doubt about this.

Don’t say anything else, just his main body is built of wood, it is definitely not weaker than the existence of Innate Supreme Treasure, just like the hollow willow of the main body with raised eyebrows.

Supreme Treasure is so powerful if you can’t make it, take out the Supreme Treasure, and try your best. I’m afraid not to mention Laozi, Heavenspan is Hou Tu, Luo Hu dare not say that it is better than him.

But it’s too late to say anything now, and the top priority is to deal with the ring battle, and everything else must stand aside.

Without Hongjun’s lead, others would not dare to stroke the beards of Taoist people around the world.

After all, not to mention the cultivation base of the Taoist himself/main body, the strength, just his friendship with the sea of ​​blood, is enough to make people dare not act rashly.


Dang dang!! !

At a certain moment, the sound of Yellow Bell Great Sound resounded throughout Pangu Chaos World.

“The immeasurable starry sky, the lifeless Demon Palace, the two-world arena battle between the poisonous god and Pangu Chaos World has officially begun. All those who need to participate in the ring battle are prepared. There are three rounds in this competition. They are under Chaos, Ten-player battle, Hunyuan Early-Stage six-player battle, Yuan middle-stage three-player battle. In order to show fairness and justice, all participating fighters’ cultivation base will be limited to the same realm.”

“The winner, the prince, the loser, based on the principle of fairness and justice, the winner can get all kinds of priceless and unique rare treasure, heavenly material earthly treasure, Divine Art secret law, Divine Ability Absolute Art from the loser , Divine Weapon magical artifact, pill medicine Spirit Fruit…….Don’t say Hunyuan, there is no lack of immortal secret law.”

When the sun rises, there is a vast, majestic The voice instantly resounded in the entire Pangu Chaos World, reverberating like a valley echo, full of inexplicable charm.

As the voice falls.

In the entire chaos, the entire Great Desolate, there was a moment of solemnity and silence.

After that, there was an uproar. After all, many people, in fact, simply don’t know about this incident.

“The battle between the two worlds, what is going on? Why don’t I know?”

“Yes, yeah, immeasurable sky, non-life Demon Palace, poisonous god Hou What’s going on again?”

“breakthrough Hunyuan, even immortal secret law? This seems to have nothing to do with the luck of the past few days.”

… …

At this moment, Great Desolate and even the chaotic sentient beings have too many doubts, and there are different opinions, but no one can explain to them. And before they came back to his senses, they were shocked again.

hong long long! !

As the magnificent voice fell, an unparalleled pressure swept across the chaos. The feeling seemed to be greater than that of the birth of Heavenly Way, Hongjun Sanctification.

As soon as they appeared, they directly suppressed the entire Great Desolate, Chaos World, up and down Quartet, since ancient times, all as if suppressed, imprisoned, and impossible to move in this brief moment. It is terrible.

Don’t mention other people, it is Hunyuan Saint in this brief moment who feels carrying Buzhou Mountain on his back, and it is difficult to move.

After that, everyone saw a huge ring crashing into the chaos, and the chaos roared and trembled constantly.

The entire arena, exudes endless divine light, and there are countless mysterious textures intertwining and changing on the surface. It is said to be a side arena, but in fact, it is more like the existence of the Colosseum, and the inside seems to be An independent world, a world not weaker than Great Desolate.

On the edge of the ring, there are numerous seats floating in dots.

These seats are on two sides, with more on one side and less on the other.

The more one side, with a pyramid shape, continues to decrease upwards. On the bottom 1st floor, the number is the largest, with no fewer than hundreds of thousands, dotted like stars in the sky .

And 2nd floor, there are more than 10,000 seats. By the 3rd floor, there were only three thousand seats.

As for the 4th floor, there are only ten. Six Fifth Layer and three Seventh Layer.

This side is from the Pangu Chaos side. The seats on the upper three floors are obviously for Yangmei, Hongjun and other candidates. As for the 4-Layer below, it is for Great Desolate audiences. .

This ring battle is related to the entire chaos, the major event of Great Desolate, and it is an unprecedented grand occasion. If it is kept secret, it is a reckless waste of natural resources.

After all, this kind of battle, if you can observe one or two, the other mountain’s stone can polish jade, it will definitely give people a lot of inspiration.

Of course, regardless of the size of the arena, there are not that many candidates who can enter the arena to watch the battle.

After all, although the entire arena is shrouded by a mysterious power, since it is possible to avoid the destructive power of the combatants being too large, it can also prevent them from spreading to the innocent.

But if it is too scattered to guard the spectators, it is not good, one goes from one to the other, and the thing is rarer, if everyone can do it, it will not be precious and special.

Fortunately, even if you can’t enter the arena to watch the battle, even an ordinary person can clearly see everything on the arena, very clear. There is no flaw.

It’s just that one is immersive, and the other is like watching TV or watching a movie. The experience is completely different. Therefore, the harvest is naturally completely different.

“The battle between the two circles is about to begin, please join the participants and the spectators, take a photo!!!”

Everyone was shocked by the news, shocked by the ring time.

In in the sky, the familiar voice rang again.

The moment the voice fell, I immediately saw that in the ring of chaos, numerous divine lights were shot out suddenly, spreading towards the chaos, like a goddess scattered flowers.

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