When Dayu returned to his throne, the battle between the distance and the poisonous god and the others was about to come.

Before this, there is one more thing to be done.

That is about the candidates.

Under Hun Yuan, naturally there is nothing to say. Tianlu Chance has selected ten people, including Asura Sovereign, Zhen Yuanzi, Haotian, Jiutian, Doumu Yuanjun, Xuanhuang Old Ancestor, Torch Dragon, Chi You, Fuxi and Chaos.

There is no objection to the candidates who mixed Yuan middle-stage. Fang Qingshan, Yang Mei and Hong Jun will play respectively.

Only this Hunyuan Early-Stage has not been completely settled yet.

Originally there was only Three Purities. The six of Nuwa were just suitable for the introduction of Zhunti, but because of Fang Qingshan’s cross-cutting, Houtu, Luohu and Mosquito Dao people entered the Hunyuan Early-Stage battle. The situation becomes a little different.

Dang! when! when! !

Not long after Dayu returned to his throne, suddenly, in the entire Great Desolate, a crisp bell ringing sounded without warning. The bell ringing was very crisp and resounding. Reverberating in my mind.

“The time is coming. The battle between the two circles is about to begin.”

All those who were immersed in the Great Way were awakened, first for a moment, followed by another The stock message appeared directly in my mind, and I immediately knew that this was the time when the two-world arena battle was about to officially begin, and now it is necessary to determine the candidates for Hunyuan Early-Stage to play.

Three Purities, Receiving, Zhunti, Nuwa, Mosquito Man, Houtu, Luohu, World Tree Avatar and the others left their nests and came to Purple Heaven Palace.

“en? Who is this person?”

“When is there another Hunyuan expert in Great Desolate?”

“Look I can’t get rid of the blood sea.”

“Fortunately, it’s just the Early-Stage. Fortunately, fortunately!”


The crowd gathered together, and they were startled when they saw the World Tree Avatar next to Fang Qingshan.

Not just them, even Hongjun was shocked. As for Houtu, Yang Brow knew it before he came.

“This is?”

Looking at the World Tree Avatar, Zhun Ti was the first to ask.

Because he felt a similar breath from the World Tree Avatar.

“Under the universe, it is a wood-like form!”

World Tree Avatar lightly said with a smile,

“Listen to Fang Qingshan Fellow Daoist In the event of the ring battle, I am here to do my part.”

As for the words of the World Tree Avatar, everyone secretly thought. Fortunately, he only has Hunyuan Early-Stage and Hunyuan’s 1st floor cultivation base, which makes everyone feel at ease.

“There are only six places to participate in the ring battle. Now there are Hou Tu, Rahu, Mosquito Dao Ren, Three Purities, Zhun Ti, Nuwa and Ten Worlds. I will designate six people first, and the others Dissatisfaction can challenge, and the winner replaces the loser.”

Hongjun’s gaze turned on Fang Qingshan and World Tree Avatar, without saying much, he announced at all,

“Mosquito Road Man, Houtu, Luohu, Three Purities.”

paused, Hong Jun asked.

“Incitation, Zhun mention, Nuwa, Huanyu, do the four of you have any objections to this? If so, who do you want to challenge?”

“No objections below!”

After a moment of silence, Zhunti said first.

On the cultivation base, he is the weakest among Saint, and the same is true on Sacred Jewel. Compared with Nuwa, he is not as good as Nuwa. Therefore, instead of being embarrassed, it is better to give up now.

In response, Hongjun nodded clearly, and his eyes fell on the lead, Nuwa, especially the World Tree Avatar.

Nuwa struggled, closed her eyes, and sighed,

“I also give up!”

The only thing left is the link and World Tree Avatar , The two looked at each other and opened the mouth and said at the same time,

“I want to challenge!”

As for the decision to attract, everyone did not have too many surprises, but World Tree Avatar, except Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Dao Ren, everyone was surprised. After all, he only has a trifling cultivation base.

“Well, who are you going to challenge?”

Although I was surprised in my heart, Hongjun didn’t show it on his face, just asked indifferently.

“I challenge primordial!”

Hearing Hongjun’s question, World Tree Avatar and Jiuying said in unison again.

In this regard, although it is somewhat unexpected, it is reasonable.

After all, compared with Hou Tu, Mosquito Dao Ren and Luo Hu, Three Purities are somewhat suspicious.

Among the Three Purities, Lao Tzu is the most mysterious, and he has two Supreme Treasures in his hand, and the Immortal Beheading Sword Formation of Heavenspan is not the four sages.

In comparison, Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning has an ancient banner, but it is said to be the best barrier to break.

Therefore, it is reasonable for both Jiuying and World Tree to pick him at the same time.

However, for Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning, Haoxuan was not so angry that a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

He was originally the person with the best face, but at this moment, he was challenged in public, and he was a soft persimmon, especially the World Tree Avatar, the trifling layer also dared to overestimate one’s capabilities.

“Well, let me teach you, not who can challenge it casually.”

Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning, cold light flashed in my eyes. Secretly decided in his heart, wait a moment, must teach World Tree Avatar a big lesson.

“Which one of you will come first?”

Hong Jun looked at the lead and asked the World Tree Avatar.

“Let him come first!”

Before they spoke, Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning took the lead in pointing at the World Tree Avatar and said.


Neither of them has any objection.

“You take it, otherwise, don’t say I didn’t give you a chance when you lose.”

In the chaos, the two faced off for a while, Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning opened the mouth and said.

“Really? I hope Fellow Daoist will not regret it!”

World Tree Avatar faintly smiled, no excuses,

“Fellow Daoist is careful.”


As a reminder, the World Tree Avatar took the lead.

As soon as the voice fell, it was seen that the World Tree Avatar right hand stretched out, and the huge handprint was directly shot at the Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning.

The big seal covers the sky, in a daze, this is not a handprint, but a sideworld, and it is not an ordinary world, not a small thousand, not a big thousand, but the Great Desolate World.

Daqianhuanyu, mountains and rivers, bizarre and motley, Sun, Moon and Stars, flowers and trees, birds and beasts, mountains and rivers…The illusory shadow of myriad forms one after another appears .

Vast, majestic, unstoppable.

world Supreme Seal!

With a palm down, the world seems to have turned into a Tathagata Buddha, and Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning has become Monkey Sun.

The mosquito person has a mosquito sting, Fang Qingshan has a Five Elements bracelet, and the World Tree Avatar naturally has his Life Source Divine Ability.

This world Supreme Seal is one of them. Once the seal is dropped, it is the Great Desolate World that is smashed down. The formidable power is unmatched.

It does not seem to use Supreme Treasure, but it is no worse than using Innate Supreme Treasure.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked, and obviously everyone underestimated the World Tree Avatar.

Especially the primordial Tianzun who faced the world Supreme Seal was even better.

However, although Divine Ability is formidable power, it is obviously wishful thinking to let him a strategic withdrawal with a Divine Ability.


Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning with a whisper, an extremely powerful, extremely violent imposing manner erupted from the body, sweeping the audience, and taking out the ancient banner , Shook heavily.

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