“What a Hongjun, I really did it.”

Seeing the Eternal Heaven boat and the green willow stick being suppressed, Yang Mei and Fang Qingshan were not at all showing the slightest strangeness.

After all, although the Eternal Heaven boat is extraordinary, it is only at the supreme level now, and it has not yet reached the supreme peak.

The green willow stick is just a Sacred Jewel made by raising eyebrows with one of its own branches, just like the Qibao Miaoshu of Zhunti. Although mysterious, it is also at most equal to Purple Heaven Palace mention on equal terms . Compared with the good fortune jade dish, it is already a step behind, let alone two Sacred Jewels combined.

Hongjun is Hongjun. The methods are endless. He hasn’t done it directly yet. Just letting two Sacred Jewels merge, and he has issued such a powerful influence. Sure enough, you are making progress, and others are not making progress. slow.

Fortunately, if Hongjun didn’t have such a method, he was really crushed by them with no difficulty, and then directly agreed to his opinion. Fang Qingshan would probably be wary I was shocked, thinking about whether this was a conspiracy he had planned in secret to show weakness.

Although I did not expect that Purple Heaven Palace and Good Fortune Jade Plate can be combined into one, and the power is so powerful, the imposing manner alone has made Eternal Heaven Boat and Green Willow Stick seem to face each other. The feeling of Chaos Supreme Treasure.

But Yang Mei and Fang Qingshan are not panicked.

You have the Great Sky white jade pillar, and I have the Purple Gold Bridge driving the sea.

Hongjun can combine good fortune jade disc and Purple Heaven Palace into one, bursting into unprecedented power, don’t they have any means if they dare to do something in Purple Heaven Palace?

You must know that if you dare to go to Liangshan, will there be no twos and threes?


But the eyebrows have changed, turning into a Yang Willow Tree that looks like a green willow stick, but is taller.

The size of this tree, looking at the entire Great Desolate, and even the entire chaos, it may be difficult to find a second tree comparable to it.

This is the body of the raised eyebrow, the spirit root of chaos, the hollow willow.

Compared with the previous year, the body of raising eyebrows is not only that there are no obvious scars on the surface, but also the hideous wounds in it are much better, even that is Heavenly God. Qi, the meaning of opening the sky is almost unchecked, which means that the injury of raising the eyebrows has healed bits and pieces, the remaining point is no longer important, just need to take care of it.

Apart from this, there is a vaguely lingering airbrow body, faint, almost as if there is an eternal breath like nothing.

This breath is exactly the same as that of eternal Azure Lotus.

This matter is also related to Lich’s First War.

Yang Mei and Fang Qingshan joined forces to kill Hongjun’s prestige.

However, raising eyebrows also relapsed because of blocking Hongjun.

In order to be grateful for raising eyebrows and to help himself at the same time, Fang Qingshan intercepted an eternal blessing and presented it to Yang eyebrows, hoping that he could realize something from it and speed up the recovery from his injury.

Although the amount of eternal blessings given is not much, there are not many things in the essence. The most important thing is the profound mystery in comprehend.

Raising eyebrows is worthy of the highest chaos Demon God. Looking at the chaos, no one except Pangu dare to say that he can crush him.

itself/main body is of Hunyuan 12 layers, even a half-step immortal expert, it is a great catastrophe experienced, although it is not the five decay of heaven and man, but somehow survived, it is naturally without destruction there can be no construction, cultivation, and Taoism, have qualitative breakthroughs.

Sure enough, the comprehend, who lived up to expectations, gave out a breath of eternity. Although he did not allow his cultivation base to break through, but he recovered a pretty close from the injury. Now he starts to work, at least Use the power of 9-Layer five, and even make a full shot, without worrying about repeated injuries.

I originally thought that the Transcending Tribulation was successful, and then stood up. The difficulty of raising the eyebrows in the future will be greatly reduced. Now it is because of the comprehend Eternal Aura, it can’t be said that raising eyebrows and Hongjun can avoid the five evils , Breakthrough immortal secret law, raising eyebrows is faster and easier than Hongjun’s breakthrough.

Hongjun also knows this well, so he once wanted to drive his eyebrows out of Great Desolate, not just because of the side of the couch, not allowing others to sleep soundly, he also hesitated before. , I don’t want Yang Mei and Fang Qingshan to join in.

The most important reason is because he can overwhelm Luohu, overwhelming the Five Elements of Yin and Yang, and the universe is reversed, but he is not sure to press down and raise his eyebrows.

After all, raising eyebrows is the only one who survived the three thousand Demon God Old Antique. Even Pangu is dead and he is still alive. This alone can highlight his uniqueness and make people admire him. At a glance.

Fang Qingshan did not sit idle after raising his eyebrows to reveal the hollow willows, he also showed his hole cards.

But it can be seen that a square chessboard is like a star moving Fang Qingshan’s eyebrows flying out, in a short time, from small to large, from virtual to real.

This square chessboard is said to be a chessboard, but what I don’t know looks like a Heavenly Cycle Star formation diagram. It seems that this square chessboard is more like a square star diagram. Even bigger, it is a reduced version of Infinite Void, All Heavens and Myriad Worlds.

With the immeasurable void as the background, it is a chessboard, with virtues, All Heavens and Myriad Worlds as chess pieces, Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move.

Of course, this square chessboard can’t do this yet, now it’s just chaos as the chessboard, with Great Desolate, Daqian, Zhongqian, and Smaller Thousand Worlds as the chess pieces.

However, one day, All Heavens Chessboard evolves to that realm. I am afraid that even if it is compared to the eternal Azure Lotus, it is even worse.

However, even if it is not so far, it is shocking enough.

Because this is simply a reduced version of Pangu Chaos World.

As soon as this square chessboard became apparent, it was an act to take out the jade disc with Hongjun. It didn’t directly contend with Purple Heaven Palace, but instantly appeared in the inner core control room of Eternal Heaven boat, which is the eternal Divine Furnace, where the eternal thunder pool is located.

After entering it, without any hesitation, with a swish, All Heavens Chessboard was integrated into the eternal thunder pool.

hong long long!

At the moment when All Heavens Chessboard and Eternal Heaven boat merged. As if there is no barrier at all, it seems that their own/main body is one, combined with water and milk, an invisible thread like a spider web, spreading in an instant, enveloping the entire heavenly boat.

Before the integration, the power of the thunder tower and the eternal thunder pool is not slow, but it must be tempering the heavenly boat and provide power. Once you start, the power reserve can only be normal Operation, a small outbreak.

After the integration, the situation is very different. Thousands of completely different, but all come together in the sky a steady flow with a strong breath of Source Power. Leita swallowed Power of Primal Chaos, and the speed of transforming Thunderbolt’s Qi was more than tenfold.

It’s like Spiritual Qi in the past just melted the rain. Now Spiritual Qi has solidified and crystallized. Once it bursts, the formidable power is completely incomparable.

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