“Does it?”

Fang Qingshan thought about what he said back and forth.

Finally saw a clue.

It seems that Hongjun changed his mind after he and the others said that he was leaving Chaos.

Leaving chaos, leaving chaos?

“Leaving chaos, isn’t this what Hongjun had expected before?”

Fang Qingshan frowns, but after another thought, he suddenly became clear.

This time, another time.

In the past, Hongjun didn’t know the situation of Foreign Domain, but now he is afraid that after he and the others leave the chaos, the news here will be leaked out, attracting the people of Foreign Domain to capture Pangu Chaos World.

Now Hongjun can tyrannically abuse power in Pangu Chaos World, but once a Foreign Domain expert comes, he won’t say he will dominate again and become a prisoner, even body dies and Dao disappears. It is possible.

However, Fang Qingshan feels that Hongjun has made a fuss a little bit, and has saved the abdomen of a gentleman with a villain.

After all, Pangu Chaos World is their birthplace, and there are so many opportunities here, and even this can be used as a way out for them. Tell others, what benefits can they get?

But he has forgotten that sometimes, the purpose is not too many, one is enough, especially because of hatred, things that harming others without benefiting oneself abound.

“Fellow Daoist is afraid that after we leave the chaos, we will leak the news of this land boundary!”

Fang Qingshan bluntly said,

“not to mention here It’s…”

Fang Qingshan first explained a long period of time, and then said, “Since the poisonous god Hou and the others can make the Great Way vow, so can we! Hongjun Fellow Daoist is willing to believe in them, but is it not willing to believe in us?”

“Fellow Daoist misunderstood, I just haven’t made a decision yet It’s just determination. I have to wait to see how the Three Purities and the others cultivation is. After all, I have already promised.”

Of course, Hong Jun will not admit that he just doesn’t want Fang Qingshan and the others to leave, and wants to They are locked in the Great Desolate.

“hehe, is it?”

Fang Qingshan sneered,

“It seems that Hongjun has made up his mind. Not only does he not want us to have a breakthrough, but also Can’t leave his sight.”

Fang Qingshan secretly said in one’s heart.

This has become a puzzle.

Because if they don’t leave Chaos and Great Desolate, their cultivation base will be harder to improve in the later stages.

And Hongjun was the same in the first place, but he was better than them, and if he got the god of poison and the others about avoiding the five evils of heaven and man, the breakthrough immortal secret law, it would be even worse.

And once Hongjun is able to break through, with his character, it is absolutely impossible to let them go.

And if they leave the chaos, Hongjun shoots them revealing the chaos’s location again, inviting a killing disaster for him,

Therefore, Hongjun just had murderous intention just now.

“In this case, then we will not bother. Great Desolate has no chance for us to continue the breakthrough. Today, I will leave Pangu Chaos with Yangmei Fellow Daoist.”

Sure enough, when Fang Qingshan said he wanted to leave the chaos and took out the Eternal Heaven boat and was about to leave immediately, although Hongjun guessed that this was just a stopgap measure, he did not dare to take it lightly and directly rejected theirs. Decided.

“No, two Fellow Daoists, you must not leave Chaos World now.”

“Really? Why?”

Fang Qingshan faint smile Asked.

“Because if the lead and the others fail to meet the requirements, I have to ask a few Fellow Daoists to help me out.”

Lie, Hongjun just opened his mouth.


Fang Qingshan is coldly snorted, I don’t plan to continue like this anymore. I just glanced at Hongjun faintly and asked expressionless,

“Everyone is not a fool, Hongjun Fellow Daoist no longer has to use these high-sounding words to prevaricate us. We all know each other’s purpose. I only have one sentence now, Hongjun Fellow Daoist, would you still like it? Would you like to continue talking with us?”


hearing this, Hongjun suddenly became dumb.

Let’s talk, he doesn’t want Fang Qingshan to benefit from them, and even more he doesn’t want them to leave the chaos. He even prepares to finish the poisonous god and the others. No matter what happens, he raises his eyebrows. they.

Don’t talk about it, I’m afraid Fang Qingshan and Yang Mei are about to violent.

“hmph, Hongjun, I think we can talk with you on the face of Pangu Chaos Great Desolate. You don’t want to foolish enough to reject a face-saving offer.”

Sure enough, seeing Hongjun hesitating, Fang Qingshan face changed, eyes slightly narrowed, two cold light bursts out,

“You think we are Luohu, it is Three Purities and the Others, what are you talking about? It’s completely at your disposal?”

“First, I was jealous of us and wanted to drive us out of Great Desolate. How can I let others sleep on the side of the couch? We also recognize it. Anyway, Great Desolate, Chaos is good, but we don’t want to stay here forever.”

“But, didn’t expect, we all planned to leave, you actually paid If you dare to fix the moths, you actually tried to cut off our chances. The battle of the poisonous gods is that’s all, and you actually tried to completely keep us in the Great Desolate. You really think that we have become soft persimmons for self-cultivation these years. Leave it to you?”

“Or you don’t have to fight the poison god and the others. We will fight a game now. It depends on who wins and who loses.”


Speaking, Fang Qingshan didn’t mess with the mud, and directly manifested the direct Eternal Heaven boat.

hong long long!

For a while, I saw that the hidden Eternal Heaven boat in Niwan Palace suddenly burst out with a bright divine light, and with a bang, it shocked the void and came directly out of Purple Heaven Palace.

The ferocious tentacles seem to be able to pierce the sky. The vast deck is no smaller than the Great Thousand Worlds. The towering tower is like a 33rd-layer sky and a mast like a sky pillar. Setting the heaven and earth, hunting and hunting sails, a small world of different sides emerges…

Countless fairies have emerged out of thin air, dancing around the Eternal Heaven boat with wonderful vine dances, bursts of nature. The sound reverberates, countless smallpox falls, and the infinite fragrance drifts away in all directions. The vast coercion poured out into the entire Purple Heaven Palace like a tide.

Since the last time the Eternal Heaven boat was promoted to supreme, Fang Qingshan has not relaxed the sacrifice of this treasure. Although it did not promote the Sacred Jewel, the eternal Divine Furnace unit has been integrated into it. Heaven and Earth Cauldron and Primal Chaos Bell. One step further from Supreme level.

He still has the Innate Five Square Banner in his hand, the Twenty Grade 4 Karma Red Lotus, the Samsara Mirror, the Hongmeng Heaven Measuring Ruler, and the All Heavens Chessboard. He is anxious. You can directly integrate the Hongmeng Heaven Measuring Ruler into the Divine Furnace unit, and integrate the twenty Grade 4 industry fire red lotus into the Tianzhou body. Anyway, it was also integrated into the Grade 3 Golden Lotus, so that Tianzhou can instantly advance to Paragon.

Although it may damage the background of Tianzhou, if he can defeat Hongjun and completely take this Chaos World as his own, he will also make a profit. Even if he cannot defeat it, he can still make Hongjun. Jun couldn’t eat it, and Tian Zhou wouldn’t be unable to make up for it in the future.

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