Xuanmen has Nine Turns Yuan Gong, Buddhism has Eight-Nine Arcane Art, Blood Sea has Blood Sea Immortal Body, Dragon Race has True Dragon Body, and the Wu Clan naturally has their Divine Art, Pangu True Body Art.

The cultivation of Chi You is this Force Prove Dao, which directly refers to the unique skill Pangu Zhenshen of Hunyuan Wuzu Town Clan. This skill is similar to the Three Purities’ Nine Turns Yuan skill of Xuanmen Three Purities. Because they are all inheritance since Pangu.

It’s just that Pangu Zhenshen must pay more attention to the fleshly body. Although the Nine Turns Yuan Gong is also the method of Force Prove Dao, it also takes into account the Primordial Spirit.

Two cultivation arts are all referring to Hunyuan. It is hard to say who is high and who is low, but in general Pangu’s true body is determined by a pure word, and Nine Turns Yuan Gong takes both into account and has greater potential some. After all, looking at the entire All Heavens and Myriad Worlds, I haven’t heard of anyone who can walk on one leg. Even if it is the main cultivation body, Refining Qi, or spirit refinement, it must take into account the other two aspects. Essence, qi and spirit are the three treasures of human beings, and one is indispensable.

Not to mention, whether it is Pangu Zhenshen Jue or Nine Turns Yuan Gong, they are divided into 9-Layer, corresponding to Earth Immortal, Heavenly Immortal, True Immortal, Mysterious Immortal, Golden Immortal, Supreme Unity, Da Luo, Quasi-Saint and Hunyuan.

Before he was reincarnated in Human Race, Chi You was one of the most powerful witches under the ancestral witches of the witch clan. He became the Seventh Layer of Pan Gu Zhenshen Jue, and he was at the point where he would break through without breaking through.

Later, Reed Continent of Purification North Club, with the blessing of merit fate, directly broke through to the 8th floor of Pangu Zhenshen Jue, which is comparable to the ancestor witch.

However, because of the reincarnation of Human Race, the body naturally has to be discarded. Fortunately, Hou Tu uses the great spiritual power to condense Chi You’s original fleshly body into a drop of blood essence, which is integrated into Chi You’s Primordial Spirit and sealed. Just like fate, merit, follow Chi You and reincarnate together, so that by this moment, it will be turned into resources and heritage to make Chi You improve faster and higher.

After breaking the shackles, this drop of blood essence, just like the merit fate, poured into the new body together.

For a time, Chi You’s cultivation base shua~ shua~ shua~ went up, and the real body decided Seventh Layer, 8th floor, 8th floor Peak. Almost where water flows, a canal is formed.

Unfortunately, at this last moment, even with the background of previous lives, the merits of Human Sovereign and the merits of Reed Continent, Chi You’s cultivation base is still stuck at Quasi-Saint Peak and has to break through .

Hunyuan, it is not easy to achieve Hunyuan in Great Desolate.

Fang Qingshan breakthrough is due to the integration of Innate’s five flags, and a Hongmeng Purple Qi, and the mosquito man swallowed the entire Innate Supreme Treasure, Gate of Eternal Life, and the World Tree Avatar also The same is not simple. As for supporting the sky mysterious turtle, it is not only the plot against Heavenly Way, but also the flesh and blood of countless Chaos Demon God.

Although there is no breakthrough Hunyuan, Chi You is a little disappointed, but he does not regret it.

After all, although he had expected it, he did not expect it, and there was no breakthrough at this time, so there is still a chance for it.

Although Chi You doesn’t have a breakthrough Hunyuan, his combat effectiveness is far beyond that of ordinary Quasi-Saint Peak.

Even if Fuxi, Shennong, and even Zhen Yuanzi, Kunpeng and the others fought against him, I am afraid they will fall into a disadvantage.

After all, he is fleshly body Quasi-Saint Peak, and he was born into a witch clan. The cultivation is Pangu Zhenshenjue. Without the methods above the top Innate Sacred Jewel, even if Chi You stays still, standing and letting you Attack, whether you can break his defense or not are still two things.

After the cultivation base breakthrough, Chi You confessed a few sentences, and immediately flew towards the sky as an impatient. With his current cultivation base, he is qualified to compete for one of the top ten positions of the Heavenly Road Chance.

Hunyuan is right in front of you.

At this moment, Chi You is very confident.

After all, his self/main body is not weak. On the cultivation base, on the fate, on the Sacred Jewel, all aspects are Peak.

For this moment, he did not hesitate to reincarnate in Human Race and start all over again.

He will be the second breakthrough Hunyuan person of the Wu Clan after the Tuzu Witch.

Speaking of the sky road, as more and more people start to break the sky road, and White Tiger has passed the 1st stage body refinement level, entered the 2nd stage, the 3rd stage, and even the fourth stage, finally Everyone can’t hold back.

For a time, whether it is the cultivation base in Da Luo, or Quasi-Saint Peak, whether it is a rising star, or Old Antique, whether it is loose cultivator expert, or Great Influence giants, one after another swarms. And Asura Sovereign is no exception.

As for why there is no one under Da Luo? Hehe, don’t people have a gate? Those under the big Luo before, no matter how amazing you are, you will be ejected directly when you enter it, and at most they will hold on for a few more seconds.

So, everyone later learned that if you want to break through the barrier, Daluo is a gate.

Although Daluo is a gate, it is still vast crowd.

Good fellow, it’s worthy of being Great Desolate. Although this is no longer the Lich era, once it bursts out, it is still Golden Immortal that is not as good as a dog, and Da Luo walks around.

The magnificent army with thousands of men and horses rushed together, but those who didn’t know thought that the calamity had begun again. Fortunately, Hongjun used the Divine Ability of Divine Ability on the Heavenly Road. The grandiose army from all directions is densely packed. The amazing posture of migratory locusts crossing the border may not be impossible if there is a rhythm of stepping on people.

However, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people charge at the same time, still rushing forward with a press forward and selfless posture, that kind of imposing manner is also very amazing and exciting.

Asura Sovereign follows the trend and stepped into the sky with a move in his heart.

In an instant, a strong pressure was suddenly suppressed, and myself and the ground under my feet seemed to become yin and yang magnets, attracting each other, as if heaven and earth were about to merge into one after another , All around The air is as thick as mercury, full of amazing resistance. Fully suppressed on the body. All directions from up, down, left, and right, any direction, suppressed without omission.

I don’t know if Asura Sovereign was born in blood, or for other reasons, anyway, the pressure on him is three points greater than the others.

Asura Sovereign naturally doesn’t know about this, but even if he knows it, he doesn’t care. After all, he is not Old Ancestor, and he has not negotiated conditions with Hongjun at all. He is allowed to join. Fang Qingshan’s face is lost, if they are still squeaky and crooked, I am afraid they will be directly excluded.

Fortunately, although the pressure has increased by three points, it still cannot stop Asura Sovereign from advancing.

After all, Asura Sovereign is the artificialization of mosquito pathways. Within the body, there is more mixed blood essence. The cultivation refers to the peerless Body Refining Cultivation Art that directly refers to the immortal realm.

Although this pressure is good, it is just a tickle for him.

Therefore, after entering the sky, the speed of Asura Sovereign is not reduced at all. Although the higher the climb, the greater the pressure, the stronger the drag force, and the heavier air pressure. .

But it’s just a disease of scabies.

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