Seeing the gossip Black Tortoise picture in front of Pan Guzhen, Shichen giant dragon finally understood what was going on.

He didn’t expect that the Wu clan barbarians, who have always been known for their brute force, would actually repair the plank road in secret, and he was not afraid of the clan’s fists, but he was afraid that the clan’s brains would be too deceptive.

Unfortunately, it was too late to know. In the outbreak just now, I originally wanted to finish my work, but I didn’t expect to plunge myself into death.

Now that the old power has just gone, the new power has not yet been born, and the giant dragon looks in horror at the time, wanting to take back the witch sword and the ancient banner, and retreat back, but there is still too much time there. Can only watch Pangu’s real body attack fall.

“Chop, chop, chop!!!”

Pangu’s body burst into three words, and Pangu Axe in his hand fell without reservation.

As before, the giant dragon wanted to set the world in one fell swoop and explode with all strength.

At this moment, Pangu’s real body is repeating the same action, burning spiritual power, qi and blood, and summoning enough energy, I Am Invincible.

But you can see that, in a short while, from the horizon, a bright blood light suddenly appeared, like the dawn before dawn, like the first light in the sky, cutting through the darkness, and blooming with brilliance.

Almost at the moment of splitting, he came to Shichen giant dragon.

On the giant axe, it exudes boundless terrifying aura, with blood light rising, and in the blood light, countless demons emit terrifying magic sounds, which are fear of death and unwilling to the ending. Howl of hatred towards Pangu.

these all are the natural phenomenon that 3,000 Chaos Demon Gods were condensed when they were killed by Pangu. Just like the previous display of Nine Heaven Opening Styles, it will only show up when it reaches the extreme.

The rich blood-reeking qi breath instantly seems to place people in a sea of ​​blood, which can scare people to death and turn them into blood mist.

Shichen giant dragon was shocked, and his face was shocked. Although he had faced Nine Heaven Opening Styles before, it was Chi You’s rhythm of releasing water.

Nowadays, not only has no water been released, but it has exploded with all its strength, which is naturally incomparable.

I haven’t faced Pangu’s Splitting Heaven Ax, I simply don’t know how terrifying the pressure, the fear of near despair, is, you know, up to now, I still have it in my eyebrows. shadow.

Not to mention the time giant dragon. Although this axe is not launched by Pangu Shi, he is not as good as the time Demon God, a deadly threat, endless fear is like endless darkness. He invaded.

“Long time!”

Too much time to think about it, almost instinctive, the time giant dragon re-evolves into a long river of time, the rolling Time Law, still, backward, accelerating, and erupting at the same time Open, trying to stop.

Unfortunately, it’s too late, it’s too late, or it’s not too late, it’s too late, but defensive power is not good. After all, this is not a real long river of time. It’s just a part of the twelve yuanchen with the help of the formation summon. The illusory shadow of the tributary of the long river.

The axe of Pangu’s true body has one-half of the formidable power that was deployed by the twelve ancestors. For this moment, Chi You started when Xuanyuan took out the witch-killing sword. Patience with humiliation, how could he give him a chance to comeback.

Stab it!

The axe was light flashed, and Long River was directly split in half on the spot.


The long river of time was broken, and it disappeared with a slight flash.

The great array of Twelve Yuanchen was naturally broken. Twelve Yuanchen fell out, each of them pale and not far from death. The cultivation base almost fell from the original half-step Da Luo. Arrived at Golden Immortal.

Fortunately, they are different from other people. Twelve Yuanchens are human Guardian God beasts. As long as the humanity is immortal, they will not die, just like the five directions Sacred Beast, heaven and earth Saint. Otherwise, if you change someone else, not to mention severe injuries, injury to the origin, and the fall of the cultivation base, I am afraid that body dies and Dao disappears on the spot. After all, Pangu Axe, Kaitian style is not so easy to pick up.


When Human Race fate was stripped from Twelve Yuanchen, all twelve people were taken away.

Seeing this, Chi You’s expression flashed in his eyes, but he didn’t gain power and continued to attack. It’s not that he has a noble character and knows to repay grievances with virtue, but after all, he still wants to become a Human Sovereign person. Over.

Otherwise, not to mention whether he could kill Twelve Yuanchen, which annoyed the will of the origin of humanity. I am afraid that he would really want to be all in vain and play a good hand.

However, he spared Twelve Yuanchen, but Xuanyuan and the others did not intend to spare it. After all, Xuanyuan was his opponent, Guang Chengzi and the others were accomplices.

However, Pangu’s real body’s eyes stunned, and Pangu Axe in his hand waved, killing him towards Xuanyuan and the Twelve Golden Immortal and the others without the slightest hesitation.

“Teacher, help!”

Seeing this scene, originally because of the defeat of the giant dragon, I felt unbelievable. The dazed Guang Chengzi and the others suddenly courage entirely to break, let out a stern scream, making people sad to hear and cry.

“Damn, kill!!”

Kunlun Mountains, Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning After returning to Great Desolate, although I ignored Xuanyuan and Guangchengzi and the others, I didn’t want to waste opportunities, Impatient’s wandering is too empty, and I feel the Great Way.

But this does not mean that he does not care about the life and death of Guangchengzi and the others.

Therefore, when Guang Chengzi and the others were in crisis of life and death, he was still immediately perceived by him.

Seeing that Chi You actually wanted to kill Guangchengzi and the others.

primordial Tianzun suddenly furious.

Know that Guang Chengzi and the others are his Legacy heirs, destroying Guang Chengzi and the others, this is to break his orthodoxy.

Thinking that back then, Yunxiao only eliminated the top three flowers of Guang Chengzi and the others, with five anger in his chest, he could not sit still and shot himself, bully the weak. Not to mention that Chi You actually wanted to catch it all.

Besides, it depends on the owner’s face to hit the dog. Chi You is blatantly despising him.

Almost between thoughts, the ancient banner that was originally knocked off by Pangu Axe suddenly exploded, and on the body of the banner, Heavenly God was full of evil spirits. It seems to destroy the chaos and reopen heaven and earth. The banner face shows the supreme picture of the Great God Pangu holding the Heavenly God axe splitting heaven and earth apart. Five colors of light shining on All Heaven, and Ancient Saint as a deterrent to the world.

“Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning, you dare!”

Guang Chengzi and the others have life concerns, Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning feels, Chi You has a problem, Hou Tu How can you not feel it?

Seeing that Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning actually dared to bully the weak, regardless of Saint’s face and attacking Chi You, Hou Tu was also furious. With a heart move, Heavenly God rioted at the same time in twelve strokes. The boundless evil spirit blessed on Pan Gu’s body.

For a time, Pangu’s true body seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood. The empty body that had been emptied because of Chi You’s full burst suddenly became full, and his strength skyrocketed more than ten times.

The Pangu Axe in his hand was almost subconsciously cut over, colliding with the ancient banner.

Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning can control the ancient banner from the air, so Houtu can also remotely control the Heavenly God great array.


The battle between Hou Tu and Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning caused countless earth, fire, water, and wind to roll, and the void shattered.

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