

The two formations have shown their hole cards, and the next naturally is to decide the outcome.

Pangu’s real body took the lead in moving, dragon walk, tiger steps, hand-held Splitting Heaven Ax, and slashed down.

In an instant, it seems that one side of Chaos World was torn like a piece of paper, and thousands of chaotic Demon God fell under the axe…

Of course, these all are natural phenomenon, it is Splitting Heaven Ax that reproduces the grand opening of Pangu.

However, although it is only a natural phenomenon, it can only be summoned when the Splitting Heaven Ax method is used to its extreme. Moreover, these natural phenomena are not silver-like wax gun heads that are not to be used. With the blessing of natural phenomenon, this axe head drops, but the formidable power can add three layers.

“Good one, Pangu’s true body, good one, Splitting Heaven Ax method.”

“Now it’s just Chi You spreading through the twelve capital Heavenly God, unimaginable, What kind of scenes the twelve ancestors witches holding Heavenly God shaman flags to display, let alone the grand occasion in Pangu’s hands.”

“It’s no wonder Heavenly Way wants to plot against the witches, facing this way If you change the situation, I’m afraid you will have trouble sleeping and eating!”


Seeing this scene, all the prying eyes, the experts who pay attention to this battle , While taking a sigh of relief in his heart, his fear of the Wu Clan became even deeper.

This is just a great witch who has not fully recovered yet, holding a heavy treasure with such strength, if the twelve ancestor witches, if the Houtu makes a move, there is no room for them to struggle.

Fortunately, fortunately, there are Heavenly Way plot against, Great Battle of Witch and Demon, Witch and Demon Races both sides suffer, otherwise, everyone will have to live by the witch clan.

ka-cha! !

Regardless of what other people think, at this moment, Twelve Yuanchen can’t bother at all. Faced with the explosion of power, Heavenly God’s great array, they naturally only have to devote themselves to ten. In the evolution of Binyuanchen great array.

Fortunately, Twelve Yuanchen great array is also Peak formation, it is also the formation of time attribute, and it is blessed by humanity. Otherwise, if the axe of Pangu’s real body falls, the great array will be broken. When body dies and Dao disappears.

As Twelve Yuan Chen runs the formation with all its strength, but the long river of time that summon comes out has changed, and it has directly evolved into a giant dragon of time.

In a trance, it seems that Primal Chaos Demon Dragon and Chaos Time Demon God merge into one.


True Dragon opens its mouth, Dragon’s roar hangs down with the dragon’s breath hiding the sky and covering the earth, like a hanging waterfall, drowning Pangu’s body.

For a while, but seeing Pangu’s true body all around, Time Flow Speed ​​has been accelerated ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times.

If a person is changed, I am afraid that he will fall on the spot due to deprivation of multiple lives.

Although Pangu’s true body is not the Pangu body, the fleshly body is strong and not weak, Supreme Treasure. Even without the 30 Grade 6 lotus platform guardian body, the guard body divine light will die for time. The dragon breath resisted firmly.

The Dragon of Time simply never thought of relying on dragon’s breath to deal with Pangu.

Therefore, while spitting out the dragon’s breath, performing all his best, the eighteen martial arts are one after another.

Yunlong Exploring Claws!

Divine Dragon Swings Its Tail!

Kang Long has regrets!

Wyvern is in heaven!

Double Dragon Play Pearl!


One move, one move, fight against Pangu’s real body to murky heavens dark earth, without sun and moon.

Even the Great Array of Nine and Nine Profound Yin and the Great Array of Golden Lights had to stay away from them. They had given up fighting, but each defended with all their strength to avoid being bothered by Heavenly God. The aftermath of the great array of Twelve Yuan Chen, when the time comes Divine Immortal fight, Mortals Suffers.


Not to mention that in Human Race, Chi You and Xuanyuan fought heaven falls and earth rends. Before the opportunity of heaven and road, everyone went forward.

But it said that after Tianlu manifested, it was when Zhu Hunyuan and Zhu Saint were puzzled by Hongjun’s actions.

Purple Heaven Palace once again spread Taoism, let Three Purities, Nuwa, lead, Zhunti, and even Houtu and Rahu into Purple Heaven Palace.

Taozu sound transmission, Three Purities and the others were puzzled, but not at all hesitated. Even Luohu and Houtu hesitated for a while, and did not hesitate.

There was such a big noise in Great Desolate, and Hongjun made the move. If they couldn’t figure out what was going on, they would have trouble sleeping and eating.

As for whether Hongjun will take the opportunity to lure them to Purple Heaven Palace and leave them behind, it is completely unnecessary.

After all, if Hongjun wants to deal with them, he will do it directly, without having to be so troublesome.

The most important thing is that they are not Hongjun’s number one enemy. Before raising the eyebrows and the sea of ​​blood, it is undoubtedly beat the grass to scare the snake.

This ordinary person is still not, how about Kuang Hongjun?

Purple Heaven Palace is manifested in the nine heavens because of the heavenly road, but it is not the body of Purple Heaven Palace.

Purple Heaven Palace is a chaotic Sacred Jewel-level existence. The formidable power is too strong. Entering into the Great Desolate is too burdensome for heaven and earth.

So, his body is still in chaos, and the Purple Heaven Palace right now is just a projection that’s all.

Therefore, Houtu and the others who want to enter Purple Heaven Palace also need to leave the foreign domain starry sky and enter the inner chaos.

Fortunately, Hongjun took the initiative to invite them. Therefore, they were able to lock the aura of Purple Heaven Palace. It is not difficult to find it. Otherwise, without guidance, they want to find Purple Heaven Palace and look at the whole Great Desolate, Fang Qingshan and raising eyebrows are both difficult.

Following the directions given by Hongjun, the speed of the earth and the others soon came to the vicinity of Purple Heaven Palace.

“What a Hongjun, what a Purple Heaven Palace, the scholars will treat each other with admiration for three days, and it is really amazing. My Wu clan wants revenge. It is really, difficult, difficult, difficult!!! “

“Damn it, this was originally my chance, but I don’t want to be stolen by Hongjun, but now the gap is getting bigger and bigger. It seems that I still need to stay on standby. I’m not absolutely sure. Act rashly.”

“Teacher is the teacher, profound mystery, Purple Heaven Palace is getting more and more powerful, I am afraid that the Three Treasures of the Open Heaven cannot be compared with it at all.”

.. ….

When I saw Purple Heaven Palace, whether it was Three Purities, Houtu, or Luo Huo, I was shocked, and my mind flashed through thousands of thoughts. All hearts are shocked.

But it can be seen that a God Palace blooming endless divine might stands in the chaos. This palace, full of purple, exudes a silent and noble breath, Yin-Yang Symbol, and an ancient banner. The Six Roads of Samsara golden disc, and even the immortal Demon Sect, seemed to be inferior to him.

It is engraved with the ancient, mysterious and mysterious Dao Rhyme, which evolved into the grand occasion where the Great Way was taught in the Purple Heaven Palace, and countless great powers tirelessly asked questions.

Countless great Way Laws are circulating, three thousand pillars, one pillar is a Great Way.

Every moment, there are countless heavenly sounds reverberating, not only suppressing chaos, but also absorbing the vitality of chaos and washing Purple Heaven Palace. In other words, Purple Heaven Palace enhances its heritage all the time.

Although Houtu and the others are powerful, they each have Supreme Treasure in their hands, but in front of Purple Heaven Palace, they can’t help but express the grave, so they stopped from a distance, and faced the pressure. With mysterious, strode over.

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