Heavenly Road!

Like Buzhou Mountain back then, not only with heaven and earth, it also exudes a kind of coercion that makes people bear the sky.

This Great Way is similar to a pyramid, the more you go up, the narrower the passage.

Starting from the door of Purple Heaven Palace at the top, and gradually going down, the Great Way has nine levels.

The one closest to the top, that is, the floor in front of Purple Heaven Palace, is the 1st floor, where ten people can stand. There are ten futons with golden divine splendor rays of light glowing.

Further down, there are 20 futons in 20 positions, this is the 2nd floor.

There are more positions on the 3rd floor. There are a total of forty. In this way, the positions on the 4th floor have become 80, and the positions on the Fifth Layer are 160. , The position of the Sixth Layer is 320, the position of the Seventh Layer is 640, the position of the 8th floor is 1,080, and the position of the 9th floor is the most, which is 2,160. One.

Looking at the extremely bright rays of light hanging down, revealing the heavenly heavenly Might, the heavy pressure, everyone’s hearts seemed to be suppressed by the Five Mountains for a while, and they were a little out of breath.

“This is?”

The rays of light dissipated, and I really watched the whole day, and everyone’s senses immediately changed into Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

Compared to the palpitations, looking at the nine steps at different levels, the most important thing is the futon on the steps, and everyone’s hearts are even more shuddered.

Because this scene is a bit familiar, especially for those who have entered the Purple Heaven Palace, immediately think of the futon that represents the holy place.

For a while, everyone was a little excited, some couldn’t believe it, some nervous, and some doubts.

Naturally, I was excited when I thought of the futons representing the holy place and Hongmeng Purple Qi. These futons have so many positions. Obviously impossible are all such opportunities, but the top ten positions, But it may not be impossible. Under Saint, all are ants, who can have the opportunity to become Saint. Who can not be too excited to be himself?

Don’t say that those who do not have Sanctification, the Three Purities and the others who have already passed through may not be unimpressed.

I can’t believe that Dao Zu Hongjun said that he wanted Sanctification only to rely on the foundation of the Great Way, Hongmeng Purple Qi, and he only had seven Dao Hongmeng Purple Qi in his hands, and the Six Dao gave his disciples , Three Purities and the others are Sanctification.

The remaining one was originally used to plot against Fang Qingshan, but he didn’t want to be beaten somebody at their own game by him. It also broke through the Hunyuan.

What they can’t believe is whether the top ten positions represent the holy place.

If so, where did Hongmeng Purple Qi come from? Did Hongjun lie back then? Still new? if not? This thought was thrown in the minds of everyone before being left behind.

The natural fear is to hope that it is, but I am afraid that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

But what is puzzled is that I don’t know why Hongjun made such an appearance?

Could it be that the catastrophe will occur, and it is still a more serious catastrophe than Dragon Phoenix and Lich?

Thinking of this, the people who are still sober are suddenly shocked.

Don’t talk about other people, at this moment, Fang Qingshan and Yang Mei, who were blind to the outside world, were all confused by Hongjun’s sudden sudden change.

“What the hell is he doing?”

Fang Qingshan brows tightly frowns.

Do you want to shoot yourself? It looks different. After all, the person who knows you best is your enemy. If Hongjun wants to attack him, it must be a catch offguard, a thunderbolt blow, and it will definitely not be like now.

But he didn’t do anything to himself and raise his eyebrows. What else can make Hongjun do so much in Great Desolate today?

Fang Qingshan is puzzled about this, and can only watch the changes.


Without letting everyone wait for long, a bell rang out. In an instant, everyone seemed to return to the time when Purple Heaven Palace started speaking. For a while, those old people at Purple Heaven Palace couldn’t help but feel a lot of emotion.

The sound of a bell like an ancient heavenly sound instantly broke the chaos of the void and attracted everyone’s attention.

The closed door of Purple Heaven Palace seemed to be pushed open by an invisible hand, and a gap appeared, and incomparably dazzling rays of light burst into the gap.

Bright but not dazzling, as gentle as a gentleman like jade, giving people a kind of comfort like a baby, boundless Dao Rhyme, fills everyone’s eyes and affects everyone’s mood.

It’s on!

Seeing the door of Purple Heaven Palace opened, everyone was moved, even a little excited, because they knew that they would know what was going on right away.

The one is not tall, but the condensed silhouette of the body walked out from the gate slowly, but it made everyone’s eyes flashed with surprise, but they felt as it should be by rights.

This person is not Hongjun, but a boy, but this boy is obviously not Haotian and Yaochi.

This is a boy Hongjun re-enchanted after he left Haotian Jade Lake.

Even so, the profoundness of this person’s cultivation base is still above the sky.

Because his own/main body is an ominous beast, he entered the chaos in the Great Desolate only by accidentally hitting, and was subjugated by Hongjun.

Leave aside this, but said that after the boy came out, he didn’t talk nonsense. He looked around for a week and said loudly,

“This is a heavenly ascension road, with nine steps in total, ascending heavenly Ascension Road, every time you go up a step, you can get corresponding benefits, or cultivation technique, Divine Ability, Sacred Jewel, fate, merit, everything, only you can’t think of, there is nothing you can’t get, even if someone can reach the top, come In front of the Purple Heaven Palace, Old Ancestor must have a great reward. If you can complete the task, you may not have the chance to break through.”

“and want to climb the heavenly ascension road, or even reach the top Heavenly ascension road, essence, qi and spirit, Divine Ability, Sacred Jewel, and cultivation technique are indispensable. All of them need to be Peak. Only in this way can they stand out.”

Above nine days, the boy is slightly The plain, but meaningful voice slowly fell, but it made the pupils of all the people present, even as long as they paid attention to it, shrink for a while!

At this moment in Great Desolate, everyone understands the function of this heavenly road!

Knowing that this will be a chance that is comparable to the opening of Purple Heaven Palace back then, and even better than that.

After all, Purple Heaven Palace only made six Saints back then, Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Dao Ren were exceptions, and now there are ten positions at the top. They overlooked two points.

First, the boy said that if you want to get the chance of breakthrough Hunyuan, you must complete the task before it is possible. Yes, not necessarily, it is possible.

Secondly, the boy said that if you want to reach the top, you must be Peak in all aspects and have no shortcomings.

Actually, it’s not that they didn’t hear it, but the joy in their hearts gained the upper hand.

The first point is that’s all. In the latter point, many people are conceited that they are definitely a leader. Divine Ability, cultivation technique, background, cultivation base, etc. are all top-notch existences under Saint.

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