From the very beginning, Shennong knew that his son did not have the slightest conditions to compete for Human Sovereign. After preaching on Human Sovereign, he was informed by the third ancestor of Human Race and Emperor Fuxi, and he understood the relationship behind it.

So, even for his own children, he can only help Xuanyuan.

After all, Shennongzi, who is absolutely impossible to compete for the success of Human Sovereign, can only rely on Xuanyuan or Chiyou.

If you don’t stand in line, I’m afraid Xuanyuan and Chi You will join forces to wipe him out before they clash. After all, they don’t want sandpiper and clam war together to happen to them.

In comparison, Xuanyuan has a mysterious door behind it, but his own/main body is Human Race.

And Chi You is not only impure bloodline, but also different from Fuxi. After Fuxi proclaims, there is no Monster Race Fuxi, only Human Race Fuxi, but Chi You is in the heart of Cao Ying, and he has all thoughts. Put it on the Wu Clan, but want to borrow chicken to lay eggs.

At this time, whether it is for Human Race, or for his own children, for public or private, Shennong has only one choice.

So, after thinking about it, Shennong nodded, and then gave Xuanyuan a token to contact his son.

Other people may not know about Xuanyuan and Shennong’s small actions, but they can’t hide it from Fuxi.

However, in this regard, he turned a blind eye.

He was able to stand on Chi You’s side and support him at the beginning. It was for the sake of same sect. After all, he and Chi You had old enemies back then.

As long as it is not Asura Sovereign’s opening, or when it is decisive, Fuxi will not take the initiative to help Chi You.

Furthermore, if Chi You can’t even deal with Shennong’s intervention, there is no need to fight for the throne of who.

Besides the son of Shennong, as time goes by, seeing Xuanyuan and Chi You gradually distance themselves from each other, and the gap is getting bigger and bigger.

The guest official under his command, in addition to grabbing resources as much as possible, fate, but no one has the mentality of working hard for the development and growth of the power, all in line with the mentality of grabbing and leaving.

He finally understood in his heart that he did not have this opportunity.

There is a virtuous circle, and naturally there is a vicious circle.

The son of Shennong did not have the power and name to subdue everyone, and his subordinates had their own minds. After the gap between Xuanyuan and Chiyou and them became larger and larger, the original lack of cohesion became If you don’t have to use the identity of Shennong’s son to gain benefits, I’m afraid it would have been when the tree falls, the monkeys scatter.

In this case, Xuanyuan brought Shennong’s token to unite, and the son of Shennong agreed without thinking about how long.

Of course, although the son of Shennong knew that he might have almost no chance of competing for Human Sovereign, in order to obtain more benefits and for the sake of face, he was also impossible to belong to Xuanyuan.

Therefore, it is natural to form an alliance first.

The combination of Shennong’s son and Xuanyuan instantly increased their power, and the imposing manner suddenly overwhelmed Chi You.

In this regard, Chi You inherited the personality of the Witch tribe, and without a word, directly attacked.

Of course, it’s not just the character. After all, if the two forces are completely integrated, the pressure on them will be even greater. It’s better to take advantage of the current fusion and catch offguard to attack it. Break his arm.

The first move is strong, and then the move suffers.

Just when the son of Shennong and Xuanyuan were in a bloody alliance on Shouyang Mountain, Chi You took advantage of this opportunity and brazenly sent troops, sweeping the land of the son of Shennong with lightning speed.

In order to prevent Xuanyuan from reacting, relieving a besieged ally by attacking the home base of the besiegers, therefore, Chi You was not at all out, and the ability to deal with the scattered sand of the son of Shennong did not require spare no effort.

After all, compared with the chaos of Shennong’s son, Chi You is strictly following the method of training witch soldiers by the Witch Clan to manage the Jiuli tribe.

In recent years, with the support of the Witch Clan, Chi You has trained millions of troops in Jiuli.

The so-called cultivating soldiers for a thousand days to use soldiers for a while.

In order to win the son of Shennong in a spurt of energy, he broke Xuanyuan’s arm and Chi You directly sent an army of 300,000 troops.

These three hundred and ninety thousand Lebanese fighters have Human Race first Heavenly Way body, Refining Qi understanding Dao nothing difficult, Witch bloodline, unparalleled body refinement, and abundant resource support.

Under Chi You’s training, in just a few decades, the cultivation base of these people has actually reached Heavenly Immortal. A little bit more powerful has achieved True Immortal, and a bit more powerful, similar to Thousand-man. Commander has even reached Mysterious Immortal, and the ten thousand chief is directly the Golden Immortal cultivation base.

Although it is not as good as the warriors of the ancient Witch and Demon Races and the soldiers of the remote antiquity Dragon Phoenix tribe, it is already commendable. It perfectly explains the phrase Heavenly Immortal is not as good as a dog, and Golden Immortal walks all over the place. if.

It is worthy of the Human Race that fate has been fond of. In just a few decades, even with the support of the Witch clan’s resources, being able to reach this level still shocked everyone.

Neither Xuanyuan nor Shennong’s son had expected Chi You to send troops at this time, all’s fair in war, and what was even more unexpected was that Chi You’s soldiers were so powerful.

Be aware that this is no longer remote antiquity, let alone antiquity. Now that we have entered the age of Human Race Saint, most of the people walking around the world are Saint disciple, and the most powerful direct disciple is just the Da Luo cultivation base. Golden Immortal can already be regarded as an expert and can be included in the ranks of Inner Sect disciples.

Compared to Xuanyuan’s subordinates, although he received support from interpretation and teaching, even Xuanmen, and trained no less than one million soldiers, his overall strength level was one grade lower than Chi You.

There are two reasons for this.

One is the issue of the source of troops. The natural warriors of the Jiuli tribe combine the advantages of the human and witch races. Then there is the blessing of Human Race fate and the supply of Wu resources.

The so-called heaven and earth have the same power, and the cultivation base of these Jiuli fighters has naturally improved rapidly.

The second is the resource issue.

Behind Chi You, there is the Wu clan, and behind Xuanyuan there is interpretation and teaching, Xuanmen.

Not to mention elucidation, the background of Xuanmen is not as good as that of the witch race.

After all, the witch clan not only inherits the Pangu legacy, but more importantly, the former overlord of heaven and earth, sweeping the entire Great Desolate continent, the so-called demon palm sky, witch palm land, this can be seen.

Although the Xuanmen was passed on from Hongjun, it was really grown in Three Purities, while the Three Purities Xuanmen started gaining fame and fortune after Lich.

More importantly, the Wu Clan can support Chi You with all his strength, while explaining the teachings, Xuanmen is obviously impossible to support Xuanyuan without reservation.

In fact, this is the difference between a race and sect.

Compared to sect, because of the bloodline relationship of race, the centripetal force is much stronger, and the centralization of power is more obvious.

And sect is different. Even if the same sect fellow apprentices, the conflict of interests is far more fierce than the competition between the same races. Even a strong Sect Master can’t control people’s hearts, especially this If the Sect Master is still a little eccentric and cannot hold a bowl of water level.

The most famous example is naturally the Battle of Investiture of Gods. It was supposed to defeat Fang’s interpretation and teaching, but it was lost together.

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