Don’t pass the Tao lightly, don’t pass the Dharma to Liu Er!

Why is this?

In fact, I want them to cherish and be in awe of Great Way.

But if it is too easy, there will be no such thing now.

Void Thieves is obviously quite different from those classy sects.

Their thing is because it is easy to come by, plus the thieves industry, only look at the contribution and ability, not the other.

Therefore, they obviously won’t hide and tuck like those sects. Although their contributions have restricted the spread of the method in a certain way, they are much better than sects.

After all, in order to get something, you have to give at least a little bit and enjoy the accomplishment completely. I am afraid that even if it is placed in front of you, you have to hesitate for a while and consider whether there is a conspiracy.

I’m afraid it’s also for this reason. Although many people joined the Void Thieves at the beginning, they were still unwilling. After all, some of them were desperate, some were arrested, and some were even directly. It was sold…but I am afraid that gradually changed this thinking. The strangeness in my heart disappeared, and I was full of identification with the forces.

Of course, this refers to a Great Influence like Demon Palace, not an ordinary little thief.

After all, the prosperity of the world is for profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit, and only Great Influence can bring them benefits, and only what can bring them benefits can make them heart Agree with birth, full of sense of belonging.

In the case of Great Desolate, in addition to raising eyebrows as the top Demon God of Chaos, there is Great Way inheritance, Hongjun has good luck jade disc, Heavenly Way inheritance, Fang Qingshan has the blessing of Tianzhou, and other opportunities, Except for their three people, they have a complete cultivation method of the Hunyuan realm.

It is Three Purities, and the Twelve Ancestor Witch does not have a complete blending method.

I don’t know if Pangu didn’t inherit, or something went wrong in the inheritance, or Heavenly Way got involved.

However, as far as Fang Qingshan guessed, there are two possibilities. One is whether it is the Witch or the Three Purities. Because the bloodline and the Primordial Spirit are not complete, the Heaven Opening Seal from the inheritance cannot be remembered. complete.

But this probability is very small, because Fang Qingshan itself/main body has also got the inheritance of Heaven Opening Seal, but except for the images of Pangu Kaitian, most of them are how to cultivation to Hunyuan , And the inheritance after Hunyuan is almost nothing.

Secondly, the inheritance is the inheritance, but it is sealed up. If you want cultivation, to open the seal, certain trigger conditions are required. It may be the concentration of bloodline, or the quality of Primordial Spirit, etc.

In other words, the Three Purities Primordial Spirit needs to be unified, or the Twelve Ancestor Witch bloodline is unified.

Of course, there is another possibility, which is strength.

If you don’t have enough strength, the more you know, you may have obstacles in knowledge and vision, and there is a danger that an innocent man treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime.

Without the corresponding strength, but sitting on too many benefits, even with the legacy and heritage left by Pangu, it is easy for people to take risks.

However, combining the current strength of Three Purities and Houtu, the reason why the inheritance after Hunyuan has not been obtained up to now, Fang Qingshan guessed, is probably more because the concentration of bloodline and Primordial Spirit are not pure.

Although Houtu has a better trajectory than the original trajectory, there is no fall, and there is also a bloodline of the witch race, but the original body has been transformed into reincarnation. Now the body is refined for her by Fang Qingshan, compared with Innate Earth The fleshly body raised is obviously a lot worse.

The same is true for Three Purities. What they cultivation is not pure Pangu, but Hongjun Great Way.

Although Hongjun’s Great Way also contains some of the things on jade carvings, it is quite different in the end. At least with Three Purities’ current cultivation base and knowledge, it is far from being refined.

More importantly, it is possible that Hongjun Heavenly Way was still involved in the cultivation technique, just like Severing The Three Corpses secret law back then.

And Three Purities may also consciously not want to follow the Pangu road.

That road is best for Pangu, not for them. If you want to make a difference on the Great Way, you must walk out of a different Great Way. After all, the Great Way is the only one.

There is also a worry in their hearts, that is, one day Pangu returns and they lose themselves.

Therefore, although they have always regarded themselves as authentic Pangu, they have never worshipped like the Wu tribe.

There is not even a place dedicated to Pangu.

Leave aside these, but said that since Hongjun has discovered the strangeness of Poison God and the others, naturally he will not let them continue to grow, lest the tail is too big.

A teacher who never forgets the past.

Fang Qingshan is a living example before us.

In those days, if Hongjun had started early, before Fang Qingshan had broken through Hunyuan, even if he could not be taken, he would at least be forced to leave his hometown. The most important thing was his own The loss will not be so great, Nuwa and herself will not be sacred one after another, Heavenly Way will not be severely damaged, and there will be no things out of their control in Great Desolate.

How can we not learn from the lesson?

Therefore, Hongjun is ready to shoot himself.

Apart from this, there is another reason, that is, the rapid promotion of Poison God and the others aroused Hongjun’s great interest.

If you can catch them alive, not only can you get rid of a hidden danger, but more importantly, you can learn about the immeasurable void, All Heavens and Myriad Worlds through them.

This is also of great interest to Hongjun.

the other mountain’s stone can polish jade.

At first, Hongjun thought that he had a jade disc of good fortune, which fits the Heavenly Way very well, but after seeing the development of the god of poison and the others, he was awakened, but he was a little arrogant looking at the sky. .

Although he doesn’t know much about foreign land, or the immeasurable void, he knows everything from a glimpse of it. If he can get their cultivator method, he can get rid of the Heavenly Way, or the Heavenly Way will pass the immeasurable The amount of robbery is definitely helpful.

The reason why you need to do it yourself is that there is no alternative.

Although Poison God Hou is not worth mentioning in Hongjun’s opinion, his cultivation base has reached Hunyuan 5-Layer. There are also Mrs. Hundred Flowers, the woodcutter and the others, all of whom are good players among Hunyuan.

Looking at the entire Great Desolate, apart from himself, if he wants to take down the Poison God and the others, only Yang Eyebrow and Blood Sea have this strength.

As for Three Purities, Nuwa, and the others, even Luohu and Houtu do not have this strength.

However, raising the eyebrows and the sea of ​​blood are his enemies. If you don’t mess with him, it’s good to be in and out. As for helping him? Hongjun never had this idea.

Therefore, Hongjun, who had no soldiers available, naturally had to go out in person.

As for the fact that he fits the Heavenly Way, he can’t move, and he can’t stay away from Great Desolate for a long time.

Indeed, this is also one of the reasons why he didn’t send Saint out.

However, you can’t move, and you can’t stay away from Great Desolate for a long time. It’s just the deity.

Besides the deity, he still has Three Body Incarnations.

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