Although the Jingshi White Lotus temporarily failed the impact, others have subconsciously ignored one point, that is, the current Jingshi White Lotus’s impact bottleneck is just the power of the original purification law, which purifies the merits of the Reed Continent. But fate hasn’t landed yet. If you add this wave of assistance, breakthrough, I’m afraid not to mention 100% success, at least it will be pretty sure. This is also the reason why Fang Qingshan and Asura Sovereign saw Jingshi Bailian’s impact on bottleneck and failed, but they were only sighed, but did not regret and frustrated.

As for why you still sigh, it is of course the best to succeed in an impact, and if the impact on Supreme Treasure is successful now, then the merits can be added, and the level of Supreme Treasure can be upgraded to another level. However, It is now impossible.

At this moment, within a short while, the sky over the entire northern club Reed Continent was shrouded by the cloud of merit of Xuan Yellow.

Good fellow, everyone is shocked by this merit at this moment, hiding the sky and covering the earth.

Although it cannot be compared with the merits of Nuwa creating Man and Houtu Sanctification, it is obvious that this merit is no less than that of Human Sovereign.

In fact, it is normal. After all, when thinking about Journey to the West, repairing the western ancestral veins, the merits fate after the division of All Heaven, the great gods and monsters, can also make Jin Chanzi and Monkey Sun become worthy. Than the existence of the old Quasi-Saint.

And the purification of Reed Continent in the North is not much different from repairing the western ancestral veins.

At this moment, other people are also that’s all. They know that this kind of good thing is out of their turn, and it is not easy to purify the entire North Club Reed Continent without mentioning Xuangui’s resentment. thing.

I didn’t see Fang Qingshan and Houtu sitting in town again, and Heavenly God shaman, and Jingshi Bailian again?

Three Purities and the others are a bit sad.

After all, with so many merits, no matter who of them gets it, the cultivation base can be greatly increased.

I knew that there were so many, wouldn’t it be good for them to save them a long time ago, but now they are in vain Fang Qingshan.

They forgot that if they were to go, Xuangui’s obsession would not be so easy to give in. The final result might have to be done. Don’t talk about merit when the time comes, it’s good without karma strength.

What other people think does not prevent the merits from falling.

But it can be seen that the whole merit celebration cloud is divided into six, which respectively fall to Fang Qingshan, Houtu, Asura Sovereign, Chi You, as well as Heavenly God Shaban and Jingshi Bailian.

The merits of Fang Qingshan and Houtu have one level, and those that fall to Heavenly God and Jingshi Bailian each have two levels, and those that fall to Chi You and Asura Sovereign have two levels each. .

Don’t say that it is just a layer of merit, that is, all merits fall on Hou Tu and Fang Qingshan at the same time, and it is nothing more than help to both of them. After all, they have now reached the Yuan middle-stage, and even if all the merits are added together, it is only a Sub Saint for a long time. It may be helpful for the Yuan Early-Stage. For them, it is useful. It’s minimal.

Therefore, seeing the merits fall, the two of them did not absorb it. Instead, they waved their hands and directly shot it at Chi You and Asura Sovereign.

These merits are of little use to Fang Qingshan and Houtu, but they are different to Chi You and Asura Sovereign.

The two originally had two layers each, plus this layer, each had three layers of merit, but neither of them directly absorbed them.

Chi You is because he is about to reincarnate in Human Race to compete for the position of Human Sovereign. It is necessary to reincarnate and reincarnate. It is useless to absorb the merit now. It is better to let the merit wrap the soul and reincarnate with him. This can maximize the benefits.

Asura Sovereign learned from Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Dao Ren, and does not use merit to enhance the Primordial Spirit cultivation base. The last time the corpse was cut, it was only with the help of merit and energy.

However, although merit cannot be used to enhance the Primordial Spirit realm, it can be used to refine fleshly body, cultivation, the supreme Method of Body Refining.

Fang Qingshan has an exclusive cultivation technique tailor-made for him by All Heaven. After the breakthrough, Fang Qingshan also summed up an Immeasurable Sea Of Blood sutra. Immortality is one of the body refinement methods, which is by no means under the Eight-Nine Arcane Art of Buddhism and the Nine Turns Yuan Kungfu of Xuanmen.

Asura Sovereign As the patriarch, Sovereign, and bloodline of the Asura family, which is artificially made of mosquitoes, naturally there is the inheritance of this cultivation technique.

Of course, he is not immediately using merit to improve his body refinement cultivation base, but is waiting.

Yes, Asura Sovereign is waiting. He needs to see first whether the two layers of merit that fall to Jingshi Bailian can help Jingshi Bailian break the shackles. If it can, there is nothing to say. Directly use the merits of tempering fleshly body, saying that you can’t get one, or half of the Karmic Virtue Golden Body. If not, he will put the merits in his hands into the pure white lotus without the slightest hesitation to help him.

Furthermore, those two levels of purifying merits fell into the pure white lotus. The original riot, which had gradually subsided, was once again activated, and this time because of the falling of a large amount of merit fate, this riot appeared Even more fierce, Source Power stepped forward and succeeded, wave after wave, wave after wave, it seemed that there was the kind of will and power that would not stop without breaking the sky.

Ten Grade 2 Pure White Lotus originally evolved from Grade 11 Pure White Lotus, and it has been gestated for many years in the sail unit of the Eternal Heaven Boat Three Illuminations Divine Water, although it is not as good as the first Pure White Lotus , But it’s not far away. It is definitely the Peak among the top Innate Sacred Jewel Peak.

This time purifies most of the North Club Reed Continent, and the original purification law has been greatly enhanced. If the previous purification law was only 9-Layer, now there is 9-Layer 8. -Layer Nine, just one step away.

Bonus and fate are the last straw to crush the camel.


At this moment, Jingshi Bailian suddenly shook, and an imposing manner of suppressing heaven and earth spread, and I looked around, but it seemed that it was originally The lotus platform with only ten Grade 2 is at the core, but the tenth grade 3 is opened, and this lotus platform is growing at a speed that naked eye can see.

“hong long long!”

Supreme Treasure is born, naturally there is a natural phenomenon! Just like Saint Sanctification, there are boundless sceneries.

For a time, seven colors of light condensed, and Purple Qi filled the sky, the ten thousand li of the radius, mapped dazzling, covered a thousand miles of void in the colorful auspicious clouds, a ten Grade 3 lotus platform floated in it.

The boundless light of purification is spilled out, Reed Continent in the north, the four continents, the four oceans, the entire continent, the three realms, the boundless starry sky, and even Heaven Beyond the Heaven are all shrouded in light of purification.

Basically everyone did not refuse this. Some even took the initiative to greet them.

After all, this is different from Saint’s coercion, this is the feedback heaven and earth after Supreme Treasure is formed.

Anything that is shrouded by the light of purification of white lotus, there is a great chance that the creatures who have not opened spiritual wisdom can open spiritual wisdom, the creatures who have opened spiritual wisdom can improve their background, and those who are cultivators can purify the soul and get rid of heart demon, improve the state of mind.

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