“You are very good.”

Fang Qingshan nodded, expressing his appreciation for Xuangui’s wise move,


Then, the conversation turned around.

“You only saw the benefits, but did not notice the hidden dangers behind.”

“Hidden dangers?”

Xuangui If it weren’t for frowned that Fang Qingshan’s cultivation base wouldn’t lie on it, Xuangui would have to wonder if he had deliberately avoided it.

It was light flashed in the eyes of Houtu, and there was some speculation.

“Yes, good fortune comes from misfortune, and there is no good fortune. In this world, there is no best of both worlds. You worship me as a teacher, although it is good, but you will also bear the corresponding cause and effect. “

Fang Qingshan lightly saying.

“What cause and effect?”

Xuangui asked.

“First is the enemy.”

Fang Qingshan lightly saying,

“You should know what happened the first Great Battle of Witch and Demon Although he hasn’t done anything until now, you don’t think he has forgotten it.”

Fang Qingshan didn’t clearly say who he was, but Hou Tu was a clear expression. It is the black turtle but also the pupils shrink into a pinhole.

They all know that Fang Qingshan is talking about Heavenly Way Hongjun.

The so-called cutting off chance is like killing a parent. This hatred is absolutely irreconcilable.

Because of Fang Qingshan, Heavenly Way was hit hard first, and then, the tunnel was out of control, and Great Desolate could not be controlled perfectly.

New hatred and old hatred, everyone will be bred after changing, not to mention until now aloof and remote, I have never suffered such a great loss.

Although he hasn’t made a move now, it doesn’t mean that he won’t make a move in the future. When he makes a move, it must be when he thinks it is foolproof.

Maybe Fang Qingshan has a hole card and nothing will happen, but there is no guarantee that sect members and disciple can also pass the level safely.

After all, once Fang Qingshan is restrained, Great Desolate Saint can not be trifled with.

They dare not attack Fang Qingshan, but dealing with sect members and disciple against Fang Qingshan is this not just reaching over to snatch away the grain?

“Do you know why I worked so hard to make merit for Asura Sovereign?”

As Hou Tu and Xuangui were meditating, Fang Qingshan asked a question.

“Plotting merits?”

Houtu and Xuangui are monks Zhang Er, confused.

Why is this? If you can get something with such a good virtue, you have to shoot it. The more the better.

Are there other purposes besides helping Asura Sovereign improve its cultivation base?

A suspicion arose in their hearts.

“Because I am leaving Great Desolate, so I want to leave him a life-saving method before then.”

Before the two of them want to understand, ask questions, Fang Qingshan will pass. The reason for the matter went out.

“What? Are you leaving Great Desolate?”

As soon as this statement came out, it was like a thunderbolt falling on the Primordial Spirit of the two people in the earth.

No one can think of it, except for raising the eyebrows, even Heavenly Way Hongjun didn’t know that Fang Qingshan had actually planned to leave Great Desolate.

“How could this happen?”

Is this news really good news? It instantly made Houtu and Xuangui feel depressed.

After all, the Sea of ​​Blood and the Witch Clan are allies, but once Fang Qingshan leaves, the Witch Clan will once again be isolated and helpless.

Although the situation today seems to be better than before, it is not much better.

And Xuangui? He intends to worship Fang Qingshan as his teacher. Now this Master is not planning to stay in the Great Desolate, which makes him in a dilemma.


Hou Tu asked first.

“Great Desolate is too small. I can’t satisfy my cultivator here. I want a faster cultivator, and I want a cultivator to a higher realm. It is imperative to leave Great Desolate. “

Fang Qingshan peaceful said.

Hearing this, Houtu and Xuangui couldn’t help being dumb.

For Houtu, she originally thought that after her cultivation base breakthrough to Hunyuan 5-Layer, she was basically catching up with Fang Qingshan. Even if he still had a hole card, she could bless the tunnel. There are also the hole cards of the witches.

However, now she knows that the gap between them is not in the cultivator realm, not in the hole cards, not in Sacred Jewel, Divine Ability, but in the vision.

Great Desolate is everything in his own view, but to Fang Qingshan, this place is just a depression, an Inn, a place to rest, his eyes have been projected into the void Myriad Realms.

It’s just that going to All Heavens and Myriad Worlds, the immeasurable void, is not an easy task.

Houtu learned from Pangu’s inheritance that the immeasurable void, All Heavens and Myriad Worlds, are truly heroes. Heaven’s Chosen Child is like a crossing river carp, and an expert is like a cloud.

In terms of a sect, the Hunyuan realm can only be regarded as having just entered the Inner Sect, the immortal realm is true inheritance, and the god king, god king, and Divine Emperor above immortality are the real ones. Big boss.

Of course, the most important thing is that the void, All Heaven is too big. If you want to go from one chaos to the other chaos, if there is no shortcut, it will be enough to drive people crazy.

What Hou Tu does not know is that Fang Qingshan not only has the Eternal Heaven boat in his hands, but also the All Heavens Chessboard.

Especially All Heavens Chessboard, with the increase of Fang Qingshan cultivation base, more and more fates, the quality is not weaker than those Supreme Treasure in his hands.

It used to be able to shuttle between the Great World parties in the same chaos, but now it can shuttle between the chaos of the two parties at close range.

even more how, in the circumstances that they did not know, there have been visitors from other places who came to Great Desolate through the wormhole. If they could find the wormhole, it would be easier to leave Pangu Chaos World.

Leave aside these, but Xuangui. After the initial astonishment, he became more determined in his heart to worship Fang Qingshan as his teacher.

In addition to the benefits of Fang Qingshan, there is one more thing, that is, Fang Qingshan’s cultivation speed in the mixed period.

It stands to reason that the cultivator of Hunyuan realm in the Great Desolate must be suppressed by the Heavenly Way, not as good as Saint’s cultivator. After all, Saint is the Primordial Spirit entrusted to Heavenly Way, although it is not as good as the Taoist cultivator. Dao, but if you want cultivation, it must be faster than Hunyuan.

However, this point was broken in Fang Qingshan.

After the breakthrough Hunyuan, Fang Qingshan’s speed did not slow down at all, but Qingyun went straight up, almost catching up with Hongjun who fits well.

So far, Fang Qingshan has already left Great Desolate to pursue a higher level and realm in Boundless Void.

This is also very important to Xuangui.

After all, I have to look at Shu.

After cultivation base breakthrough, it doesn’t mean that you can sit back and relax and lose the will to struggle.

After breakthrough Hunyuan, I naturally think about how to quickly cultivator after Hunyuan.

At that time, it was definitely not just Hunyuan, but the realm after Hunyuan.

The way is endless, the pursuit is endless.

As for the drawbacks, it is not a problem in Xuangui’s view. If you want to reap the benefits, how can you not pay at all? It’s not that the sky will be the big one and the people will have to work hard…not to mention the cultivator, but also the cultivator to the realm like Hunyuan.

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