“As for Fellow Daoist, I can assure you that Fellow Daoist will be safe in samsara reincarnation, not to mention a body that is not weak, but aptitude must be excellent, and if Fellow Daoist is willing, I can also, after your reincarnation, Accept you as a disciple.”

After Fang Qingshan spoke, Houtu also said with a promise.

In fact, Fang Qingshan and the two are full of sincerity.

Although Xuangui is incarnation Heaven Supporting Pillar, but because of the pollution of the north, the merits are not at all on him. After all, most of them are used to wipe out evil spirits, resentments and karma strength. Samsara reincarnation and aptitude are not bad, but they are definitely not much better.

But Chen Nuo with Houtu is different. This kind of thing is not easy for other people, even Saint. Interfering with Heavenly Way can easily cause backlash, but for Houtu, It’s just a little bit of her welfare as the Lord of Samsara. As long as it is not too much, there will be no problem, but the will of heaven and earth will help.

Of course, the most important thing is that she promised to accept disciples.

Be aware that Houtu is under Hongjun. The first Saint is backed by the Witch clan and is authentic. Compared with Hongjun, apart from the cultivation base, the status is also equal and higher than Saint. , If she opens the mountain to accept disciples, I am afraid that the entire Great Desolate will be alarmed, this can refer to the precedents of Primordial and Heavenspan.

Of course, the future will not suffer.

Once Xuangui takes the initiative to give in, they can save a little effort, which is a kindness.

The most important thing is that as long as Xuangui does not pollute the north, his merits of relying on the Heaven Supporting Pillar on his back are simply a sweet pastry, and all Saints may rush to accept him as a disciple.

The most important thing is not merit, but the cultivation base.

After all, Xuangui itself/main body is the expert of Hunyuan realm. After reincarnation, even if it does not reach the original level, it is not too difficult to become Number One Person under Saint.

In the absence of Saint, for the Clan, the Yi faction is really the pillar of the existence.

Of course, this is also a mutually beneficial thing.

Otherwise, Xuangui has been polluting Reed Continent, which is not the way.

Now I can tolerate him for a while. When the Saint cultivation base rises and the wings are full, who can sit and watch the fat without eating?

When the time comes, even with Tianzhu in the body, I am afraid the conditions will not be so good.

Furthermore, samsara reincarnation, if there is no one to protect it, it is also quite dangerous.

See how even Tianding Human Sovereign, with Lao Tzu’s back, Fuxi of Nuwa, before reincarnation, do you have to say hello to Hou Tu?

Now he has rejected Houtu, and he wants to reincarnate in the future, but he has to weigh one or two.

And even if the reincarnation is successful, even if it is Heaven’s Chosen Child, whether it can grow up is still a question.

To many great powers, geniuses can value you and give you a bit of face. If they look down on you, what’s the harm in killing them? Not to mention that when encountering the same son of fate, being crushed by strength and deprived of luck, it is even worse.

“How should I choose?”

Listening to Fang Qingshan and Houtu’s words, Xuangui’s obsession couldn’t help but fall into contemplation for a while.

If the person who came is Three Purities or the lead Zhunti is Nuwa, Xuangui simply won’t have this hesitation.

Because they simply can’t help themselves, and Xuangui doesn’t trust them that much either.

But Fang Qingshan and Houtu are different. For them, Xuangui had to think carefully.

The most important thing here is that the strength of the two has a crushing effect on them, especially Fang Qingshan is even more terrible. Even Three Purities and the others are a strategic withdrawal for him, mysterious The tortoise is also a bully.

In fact, from Buzhou Mountain to the present day Shennong ruled the world, because of the Heaven Supporting Pillar, the merits were added. Although he gained much merit by himself/main body not at all, it eliminated a lot of karma strength and evil spirits. , So that Xuangui’s obsession is not as extreme as when he was just killed.

This is why Witch and Demon Races can still live here safely.

Otherwise, with the resentment of Xuangui, approaching the cultivation base of Yuan middle-stage, and with the blessing of Tianzhu, I am afraid that under Quasi-Saint, one will die one, and two will die.

Calm down. Although he is still full of resentment towards Heavenspan and the others, Xuangui does not regret what he has done.

I just calm down, knowing that this is not the way to go, but I am still thinking about my future.

Just give up unwillingness, and samsara reincarnation is not so safe.

The most important thing is that, after all, he has reached the Hunyuan in his cultivation base. Once he reincarnates and recultivates, he may only wander between Quasi-Saint Peak like Fuxi and the others.

After all, in the Great Desolate, only Fang Qingshan really breaks through.

Others, no matter how amazing and brilliant, have not succeeded, including Ancestral Dragon of the remote antiquity tribe, Zufeng, Zu Qilin, Five Elements of the inheritance Chaos Demon God, Yin and Yang, Universe, Upside Down, and Antiquity Lich’s Emperor Jun, Supreme Unity, Kunpeng who is still alive, Zhen Yuanzi, Hongyun and so on.

Although Xuangui has reached this realm, it is not the result of his own initiative cultivation. It is the plot against of Heavenly Way. And the help of Demon God.

After being reincarnated, these two distinct things will definitely not be there again.

Even with Tianzhu blessing, it is difficult to reach the height it once was.

Once the sea is difficult for water, but Wushan is not a cloud.

How can people who have climbed the summit endure wandering at the foot of the mountain?

If you don’t reincarnate, karma strength is full of evil spirits. If the reincarnation has been stumbling and unable to break through, it will inevitably breed heart demon.

Actually, Xuangui can also wait. Wait for the support of heaven to completely eliminate your karma strength and evil spirits, and purify the entire North Club Reed Continent.

After all, supporting the sky is a matter of merit to the entire heaven and earth, the Three Realms and the Six Paths.

The pollution of Reed Continent in Beiju is only polluting a place.

The merits of the entire world are naturally much greater than the karma strength that pollutes a place.

After several offsets, accumulated over a long period of time, there will eventually be a day of merit perfection.

It’s just that sooner or later is a problem.

If it was earlier than Saint, it would be nice. If it is late, I am afraid that we must also work for others with no benefit to oneself.


“Damn, why didn’t I think of this way?”

“Even if you think of it, you can succeed? “

“Yes, although the method is simple, it also depends on who is used. It doesn’t kill the same person.”


These things Kunpeng, Zhen Yuanzi, Hongyun, these great gods.

“They caught the worm again by the early bird.”

“They didn’t expect them to find another way.”

“The next thing can be It’s troublesome.”


The person with these feelings is naturally All Heaven Saint.

They are jealous on one side, and uneasy on the other.

What is jealous is how such a good thing does not fall on them.

What’s uneasy is that this merit has fallen into the blood sea and the witches, and I am afraid that it will be another branch.

However, no matter what they think, how unwilling they are, Hongjun did not make a move, and things can only proceed according to the plan of Fang Qingshan and Houtu.

As for destruction? I think too much.

One person alone is not something they can deal with, let alone two together.

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