Although Saint was born before the Great Battle of Witch and Demon.

But at that time, Witch and Demon Races was in the flourishing period.

Among the two clans, not only each have a Saint, but there is also a great array of town clans that can defeat Saint.

The most important thing is that at that time Lich was a heaven and earth protagonist, fate was the clock.

Therefore, Saint had to a strategic withdrawal.

After all, Saint is a hunter on behalf of the sky, and he needs to respond to the sky.

Otherwise, think about Heavenspan Cult Lord’s vain attempt to intercept a glimmer of survival for sect members and disciple, and the end of the act against the sky can be observed.

As far as the Great Battle of Witch and Demon, both sides suffer and exit the Great Desolate continent.

The Saint era has finally arrived.

Although Kunpeng broke through Quasi-Saint Peak in one fell swoop because of the catastrophe, it is not his time anymore.

Although now, looking at Great Desolate, he is also a Peak expert, but in the eyes of Saint, it is still impossible to withstand a single blow.

See how, is the Supreme Unity of the Eastern Emperor who is known as Number One Person under Saint and holds Primal Chaos Bell?

In addition, because of the last moment of the Great Battle of Witch and Demon, his escape became the last straw that crushed the camel, so that Nuwa was evil and he was regarded as a traitor.

Therefore, Kunpeng has been weakening his sense of existence.

At the same time, there are two other reasons for not opening Beiming.

On the one hand, he wanted to refine and risked becoming a monster race traitor. He robbed the Luoshuhe map. For some reason, after he got this treasure, he could not completely refine, and there was always a shackle.

Just like the Supreme Unity can’t completely refine Primal Chaos Bell and Netherworld River can’t completely refine the sea of ​​blood, it’s always a little bit worse. I don’t know if it’s a missed chance, a missed hit, or other reasons.

On the one hand, he plans to use Bei Minghai to do something, and he also leaves a Divine Ability for himself.

Nuwa is evil, without Monster Race as a backer, Kunpeng’s cultivation base, although the Quasi-Saint Peak breakthrough, still has a crippled Heavenly Cycle Star celestial great array.

But he has no sense of security at all.

Under Saint, all are ants.

I want to make sure that I don’t want to be manipulated by Saint and become an ant that can body dies and Dao disappears at any time.

There are three ways.

One of them is naturally like Fang Qingshan, the mosquito person who breaks the Heavenly Way directly, the breakthrough is mixed.

As long as you have the strength, don’t talk about Saint, it’s Hongjun. What can Heavenly Way do?

However, this method was just turned around in Kunpeng’s mind before being left behind.

See how, when Fang Qingshan broke through, he used Hongmeng Purple Qi to negotiate terms with Heavenly Way Hongjun, instead of directly breaking Heavenly Way.

Although Kunpeng is arrogant and feels that his talent is not weaker than that of Emperor Jun, Supreme Unity and the others, Fang Qingshan can’t do it, and he himself is obviously not good.

In addition to sitting and watching the situation with absolute strength, the second method is merit, merit is really a panacea.

Assist in cultivation, refine Sacred Jewel, kill karma strength, heal injuries… only you can’t think of it, nothing can’t be done with merit.

The merits are so much that they can even be Sanctification immediately.

Even if you can’t stand against Sanctification, as long as you become a heaven and earth person like the three emperors of heaven and earth, Saint must respect three points.

It is not difficult to get merit, but it is not easy to get a lot of merit, especially after Lich.

Before Lich, it was possible to establish established Sects, create human reincarnation, supplement the sky and support the sky, etc.

After Lich, it is only Human Race.

It’s just that Human Race is now considered to be forbidden by Saint, but not who can be like Asura Sovereign.

Although Kunpeng became a demon master because of the creation of demon literature, he has a lot of merit.

But if you want to reach the level of the Heaven and Earth Human Three Sovereigns and condense the Karmic Virtue Golden Body, the golden wheel is obviously far behind.

There is no strength, no merit.

Then there is only one last way left.

This method is still the inspiration for Kunpeng to think of the sea of ​​blood.

As the lord of the sea of ​​blood, the sea of ​​blood does not wither, and the lord of the sea of ​​blood does not die.

Therefore, he is going to connect himself with the origin of Beiming, imitating the sea of ​​blood, and once he falls, the entire Beiminghai will collapse. In order to enhance the power of self-protection.

In fact, this method is not uncommon in later generations.

In the world of Shushan, Old Demon, the sand god, had already realized that he was about to kill the calamity. Knowing that he might be hard to avoid calamity, he spent a lot of hard work in Xingxiu Sect West Kunlun. , The water source of the Yellow River shall be restricted by secret law. If you really encounter a strong enemy, not an opponent, you don’t even need to move your hand. Just thoughts move, you can attack, immediately shake off the water source, and the entire Xingxiu Sect pours down, so that the mountains and rivers of the Southeast Dadi will return to the Great Desolate. perish together. This arrangement makes people refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases, and no one dares to force him to take risks and create boundless catastrophes.

Kunpeng is also ready to go this way. If I want to have this insurance, Saint dare not do anything to him.

After all, although the importance of Beiming is not as important as the sea of ​​blood, once it is broken, the resulting karma strength is not small. Not to mention the knocking down of Saint, at least it can make him strength great injury. For a trifling Kunpeng, to suffer such a big loss, it is obviously not worth the gain.

Unfortunately, neither of these things can be done so easily.

Because Luo Shuhetu has no relationship with him, Kunpeng can only rely on the skill of water milling.

If he can completely refine this treasure before Fuxi proves the Tao, if he can’t really collect it for his own use, this can be considered a glimmer of survival under Heavenly Way, but time Not enough, it’s too late.

Refining the origin of Beiming is even more a matter of slow work and careful work. A little carelessness may lead to the result that not only cannot coexist with Beiming, but also can make oneself deeply affected. Seriously injured, very Supreme Path.

Just when Kunpeng hid in the small building and became unified, regardless of spring, summer, autumn and winter.

On this day, there was a throbbing in my heart, and it seemed that a major event had happened.

For this, Kunpeng suddenly felt a cloud of haze.

Is it a whim and a bad feeling, isn’t this a good sign?

“Asura Sovereign Wentianren under the Blood Sea Sect, come to visit the demon master, please also see.”

It is not waiting for Kunpeng to figure out what is going on. At this time, Bei Ming also dropped a bloody escape light in the sky, and after that, a voice passed through the layers of the great array, rang in Bei Ming, and clearly passed into Kunpeng’s ears.

“Why is it!”

Kunpeng suddenly turned pale with fright upon hearing the person’s introduction.

When people sit at home, disaster comes from heaven.

For Kunpeng, there is nothing more terrifying than hearing a sea of ​​blood.

Because Fang Qingshan mosquito person is the deepest fear in his heart.

After all, he saw Saint’s Nuwa fall in the hands of Fang Qingshan.

The Taoist ancestors who stand on the mountain can’t beat Fang Qingshan.

The most important thing is that there is no relationship between him and the sea of ​​blood, because the relationship between Monster Race and Nuwa is still in a state of vicious relationship.

The so-called one doesn’t visit a temple without a cause, the people of the sea of ​​blood suddenly visit, how can he not think too much?

So at this moment, his face was gloomy and uncertain.

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