As the Human Race Holy Mother, Nuwa and Human Race are naturally closely related. As long as no one deliberately conceals the secrets and deceives her perception, she will immediately know about any Human Race major event.

Human Race will have Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors born, leading the rise of Human Race and becoming a heaven and earth protagonist. Naturally, let her know immediately.

Almost at the same time, Nuwa thought of his brother Fuxi.

For Fuxi, Nuwa feels guilty.

In the past, Fuxi, as the elder brother, almost did his best to protect her, and left her the best things, including the Holy Throne, Hongmeng Purple Qi.

And he himself was wasted half of his life. Even in the end, in the Great Battle of Witch and Demon, if she hadn’t used the Mountains and Rivers State Chart to protect Fuxi’s Primordial Spirit, I’m afraid Fuxi would be like an emperor. Jun Supreme Unity has disappeared.

Even so, if there is only the Primordial Spirit, Fuxi might also be difficult to become a capable person.

So, she has to compensate Fuxi.

Great Battle of Witch and Demon, there is nothing to say because of being caught in it.

Now that Fuxi has escaped from the catastrophe, even if he can’t help his Sanctification, he still needs to be an immortal free and easy.

So, Nuwa has been waiting for an opportunity.

Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors. Certainly, Nuwa instantly thought of planning the emperor for his brother.

Human Race is the general trend of the rise, and the strong fate can be known from his recent cultivation.

And Human Race, as a heaven and earth protagonist, is backed by all Saints. If there is no accident, it will not change.

If Fuxi can enter the Human Race, become the emperor, fate, and add merit, not to mention the breakthrough, but it is not a problem to restore the original cultivation base.

Moreover, Human Sovereign’s fruit status is a humanity career status, not under Saint, plus the merit of Human Race, fate, it can be said that Human Race is immortal, Human Sovereign is immortal, except for the difference in power. , Is almost the same as Saint.

Even Saint will deal with Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors carefully, cautiously and cautiously, and at most suppress and detain, let alone kill, even if it dares to cause too much harm.

See how, isn’t that the case in the original track?

Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors are respected. Saint is afraid that they will affect his control of the Human Race, so he detains them in the Fire Cloud Cave and cannot show up easily.

The heart is not as good as the action.

Lao Tzu and Nuwa are both people who have already enjoyed the benefits of the addition of fate and the skyrocketing cultivation speed. They are not well-received and naturally hope for more.

Therefore, the two met soon.

“I have seen Nuwa Junior Sister.”

“I have seen First Senior Brother.”

After the two met, there was no nonsense, straight to said the point.

“Human Race Daxing, when there are Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors to rule the world.”

“Head of Three Sovereigns, my brother Fuxi can do the job.”

I need Nuwa to support himself in establishing Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, and Nuwa also needs to seek a position of emperor for Fuxi. The two have their own needs, and they hit it off.

There are a thousand cups of wine every confidant, but there are too many words without speculation.

With a few words, Lao Tzu and Nuwa reached an agreement, and soon new problems appeared.

Fuxi is a Monster Race. In the past, Monster Race was a butcher, and there was no ambiguity between humans and monsters.

Therefore, if Fuxi wanted to prove Human Sovereign, he had to reincarnate and fade away.

Otherwise, don’t say that Human Race does not agree, even Lao Tzu and the others will not agree.

After all, when the time comes, if Fuxi comes to a Shifting Flowers Connecting Wood Chīmèi Divine Method, they will have nowhere to cry.

Just want to reincarnate, you must go to reincarnation, and reincarnation is the base camp of the earth, just like Human Race wants to establish Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, Nuwa cannot be avoided, Fuxi wants to reincarnate Reincarnation is also impossible to hide.

The most important thing is that Lich is not incompatible.

Saving others with oneself, Nuwa believes that if he changes himself, he will definitely not agree, and even if he agrees, he will do something secretly.

And Samsara is one of the most mysterious powers in the world, except for Hou Tu, Heavenly Way Hongjun, Saint Yelusive.

If you have the intention to make things worse, just hook your fingers and make their plans go to waste.

“What should I do now?”

Nuwa asked unwillingly.

“When we get to the mountain, there’ll be a way through, the bridge head of the waterway is naturally straight. It is futile for us to guess here. It’s better to go to the underworld and talk about it in person, maybe another There is a turning point.”

I don’t have any good solutions now, so I can only take one step.

Laozi and Nuwa took Fuxi’s Primordial Spirit and soon came to the gates of hell.

“Poor Daoist Lao Tzu, Nuwa took the liberty to visit, and I would like to ask Hou Tu Saint to see you.”

Lao Tzu’s voice is not loud, but it is endless, like water waves, spreading It rang out in the entire underground palace.

In a palace next to Six Roads of Samsara, there was a compassionate woman who looked very similar to Houtu and slowly opened her eyes.

“Why did they come?”

This person is not someone else, but the incarnation of Houtu’s corpse, calm.

As for her deity, she is not in the underworld at this moment, but in the Pangu great hall of Reed Continent.

Journey to the West, the monsters with the background of the backer were all killed, and the monsters without the background of the backer were killed.

The same goes for the Great Battle of Witch and Demon.

Fuxi leaned against Nuwa, so he survived and kept the Primordial Spirit.

The Twelve Ancestral Witch should have fallen like Dijun Supreme Unity.

It’s just that, this time, Houtu proves Sanctification, so they also have a backing.

Therefore, before the war, when cultivating Hou Yi, the twelve ancestor witches each left their minds and efforts. Just like Fuxi’s Primordial Spirit protected by Nuwa.

At this moment, Houtu is in Pangu’s great hall. With the power of Pan ancient palace, the background of the witch clan, and her cultivation base, he helps the twelve ancestor witches recover and recover as soon as possible.

If Hou Tu is in the underworld, Lao Tzu and Nuwa’s request to see each other, she simply ignores them and can directly let them eat a cold shoulder.

However, in the end it is kind.

Although she and Hou Tu are one person and two sides, what she inherited is the great mercy of her incarnation reincarnation.

Although I know that Nuwa and Hou Tu of the Wu Clan are not dealing with each other, they can’t do anything to keep people out.

“Two Fellow Daoists are coming from afar, please come in!”

As soon as the voice fell, the gates of hell opened wide and Six Roads of Samsara shot a black and white The staggered brilliance spread to the feet of the two.

Nuwa and Lao Tzu looked at each other, stepped on it, and after a short while, they saw a woman who was no different from Hou Tu except for her temperament, looking at them.

“Poor Daoist has met two Fellow Daoist in peace.”

“I, Nuwa, I have met Fellow Daoist in Pingxin.”

Meet each other After a bow, there was really nothing to talk about, and I had to tell the purpose of coming to the underworld this time.

“Fellow Daoist, Nuwa Fellow Daoist and I are here this time for Great Desolate sentient beings.”

Seeing people talking, talking to ghosts, I see peace of mind At the first glance, there was a scrutiny in his mind. Before the purpose was stated, he first deducted a big hat. In an vain attempt to seize the people first and inspire Ping Xin’s justice and compassion, so as to gain the upper hand in the next negotiation.

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