A sea of ​​blood!

After Fang Qingshan got three mirrors, he impatiently returned to the sea of ​​blood.

He desperately wants to fuse together the four mirrors.

Just like Innate’s five flags were united in one, the five rosettes swallowed each other.

At the moment, Fang Qingshan wants to play the same old trick, to let the best quality reincarnation mirror swallow the three-sided top Innate Sacred Jewel, reincarnation mirror, Clear Sky Mirror, Kunlun Mirror. Achieve the Supreme Treasure of reincarnation, and assist yourself in transforming the law of reincarnation.


One great cauldron stands loudly, two ears, four legs, eight sides, not metal, not jade, non-copper and non-iron, glazed light, on the belly of the tripod Engraved with many strange Totems, as well as many Zhuwen ancient seals, at a glance, there is nothing surprising. When you look carefully, it is radiant and radiant. The belly is full of major events that Heaven and Earth Cauldron participated in.

There are scenes of Nuwa creating Man, adding merits, and achieving Saint Paragon, scenes of falling Buzhou Mountain, refining colorful stones to fill the sky, smelting Innate five square flags, five square lotus terrace breakthrough Innate Supreme Treasure grand occasion.

Apart from this, as well as the appearance of all kinds of things, as large as Sun, Moon and Stars, heaven and earth mountains and rivers, storms and thunderstorms, as small as animals and plants, Insect scales and evil spirits that have never been seen before Monsters are all present.

For three days, please be respectful.

It is true that these words are used in Heaven and Earth Cauldron.

When this thing was in the hands of Heaven and Earth Old Ancestor, although it was good, it was only good. In terms of attack, it was better than Yuantu Abi sword, and in terms of defense, it was better than heaven and earth people. The three books are better. The only thing that is great is that it can reverse Innate, but at that time, the entire Great Desolate, not to mention Innate, is not uncommon, but the day after tomorrow is as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns, so this function is quite Chicken ribs.

Don’t say that compared with the Three Treasures of Kaitian, it is the original Divine Spear. In addition to its inferior grade and unable to suppress fate, it is not necessarily inferior.

However, after this thing fell into Fang Qingshan’s hands, the situation was quite different.

First, he assisted Fang Qingshan in smelting the Innate Five Square Banner and the Twenty Grade 4 Supreme Treasure.

Two Supreme Treasures were formed, Dao Rhyme leaked, Heaven and Earth Cauldron naturally benefited a lot.

Then there is Nuwa creating Man, two major events of refining stone to replenish the sky, adding merit.

Heaven and Earth Cauldron are still inferior to the Three Treasures of Heaven and even the Divine Spear that combines the killing of Demon God, but compared to the Five Elements flag and Hongmeng Heaven Measuring Ruler in the hands of Fang Qingshan It is greatly beyond.

According to grade, it has reached the ranks of high grade Innate Supreme Treasure.

With the help of this treasure, Fang Qingshan refine’s speed of several treasure mirrors is naturally easier and faster.


Fang Qingshan click gently, the reincarnation mirror in Jiuhua Mountain, Clear Sky Mirror and Kunlun Mirror almost simultaneously fell into Heaven and Earth Cauldron.

“Ding refining heaven and earth, return to origin!”

Fang Qingshan screamed, both hands forming seals, and both hands formed a Way Law tactic like wearing flowers and butterflies.

One refers to the great cauldron, the refine in the cauldron, the return to Origin rule and the array begin to rotate, and there is a sound of hua hua like flowing water, like those three mirrors are rice, in the great cauldron Accept panning in.

But in the end, these three mirrors are not rice, but rank among the top Innate Sacred Jewel.

creatures with no power still unable to live without a purpose, let alone these top Innate Sacred Jewels.

Although they have no spiritual wisdom, they are no worse than intelligent creatures in terms of spirituality.

I feel that I am about to be refined, return to Origin, and spirituality is lost.

Although they are facing Heaven and Earth Cauldron, who are of higher rank than them. But the three mirrors still started to struggle.

dang dang!! !

There was a sound as if the voice of Yellow Bell Great Sound was transmitted from Heaven and Earth Cauldron.

There is the manifestation of reincarnation, the formation of the six paths, welcoming life and death, and the cycle of heaven.

There are four directions, vast and boundless, carrying together and inclusive of everything.

There are since ancient times, everywhere, spring and autumn, and instant beauty.

Reincarnation, space, time!

The three-faced treasure mirror directly manifests its three origins, Top Law, constantly colliding, trying to break through the refined array of Heaven and Earth Cauldron.

It’s almost like two armies facing each other.

Heaven and Earth Cauldron is the general trend, dignified is positive, and is overwhelming.

And the three-sided treasure mirror is a trapped beast, fighting until the death. If there is a glimmer of survival, I will never give up until the last moment.

When they collided with each other, the force became stronger, the law became stronger, the frequency became faster and faster, and finally, there were even natural phenomena and sounds coming out of Heaven and Earth Cauldron. The entire Heaven and Earth Cauldron was in turmoil.

Fortunately, Heaven and Earth Cauldron is not what it used to be, and Fang Qingshan has absolute oppressive power. Otherwise, I am afraid the result will be unpredictable.

The reason for this is naturally because the three mirrors same root with different branches. At the critical moment of life and death, although they are not willing to merge with each other, they can be formed like Three Purities, the twelve ancestral witches. The formation, resisted every day.

This is also the reason why Heaven and Earth Cauldron cannot immediately and completely refine.

If it weren’t for Heaven and Earth Cauldron’s greatness, Fang Qingshan blessed the spiritual power of Hunyuan. No, it’s impossible to prevent it, and it might even make the three-sided treasure mirror out of trouble.

In fact, the easiest way is to refine side by side. That way, the three-sided treasure mirror can’t turn over any waves.

However, it is the same now, just a little more troublesome.

However, although Heaven and Earth Cauldron shakes a lot, Fang Qingshan doesn’t care at all. Except for a steady flow blessing with spiritual power, his eyes are slightly closed, his ears are listening, his expression is intoxicated. , A look of enjoyment.

Why is it said that fighting is the best Teacher?

Because there is a big horror between life and death, only at this time will we try our best to stimulate potential.

The same is true now. The three mirrors of Haotian Kunlun’s reincarnation have reached a critical moment of survival. At the most dangerous juncture, it naturally reveals the most original power.

Because of the same root with different branches, at the same time facing the enemy and running in with each other, under the pressure of Heaven and Earth Cauldron, fuse together, it became the origin of reincarnation again.

The vibrating sound may be noise to others, but the most beautiful sound in Fang Qingshan is the sound of Great Way.

Great music sounds, great music must be easy. At this time, in a sea of ​​blood, before Heaven and Earth Cauldron, the three-sided mirror has not fully returned to the Origin, or even the other Supreme Treasure Combining the two into one, but Fang Qingshan has been inspired by the confrontation between the three-sided treasure mirror and Heaven and Earth Cauldron, and has gone a step further to Law Comprehension of Samsara.

The Five Elements law rolls, begin to stir, it seems to be changing towards the law of reincarnation.

The last time I retreat, I refined the treasure mirror of reincarnation, refined the law of reincarnation, refined the flesh and blood of reincarnation, Fang Qingshan has already intial peep at the entrance of the law of reincarnation, and the law of Five Elements is slowly moving towards reincarnation. Conversion.

However, this progress is still not enough fast.

Now, Fang Qingshan has benefited a lot from seeing and hearing with his own eyes the emergence of the origin of reincarnation.

Just like seeing the formation of the 20 Grade 4 Karma red lotus, the Great Way Azure Lotus visual map is quickly improved.

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