Those who can enter West Kunlun are those who are devoted to cultivating the Tao, or those who do not have too many distracting thoughts and are content with the status quo.

Just like the ancient Human Race Sage that Fang Qingshan encountered when he was in Journey to the West Great World and went to Da Chi Tian to listen to the Dao.

So, the whole West Kunlun is full of peace.

It’s lively but not noisy, crowded but not crowded, there is struggle but no intrigue, there is obsession but there is no devil…

Only, at a certain moment, the air There was a wave of fluctuations in the middle. Except for Queen Mother of the West, all creatures, even time, and space seemed to be frozen, and there was no very quiet sound.

However, this is only the boundary of West Kunlun, the Queen Mother of the West, and outside, even if it is separated by a line, there is no clue at all. Even if Saint is close, if you don’t pay attention, you will subconsciously ignore it. .

Besides she was wandering, she was immersed in the Great Way. Suddenly, she felt something was wrong. Everything around her seemed too quiet. Although she was cultivating, she was not secluded cultivation. Primordial Spirit was outside, sensing such a change, he quickly opened his eyes, Primordial Spirit swept away, and immediately startled.

First of all, it seems that the entire West Kunlun has been used Space-Time Stop. Except for her, everyone else is silent, and there is no resistance at all.

Secondly, Queen Mother West found that although she was not hit, she was obviously a show mercy, because if she wanted to extend the Primordial Spirit beyond West Kunlun, it was obviously beyond her ability.

Faced with this situation, Queen Mother West was naturally surprised, afraid and angry. She was surprised that someone silently controlled the entire West Kunlun. What she was afraid of was that if this person wanted to deal with herself, why It’s not a matter of flipping the palms, but the anger is naturally self-evident. Whoever encounters this situation will be angry.

“I don’t know which Saint is from Kunlun, the little girl is honored. I also ask Saint to show up, so that I can do my best as a landlord.”

Queen Mother of the West came back to his senses very quickly, and she settled her mind. The noble and dignified voice filled with the magnetism of silver bells and flowing water.

She knows that every major event is calm, because panic, anger and other emotions will not help but add chaos.

More importantly, with her cultivation base, means, and the identity of the host, she was unconsciously hit. Looking at the entire Great Desolate, those who have this ability, except Hunyuan Saint , She couldn’t think of anyone else.

Since it is Hunyuan Saint, if you want to deal with her, simply don’t have to be so troublesome, and it’s useless to resist. In this case, Queen Mother Xi naturally adjusted her mind quickly.

“What a Queen Mother of the West, she deserves to be the first female fairy!”

A sigh of emotion came out from the air, like the waves of the air surging, thin and dense Through the entire West Kunlun, it penetrated into every corner, but nothing leaked outside. Three Purities and the others simply didn’t find the slightest difference in West Kunlun, which seemed to be no different from before, and even subconsciously ignored the existence of West Kunlun.

I have to say that after this time of retreat, I digested the treasures obtained in the Witch Clan’s secret storehouse, Fang Qingshan’s cultivation base went further, and my understanding of Tao is increasing day by day, especially Five The reincarnation of Elements has been on the right track. Although it is not as good as Hongjun who has already returned to the Natural State, he has reached the pinnacle. The shot is like an antelope hanging a horn, without any traces at all.

Following, you will see one silhouette dangling out of the void, turning true from illusory, and there will be ripples and ripples in the air. On both sides, they look like curtains.

“It turns out that Paragon, the sea of ​​blood, is here, and Poor Daoist is rude.”

When he saw that the person was Fang Qingshan, Queen Mother Xi’s pupil suddenly shrank into a needle eye.

She and Fang Qingshan have no intersection. Their status and cultivation base are even more incomparable. I don’t know what will happen to Fang Qingshan at this moment.

The most important thing is the silent arrival. The entire West Kunlun is under his domineering control. Queen Mother West believes that even if she wants to external sound transmission, she might not be able to do it.

Furthermore, Fang Qingshan only concealed the secret of heaven with his front foot, and detained Haotian, the newly appointed Jade Emperor, Great Emperor, and traded for Clear Sky Mirror, and his back foot came to West Kunlun.

“Is it for Kunlun Mirror?”

Before and after the contact, Queen Mother West had a vague guess in her heart.

With this guess, Queen Mother Xi and Haotian felt the same way. And even more reluctant and difficult to choose.

After all, Haotian’s Clear Sky Mirror is only available, and it is not hot yet, while Queen Mother’s Kunlun Mirror is her companion Supreme Treasure, which is more important than the water purification bowl that Hongjun gave her. , The significance is even more extraordinary.

“This time I took the liberty to visit Fellow Daoist, but it was to exchange Kunlun Mirror with Fellow Daoist.”

Sure enough, Fang Qingshan’s words confirmed Xi Wangmu’s guess, but in her heart Can’t raise the slightest happiness.

At the same time, a wave of helplessness struck my heart deeply.

Sorrow, this is the sorrow of the weak.

Without strength, they can only be slaughtered.

Fang Qingshan is pretty good, although he is also very domineering, but at least it doesn’t make people suffer. If you meet someone in the demonic path, such as Luo Hu, I’m afraid I won’t give you the same compensation. , Throwing bone casually, I am afraid it is a great reward, what’s more, there is no compensation, and even the killer will be hurt.

“Kunlun Mirror can be seen by Paragon, that is the honor of Poor Daoist.”

The arms can’t twist the thighs. Although she feels awkward, Queen Mother of the West and Haotian have the same face. Did not show up.

Because she knows that Fang Qingshan is different from other Saints, other Saint Hunyuan may still see Hongjun not embarrassing her too much, and suppress her at most.

After all, she is also the head of the female fairies proclaimed by Taoist ancestors.

However, Fang Qingshan is a person who will go to war with Dao Ancestor if he doesn’t agree with him. If he is a stubborn, I am afraid that he will be a painful killer.

See how, is even Haotian a very current transaction?

Therefore, Queen Mother Xi also directly took out the Kunlun Mirror and handed it to Fang Qingshan.

“Okay, so many thanks Fellow Daoist.”

Fang Qingshan is very satisfied with Queen Mother Xi’s knowledge,

“I don’t take it for nothing. Fellow Daoist’s stuff, this Sacred Jewel has an unusual relationship with Fellow Daoist, just treat it as the original owner. I believe Fellow Daoist will not feel that this deal will be a loss.”

Fang Qingshan took out a picture scroll and handed it to Queen Mother Xi.

“This is…”

Seeing this treasure, Queen Mother West was shocked.

Because this treasure was the time when the mosquitoes were searching for three immortal islands in the world, looking for Jingshi Bailian, and happened to encounter Monster Race attacking Penglai Island, and finally took advantage of a crisis for personal gain and robbed Heavenspan halfway. The opportunity originally belonged to the Eastern Prince, the treasure of Penglai Island’s luck, Wanxian formation diagram.

This treasure, although not as good as the Great Desolate three great arrays, is still the next best one.

With it, the strength of West Queen Mother and West Kunlun can be organically integrated and their strength greatly increased.

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